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Messages - bluedoom57

Tetris / Nullpo 40 lines lag/input drops?
June 06, 2015, 04:19:26 AM
I apologize for no response, I forgot I made this thread and found it again when I was looking for info (Hooray for my stupidity xD)

I'm not sure what the perfect fps mode is, but I assumed it was supposed to use extra processing power or something to try and force the fps to stay at your max. I could be wrong on that.

As for whether I get frame drops or not when the laggy stuff happens, it comes too infrequently for me to record it, but from what I can see it happens whether my frames are dropping or not.

If it's a different problem for whether the frames are dropping or not, and there's a solution for each, I'd like to hear whatever solutions there are so I can try them all and see if it fixes it.
Tetris / Nullpo 40 lines lag/input drops?
May 13, 2015, 11:16:12 AM
I've been having a problem with Nullpo for quite some time now in which it'll drop one of my arrow key inputs, and sometimes my rotate keys. I've also had a problem with just general lag/slowdown in 40 lines mode, and it throws me off a ton (and also makes efficient key pressing a lot more difficult). There've been times when I'll hard drop a piece on one wall, and I'll see it drop to the bottom, only to suddenly warp to the other side of the screen.

I initially assumed this was due to my old computer being bad (which it was, Nullpo was about the only thing I could run without it overheating), but I recently got a 'new' computer, and I'm still having the same problems. They aren't quite as frequent, but they're still there. The drivers are as up to date as I can get them, and I've tried the perfect fps mode, though that tends to just make it worse.

I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem, or knows how to fix it? I'm not good enough at the game to where it's game breaking, but it is a nuisance.
Tetris / Fastest time using spacebar for hard drop?
April 27, 2015, 06:45:52 AM
Quote from: XaeL
You do realise you can hit the spacebar with your index finger...

I assume the people who always said to not use the spacebar realized that as well...
Tetris / Fastest time using spacebar for hard drop?
April 27, 2015, 04:41:08 AM
I never suspected the spacebar to be viable o.o
I appreciate the input!
Tetris / Fastest time using spacebar for hard drop?
April 27, 2015, 02:50:00 AM
I just got myself my first sub 45 time (44.60), and it feels incredible. I still use the default control scheme from TetrisFriends on nullpo (Z and X for rotating, C for hold, Space for hard drop), though I've seen countless people say that you shouldn't use the spacebar. I can understand why, but I don't really feel like learning a different control scheme at the moment, been using the same one for 3 or so years

That said, I was curious as to what the "ideal time" would be for using spacebar, if there is one. I'm sure this is probably a stupid topic/question, but I was curious. And I couldn't really find an answer.
Tetris / A question for all
April 09, 2015, 12:27:45 PM
Well, glad to see I'm not the only one.
DAS seems to be a problem no matter where I set it. I've tried everything between 5 and 20, and I seem to work best with 8 or 12.
At the moment, the largest problem I have is slowdown due to my computer dying. On top of my lack of skill, it makes it very frustrating to play
Tetris / A question for all
April 09, 2015, 07:40:51 AM
I'm sure I'm probably the only one, but do you guys ever get a period of time (days, weeks, however long) where you just despise playing tetris?
I've been having a relatively long string of this, and I was curious of whether other people experience it or not. I think Tetris is one of very few games that can make me hate myself xD (Don't get me wrong, I love Tetris, but sometimes... ugh, I just wish it never existed xD)
Tetris / Personal Milestone get!
March 18, 2015, 08:50:07 PM
I shall press onward until I reach those goals then, or at least get as close as I possibly can! Thanks for the congrats too, I appreciate it
I know I apparently stack wrong for 40 lines, but it seems to be working out for me nontheless.
Tetris / Personal Milestone get!
March 17, 2015, 05:39:51 PM
Huzzah and such, for today I've hit a 49.38 in 40 lines mode! Not only that, I jumped to it from a 52.86, so I cut around 3ish seconds from my previous best! I feel incredible~
I'm considering continuing for an even better time, but I also kind of want to some other Nullpomino modes, though I'm not sure what exactly to do. My overall goal is mostly just to get to a general point where I can be considered a "good" player. Not great, not WR worthy or anything like that, just "good". Not sure if I've really reached that or not with 40 lines though. Are there any other specific modes I should work on to reach the "good" marker?
Also, I feel like I've been posting a lot, sorry for that. I've never really used forums very much so I'm not sure how much or how little to post >.>

Also also, my run
Tetris / Is it just me, or am I just bad?
March 11, 2015, 08:45:57 AM
I meant to add this on my previous post, but I forgot. My current best time is a low 53 seconds, and I have two other 53 second times as well. They're teasing me >.>
Tetris / Is it just me, or am I just bad?
March 10, 2015, 06:31:30 PM
Sorry for responding to this so late, been busy with stuff.
As far as graphics and stuff go, I have no backgrounds on, and I recently changed my piece graphics to be solid colors (which work out better for me anyway). I can't play without sound effects, so I have those on, and I tend to play better with particular music, but the difference is negligible. I can play with or without music.

I've been playing Tetris on and off for about 2 and a half years I think, though I've gotten a lot more into sprint over the past couple weeks. (I got out of Multiplayer since I no longer enjoyed it).
That also said, I hard drop with the space bar, because it's what I started with, and I've been using my current key setup so long that it's hard to adjust to something else.

And finally, for efficiency, I try to lower my keypresses as much as I can. I no longer hold during sprint games at all, I almost always rotate twice instead of three times, and I'm slowly getting better at holding to the wall and pressing the opposite direction once instead of triple tapping.
Tetris / Is it just me, or am I just bad?
March 06, 2015, 06:16:37 AM
Quote from: Corrosive
What do you play? TF?

I used to play TF Arena a lot, but I moved back to Nullpo after I learned that I hated multiplayer.

I added a replay of what I was talking about when it comes to mistakes as well, for anyone interested.
Tetris / Is it just me, or am I just bad?
March 06, 2015, 05:45:50 AM
It's generally not so much that I stack too high, but moreso that I very often make consecutive mistake after mistake after mistake, to the point that I can't recover from it. It doesn't happen greatly often, some days are worse than others.
My fingers don't always do what I want them to
Tetris / Is it just me, or am I just bad?
March 06, 2015, 04:19:28 AM
I've managed to get my best 40 lines time down to 55 seconds, I finally stopped holding pieces like a maniac, and I generally get below a 1:10 time every game, with a few exceptions. With that said, I still top out and get a game over from time to time when trying for a better time. Is this normal at the time I'm at? Or do I just get lucky with my times?
Tetris / How am I doing so far?
February 09, 2015, 06:27:04 AM
Quote from: Corrosive
If it were me I would get rid of that 3-block piece preview thing above your ghost piece. Go for all tetrises like you see everyone else doing in their replay vids like the one of mine I showed you above. You want to keep your stack built up/supported primarily on the area right beside your well/stick hole. Unlike what you would do in multiplayer, you need to be stacking really high so that you can bang out the consecutive tetrises.

Instantly restart every time it starts you with a S or Z piece.

Also, try playing with and without all the sound effects & music and see which one helps you focus the most.

I do try to go for tetrises, I just suck at it  And I tend to continue when I start with an S or Z piece simply for practice, as I do with most failed runs (Unless I myself just make tons of irritating mistakes).

I can't play without sound effects, it throws me off. I can play with or without music, though I usually have other videos playing in the background instead. The main reason I have music in my videos is because I tune into Rainwave so there's something else going on while I stream the game. It's more enjoyable for the viewers when there's something to listen to. (Not that I get viewers that often, but still).

I've been meaning to turn off the 3 block preview thing you mentioned, I just keep forgetting. Thanks for the input though, I appreciate it a lot