Fastest time using spacebar for hard drop?

Started by bluedoom57, April 27, 2015, 02:50:00 AM

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I just got myself my first sub 45 time (44.60), and it feels incredible. I still use the default control scheme from TetrisFriends on nullpo (Z and X for rotating, C for hold, Space for hard drop), though I've seen countless people say that you shouldn't use the spacebar. I can understand why, but I don't really feel like learning a different control scheme at the moment, been using the same one for 3 or so years

That said, I was curious as to what the "ideal time" would be for using spacebar, if there is one. I'm sure this is probably a stupid topic/question, but I was curious. And I couldn't really find an answer.


I've used the default controls from Tetris Friends on every platform for the last 8 years. If it's what you're comfortable with, there's no reason why you should need to change it.
☠ MicroBlizz


I use spacebar for hard drop for both NullpoMino (27.48) and C2 (30.66), I think you shouldn't change it if you're used to it. There was a thread about thumb speed, it's sufficient to get 5-6 pps, you just need to use your other fingers skillfully.
For me, having index finger on a rotation button could be just as helpful.


I never suspected the spacebar to be viable o.o
I appreciate the input!


You do realise you can hit the spacebar with your index finger...

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: XaeL
You do realise you can hit the spacebar with your index finger...

I assume the people who always said to not use the spacebar realized that as well...


Quote from: bluedoom57
Quote from: XaeL
You do realise you can hit the spacebar with your index finger...

I assume the people who always said to not use the spacebar realized that as well...
Nope, the people who say spacebar is bad don't realise the world record uses spacebar for hard drop.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


[div align=\\\"center\\\"]

Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)


Yea... I don't even see why this would be bad... I can thumb the spacebar at 8 pps, I'm 30 years and some brain implants away from that being a limiting factor.