Tetris ultimate (next gen)

Started by waizqt, June 04, 2014, 03:05:53 PM

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First, does the order only change in the event of a knock out? That must not be the case, since it would mean a player would most definitely receive multiple attacks from the same opponent. The unlucky player on the receiving end of the most aggressive attacker would receive far more garbage than anyone else. They would at least until the first player gets knocked out.

Second, I don't see how this ends up working any better than the system I've observed in the video. Sending each attack to a random opponent would mean a player may receive more attack events than his opponents. At least by cycling uniformly, you are guaranteed to receive no more attack events than any other player.

I think I must be misunderstanding you.


So the game is listed for $29.99 on both the Canadian and US eShops.  Did Nintendo put the wrong price up by mistake or is this for real?


Quote from: iphys
So the game is listed for $29.99 on both the Canadian and US eShops.  Did Nintendo put the wrong price up by mistake or is this for real?

It's for real =(.  I had a response from Ubisoft's CeeCee who said the price is correct on the e-shop but she was not able to comment on why.


Sigh, maybe they're just trying to see how many people they can get to buy it for $30 before they start dropping the price.  I often get the feeling games are being released at a higher price point than they should be on the eShop nowadays to allow for having sales down the line.  I don't think they're going to sell many copies for $30 when people can buy Axis for $10 though, and I think even Axis went on sale for $5 at one point.


Quote from: iphys
Sigh, maybe they're just trying to see how many people they can get to buy it for $30 before they start dropping the price.  I often get the feeling games are being released at a higher price point than they should be on the eShop nowadays to allow for having sales down the line.  I don't think they're going to sell many copies for $30 when people can buy Axis for $10 though, and I think even Axis went on sale for $5 at one point.

Yeah, actually I just got another message right now that they are looking into the price difference.


I think Tetris Ultimate looks quite good, just a bit on the blue side.  I'll need to have a closer inspection on Friday when my 3DS copy (EU Release) comes home.

I'll also be looking around for some online recordings (Probably 3DS Capture board recordings, since I had to strain my eyes to see.)

The wait for PC goes. I'm expecting 2015

(Sorry for the mistype on the chat, too.)
Seeking improvement on Tetris, but taking it one mino at a time.


Any word on the price? I am not buying the download version if I can get a hard copy for the same price.


Quote from: KurisuKaatsu

For large scale games of 4+ players, there needs to be a change of rules on how garbage is dispersed. It should be set in a knockout style.

This makes the current situation even worse.

I'm player 1
player 2 is a beginner
player 3 is a beginner
player 4 is a combo MASTER

In your system i randomly get 3, 3 gets 2 and 4 gets me. I kill 3 very quickly.... but it's already too late. They've stacked up a 20 combo 4 wide and I'm dead.

You need to be able to consistently pressure ALL players at the start of the game to remove the ability to rely on receiving no garbage for the first while and generally getting away with it in larger rooms.

OK sure this won't matter in a room where everyone is PRO, but it makes combos/static setups OP for mid level play which I've always hated.


Was also under the impression it would be $19.99. Going to wait I suppose.


Another strange thing is the list of eligible products on Club Nintendo lists two versions of Tetris Ultimate: one for 20 coins and one for 30 coins, like Nintendo expected the digital and physical versions to be priced differently.


Quote from: Ravendarksky

In your system i randomly get 3, 3 gets 2 and 4 gets me. I kill 3 very quickly.... but it's already too late. They've stacked up a 20 combo 4 wide and I'm dead.

OK sure this won't matter in a room where everyone is PRO, but it makes combos/static setups OP for mid level play which I've always hated.

Well, a knock out style is the only "fair" way that one player can't receive garbage from 2 players in a 10 second time span. What's worse than someone doing a 15 combo, then 5 seconds later, someone else does a 15 combo essentially making it impossible to survive.

Yes, it would change gameplay dramatically. The start of a game will focus on countering combos from your attacker and with more eliminations, the game will shift to a heavier T-spin gameplay. Not only that, it forces high level players to negate as much garbage as possible.

Two things I should note is that garbage should be sent Puyo Puyo Tetris style and that left over garbage that knocked out an opponent can not carry over to the next player.

So, long story short, yes, it changes the way you play tetris but I don't have to worry about possibility of receiving an unfair amount of garbage.


Quote from: KurisuKaatsu

Well, a knock out style is the only "fair" way that one player can't receive garbage from 2 players in a 10 second time span. What's worse than someone doing a 15 combo, then 5 seconds later, someone else does a 15 combo essentially making it impossible to survive.
Why does it have to be a 10 second time span?

Quote from: KurisuKaatsu
The start of a game will focus on countering combos from your attacker and with more eliminations, the game will shift to a heavier T-spin gameplay. Not only that, it forces high level players to negate as much garbage as possible.
No, it wouldn't. Alternatively, if it would, that property would not be due to this particular style of garbage distribution.

Quote from: KurisuKaatsu
Two things I should note is that garbage should be sent Puyo Puyo Tetris style
Why? Because that's what you're used to?

Quote from: KurisuKaatsu
So, long story short, yes, it changes the way you play tetris but I don't have to worry about possibility of receiving an unfair amount of garbage.
You would definitely have to worry about unfair garbage in this system. It's already been explained why in this thread.


Fyi, price on the Nintendo eShop is now reflecting the correct pricing of $19.99.  

Hope you're all enjoying it!


Thanks for the info CeeCee. Might have to get this on one of my kids 3DS tomorrow.


Quote from: ItsCeeCee
Fyi, price on the Nintendo eShop is now reflecting the correct pricing of $19.99.  

Hope you're all enjoying it!

Just checked.  Still $29.99 on the Canadian eShop.