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Messages - leilickan

Tetris / HDO8 Predictions
March 20, 2017, 09:27:52 PM
Is your counting correct?

Is there no 6th place?
I only see me as 4th, lapsi and iljain 5th and suddenly franco and coco as 7th lol
Arena / Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]
March 13, 2017, 07:31:05 PM
I did not understand what you tried to say about me having means of contacting.

But i did contact Simon about prizes and when the server was down for everyone's sake.  So yeah, i did a great job on that, i think organizers agree on that.
Arena / Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]
March 13, 2017, 02:38:11 PM
Im sad to tell you Jes, i was the one contacting Simon and asking. I know you wished to not hear that from me  But i guess i did something good for this tournament then!
Arena / Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]
March 08, 2017, 07:58:26 AM
leilickan vs iljain

6 - 11  

11- 8

11 - 7

Arena / Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]
March 07, 2017, 06:04:19 PM
leilickan vs Franckow   

11 - 7

6 - 11

11 - 9
Arena / Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]
March 06, 2017, 01:01:52 PM
Winners Round 5 & Losers Round 7: Saturday March 11th @ 11:59 PM PST

Wait what??

Before it said
"Winners Round 5 & Losers Round 7: Thursday March 9nd @ 11:59 PM PST)

What happened to that deadline? How is it 11th now?? I feel this tournament is such a bs with the deadlines. I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS TOURNAMENT TO BE DRAGGED OUT ANYMORE.

Seriously, this sucks. Maybe i should have forfeited long ago so someone else could have a shot at the wins, since im not available between 11th-24th march. Might aswell let franco win

EDIT: long deadlines = people wait to the fucking very last second to play, and it's annoying as hell when they are on 24/7 anyway.
Arena / Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]
March 05, 2017, 10:21:45 AM
leilickan - twirler

11 - 5

11 - 9

Arena / Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]
February 23, 2017, 11:55:01 AM
leilickan 13 - 15 Martin
Arena / Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]
February 23, 2017, 04:30:35 AM
Well, reasons why this tournament is taking long: deadlines getting extended. I feel everyone already get a lot of time to schedule and play.

Reasons why people dont play:
Many are new to harddrop and dont even know how to open hd message. (This happened to a player from china which you guys were considering to forfeit before, but i saw online and helped the players schedule). Ofc ppl might not see each other online because of timezones. Maybe it would been better for everyone to sign up with an email, which they can be contacted through to schedule matches. I feel this is blinks fault tho for putting it all on you. Thought he would host.

And i still feel ppl who dont show up on deadline should be kicked (unless they scheduled to play after). How can that be unfair to them? They had their chance to play before deadline like everyone else, also chance to play at the deadline. I feel it's more unfair to let the one you *think* has higher chance to win, get through.

And no deadlines at all = never ending tournament.
Arena / Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]
February 22, 2017, 06:38:24 PM
"I will sent a private message to all involved players. If the matches are not played in time, I'll give the win to the player who I think deserved it more."

@okey_dokey , this is what i find vague and weird. How does a player deserve a win more, just because of playing online more often? (Context: If the player didnt contact the opponent, nor show up at deadline that is)

A player being online more often, to me, doesn't equal a "deserved win".

In the case where none show up at deadline, and no sign that the players tried to contact each other BEFORE deadline, then i feel both should forfeit. I dont understand why you would try to figure out who contacted the other AFTER the deadline... why even have a deadline?? This tournament is taking way too long. Even i feel it is quite boring atm.
Arena / Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]
February 14, 2017, 09:55:07 AM
leilickan 15 - 8 r3hab
Arena / Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]
January 22, 2017, 02:25:57 PM
General / Who's awesome ?
May 12, 2013, 03:37:23 AM
Quote from: Agamemnon
...Achille lost a bet, I see....
Aga. It wasn't a bet. Now stfu. Even you think i'm awesome.

Achille, i'll heart you for this. ♥
Arena / New* International Cultris League (ICL)
January 04, 2013, 03:24:08 PM
I never got an email either :c
Arena / New* International Cultris League (ICL)
January 02, 2013, 08:36:16 PM
Name: leilickan