Nullpo 40 lines lag/input drops?

Started by bluedoom57, May 13, 2015, 11:16:12 AM

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I've been having a problem with Nullpo for quite some time now in which it'll drop one of my arrow key inputs, and sometimes my rotate keys. I've also had a problem with just general lag/slowdown in 40 lines mode, and it throws me off a ton (and also makes efficient key pressing a lot more difficult). There've been times when I'll hard drop a piece on one wall, and I'll see it drop to the bottom, only to suddenly warp to the other side of the screen.

I initially assumed this was due to my old computer being bad (which it was, Nullpo was about the only thing I could run without it overheating), but I recently got a 'new' computer, and I'm still having the same problems. They aren't quite as frequent, but they're still there. The drivers are as up to date as I can get them, and I've tried the perfect fps mode, though that tends to just make it worse.

I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem, or knows how to fix it? I'm not good enough at the game to where it's game breaking, but it is a nuisance.


I'm also experiencing that when I should harddrop the piece on the left side of the screen, it suddenly jumps to the other side, lol... happens like maybe 5-10% (idk, but happens several times a day) of my games.
But I've never had problem with a rotation. It's just the left or right arrow haha, but it's okay for me, I just "retry" lol.


Get a camera and record it. Does the FPS stay at 60 the entire time? if not, the the emulation is not accurate.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Whats the perfect fps mode?  Don't wanna high jack your thread but I gotta know


I apologize for no response, I forgot I made this thread and found it again when I was looking for info (Hooray for my stupidity xD)

I'm not sure what the perfect fps mode is, but I assumed it was supposed to use extra processing power or something to try and force the fps to stay at your max. I could be wrong on that.

As for whether I get frame drops or not when the laggy stuff happens, it comes too infrequently for me to record it, but from what I can see it happens whether my frames are dropping or not.

If it's a different problem for whether the frames are dropping or not, and there's a solution for each, I'd like to hear whatever solutions there are so I can try them all and see if it fixes it.