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Messages - KurisuKaatsu

Arena / Tetris League (of Denver)
April 07, 2016, 12:22:02 AM
Quote from: cubixcreature
It certainly appeals to all levels of tetris players, however it could be cool to get more competitive tetris players out to it... I just went to my first one, i'm not hosting it or anything. I just thought it was cool to be in a room of other tetris players.

Where are the conventions held?

That "league" only appeals to casual Tetris players. It's literally a single line clear race as every line of garbage gives your opponent an extra 2.25 pieces (9 blocks) for clearing. If there was no time limit, this wouldn't be an issue but the stupid 2 minute rule with 30 second overtime completely ruins any competitive play.

I know you don't run it, but I'm still bitter that over the owner taking 1/2 the pot for personal gain. Also as a personal opinion, I don't want to be in a room full of those kinds of Tetris players. As I said before, getting screamed and yelled in my ear every time there's a Tetris and casuals believing they're experts critizing your moves behind your back is just way too much of a toxic community to associate myself with. (No pun intended)

I have no problem with using the SNES tetris to bring in casuals, but when they act like its the most pure game for experts, I won't waste my time arguing with that.

From what I know, the 2 experts known in Colorado are me and DDR_Daniel. There could be more but we both compete on a 7dan level for Puyo Tetris. (DDR_Daniel is a god at puyo and swap also.)

I don't know the next anime convention I'll set the game up unfortunately. I think I'm going to try "Anime Southwest" but nothing is set in stone.
Arena / Tetris League (of Denver)
March 31, 2016, 02:29:04 AM
If you're into casual tetris play who doesn't mind the host stealing a majority of the pot, go for it.

If you're a higher level tetris player, don't go to this. Unless you want to play a 2 minute single line race on an old tetris game while having drunk people scream Tetris every time in your face, just stay away from this "league".
(Feel free to come to the anime conventions in Colorado! I always set up Puyo Tetris ^^)
Tetris / Tetraminos Lazy Review
March 09, 2016, 05:43:08 AM
Tetris / Status of International Red Bull 5G
September 22, 2015, 12:45:23 PM
Tetris / Tetris ultimate (next gen)
June 12, 2015, 07:27:55 PM
Got bored and hopped into an online game. First match, infinite glitch.
Decided to upload it for documentation purposes. This in on the new 1.02 patch. Also, at the end, I show my 115% broken clear rate and the godly sprint times.
Oh man, here I go again.
I should also clarify that I am playing on the PS4.

As stated during the stream, there is 3 new "challenge" modes for DLC.
Each is 2.99USD or you can buy the pack for 6.99USD

You will NOT be able to see the DLC in the in-game store. You must either use the store app on the home menu or use the browser version.

You'll see Chrisketchum1 on the top of the leaderboards for landslide and time's up currently one it updates.

So time to debunk the change log!

- Framerate issues and dropped commands are still an issue

- Infinate matches in Tetris STILL exist. (Confirmed yesterday and today)

- Progression Circle still broken (I have a "game complete" of 115%!)

- Sound effects were actually fixed! Except for the ubisoft splash screen which is WAY below standard Db.

- I haven't had the application crash "yet". I only experienced it 4 times since launch.

- Leaderboards were not fixed. Yes, negative times were removed but those 1s sprint gods still exist.

So, I literally repeated my previous post...Yeah..Still looking for more team members to program a Tetris game.

Edit #01 -
The patch that was discussed during the recent live stream was in reference to 1.02. It was released on 00:01MST on the 08 Jun 2015. The devolpement team was unaware that the patch was released 1 day earlier before the playstation store update.
Ok, I couldn't resist. I "had" to take a look into it.

- Menu SFX has been normalized.
- Ubisoft Splash screen volume has been lowered beyond the game standard DB.
- Playstation Store is now open but no DLC available.
- Marathon mode is still a b****. Disappearning animations on line clears still exist and all the other bull****.
- Uplay now spams you when you start the game.

So, anything else?

Edit #01
- Sprint leaderboards no longer contain negative times. Unfortunally, the miracle 1 second gods still plague the boards.
- DLC for PS4 is the vita modes. Time's Up, Haunted, and Landslide confirmed by the empty leaderboards.

Edit #02
I played some more today just to see if anything else changed.

- Infinite matches still exist. I don't see any changes for tetris live.
- Change log 1.02 says "This patch contains various performance improvements and minor bug-fixes."

If you don't know, they have a "special" announcement at 14:00PST on their twitch channel. They're likely going to talk about the DLC and the PC release.
1.02 patch for Tetris Ultimate PS4 just got released. Heading to bed as I already noticed that they can't even normalize the audio for the ubisoft logo...
Not going to waste my time with a lengthy review. If anyone wants to help me make a real tetris game, please PM me.

Looks like they took a GBA game and stretched. Looks awful on my OLED. I guess ubisoft is using those Vita 2000 now...

Identical except no uplay. Uplay achievements replaced with "Power Play" achievements. (Essentially send a certian item tons of times)


(Edit: #01 Everytime you scroll down the menu, the sound effect doubles creating a overlapped clicking sound...*awful*)

Got a badge, glitch disabled background sound, cleared marathon, displayed badge achievement, game skipped marathon results. *sigh*

Time's Up:
Decresed value of time throughout play. Tetris soon stopped adding time to the clock around 07:00 minutes. Impossible to play forever.

Awesome concept. Essentialy "Make It Rain" every 10 placed pieces but also can add floating garbage. Problem  is that it fills up too quick. Can cheat mode by playing only on line 18-20.

Wtf, level one with no ghost piece. Soft drop galore...No fun really...

Any other questions? No? Ok.

Edit #02: Battle mode is 1v1 only.

Edit #03: Adding some things for clarification.
- Not Cross Buy
- Seperate Leaderboards (aka. Leaderboards are different per game.)
- No Cross-Save
- New Mode Flash will bubble off screen. (You can see the ripples of it on the bottom.)
- Ubisoft Splash Screen is running like 15fps
Tetris / Tetris ultimate (next gen)
March 29, 2015, 07:20:19 PM

I refuse to lose my first online match so I just played like 20 minutes until the guy finally tapped out.
Tetris / Tetris ultimate (next gen)
January 22, 2015, 09:46:09 PM
This will be likely my last post for this game as I have moved on to other projects and have lost faith with this version of Tetris.

It was my sixth time at E3 and after how amazing Puyo Tetris was, I was excited to see what direction ubisoft would take Tetris Ultimate. I got to meet up up shortly with Adrian Price on friday(?) and I was asked on my opinion.

The minute I started to critique his work, I was cut-off mid sentence, was told that it's a work in progress, and pushed away like I didn't know what I was talking about or giving him his praise like he "deserves". It was borderline insulting having industry professionals around me have to see that. I literally didn't get one sentence in and I was being EXTREMEMLY business tactful as I know that critique can be taken offensively. (Been there 6 years, learned the hard way years ago with Konami.)

Now, I'm not the best Tetris player in the world. I'm good enough to play with "some" of the HD guys though. One of the problems is having a producer (Adrian Price), who doesn't understand the game enough, trying to make a "hardcore" version of the game. I've watched him play multiple times and already saw the red flags. At least Alex Rigopulos of Harmonix plays JP rhythm games so he understands what direction a game needs to take for casuals and hardcore demographic.

I never announced this but I sent an E-mail directly to Adrian Price around August, (I got his buisness information at E3), and I asked under my own expenses, I asked if I could fly back to their studios to further test the game and brainstorm some ideas for the future of tetris. I did not receive a response. I'm surprised that the Soma team didn't take some of the hints I left on this forum about how to evolve the Tetris game.

I saw this coming and I've seen this with multiple other games throughout the years, but the tl;dr of this is that a producer who doesn't know enough about a project, can't make it better. It's like having someone buy out an anime convention just because of the possible income without the knowledge and an understand of the culture.

Persona Selfie
In non-related news, I got to work with the Persona team this weekend WOOOO!!!

Tetris / Tetris ultimate (next gen)
November 11, 2014, 04:08:50 PM
Quote from: Ravendarksky

In your system i randomly get 3, 3 gets 2 and 4 gets me. I kill 3 very quickly.... but it's already too late. They've stacked up a 20 combo 4 wide and I'm dead.

OK sure this won't matter in a room where everyone is PRO, but it makes combos/static setups OP for mid level play which I've always hated.

Well, a knock out style is the only "fair" way that one player can't receive garbage from 2 players in a 10 second time span. What's worse than someone doing a 15 combo, then 5 seconds later, someone else does a 15 combo essentially making it impossible to survive.

Yes, it would change gameplay dramatically. The start of a game will focus on countering combos from your attacker and with more eliminations, the game will shift to a heavier T-spin gameplay. Not only that, it forces high level players to negate as much garbage as possible.

Two things I should note is that garbage should be sent Puyo Puyo Tetris style and that left over garbage that knocked out an opponent can not carry over to the next player.

So, long story short, yes, it changes the way you play tetris but I don't have to worry about possibility of receiving an unfair amount of garbage.
Tetris / Tetris ultimate (next gen)
November 10, 2014, 07:16:51 PM
Quote from: caffeine
@raven In one of the recent gameplay videos, they played a 4-way game. The target cycled around, changing players with each send event. I think this is definitely an improvement over "target each player for x seconds," since it's more difficult to exploit.

For large scale games of 4+ players, there needs to be a change of rules on how garbage is dispersed. It should be set in a knockout style.

For example: a 4 player game
Players A, B, C, and D

Players will be randomized in a order. Let's say it somehow landed on A > B > C > D
Player A damage will only affect Player B
Player B damage will only affect Player C
Player C damage will only affect Player D
Player D damage will only affect Player A

If a player tops out, the damage will be sent to the next player in line.
So if Player B Tops out:
Player A damage will only affect Player C
Player C damage will only affect Player D
Player D damage will only affect Player A

Then let's say Player D Tops out:
Player A damage will only affect Player C
Player C damage will only affect Player A

This completely removes the issue of someone receiving multiple amounts of garbage from the same people.

Tetris / Tetris ultimate (next gen)
October 13, 2014, 11:15:19 PM
This video is the "official 3DS" teaser trailer. It's nothing special but I love how they forgot to unlist the video.
Here's some player who tries to play tetris. (Slam em'?)
IGN talks about Tetris. This is the same footage they released before.

Nothing special, but that's the results of my youtube search.
Tetris / Tetris ultimate (next gen)
October 11, 2014, 01:37:17 AM
Quote from: caffeine
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]I had trouble getting pieces to spin as quickly and consistently as I wanted them to. The game seems to rotate a piece, then force you to wait for a moment before you can rotate it again.

Well, I can confirm that there isn't a problem with piece rotation time. One thing you may want to consider is that horrific Sony Bravia TV with that estimated 15ms response rate...

Another thing I noticed with the sprint video is that it displays combos. WHY? Combos are bad in sprint because of the line clear delay.
Granted, I think it would be AWESOME if they used this to change sprint. Imagine if the higher your combo, the faster the line clear delay is. (So a line clear can have a 1 second delay with a super fancy animation and a 4 combo reduces it to .8 and a 6 combo reduces it to .6, etc.) It would totally change how you play sprint and would look more appealing to the mass audience to see just a flood of combos.