Personal Milestone get!

Started by bluedoom57, March 17, 2015, 05:39:51 PM

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Huzzah and such, for today I've hit a 49.38 in 40 lines mode! Not only that, I jumped to it from a 52.86, so I cut around 3ish seconds from my previous best! I feel incredible~
I'm considering continuing for an even better time, but I also kind of want to some other Nullpomino modes, though I'm not sure what exactly to do. My overall goal is mostly just to get to a general point where I can be considered a "good" player. Not great, not WR worthy or anything like that, just "good". Not sure if I've really reached that or not with 40 lines though. Are there any other specific modes I should work on to reach the "good" marker?
Also, I feel like I've been posting a lot, sorry for that. I've never really used forums very much so I'm not sure how much or how little to post >.>

Also also, my run


Dig mode 20L and get under 20s.
40L mode and get under 40.


Congratulations on your pb. If this was 2008 you would be the top 10 western players in speed.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


I shall press onward until I reach those goals then, or at least get as close as I possibly can! Thanks for the congrats too, I appreciate it
I know I apparently stack wrong for 40 lines, but it seems to be working out for me nontheless.