Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]

Started by Blink, January 22, 2017, 01:29:29 PM

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Quote from: Jes
Jes 15-9 DNLF
HDO8 Jes vs DNLF





twirler wins against [51] Bertha 15-3


"I will sent a private message to all involved players. If the matches are not played in time, I'll give the win to the player who I think deserved it more."

@okey_dokey , this is what i find vague and weird. How does a player deserve a win more, just because of playing online more often? (Context: If the player didnt contact the opponent, nor show up at deadline that is)

A player being online more often, to me, doesn't equal a "deserved win".

In the case where none show up at deadline, and no sign that the players tried to contact each other BEFORE deadline, then i feel both should forfeit. I dont understand why you would try to figure out who contacted the other AFTER the deadline... why even have a deadline?? This tournament is taking way too long. Even i feel it is quite boring atm.


Current deadlines:
  • Losers Round 4: Sunday February 26th @ 11:59  PM PST
  • Winners Round 4 & Losers Round 5: Thursday March 2nd @ 11:59  PM PST
Default match time is 6 PM PST on the same day. Matches can be played up to 2 days after said deadline provided both players agree on a fixed date and post it on this thread before the deadline has passed. Please schedule your matches via private message or Discord. Please don't rely on seeing your opponent on Cultris 2.

I haven't added yet a deadline for losers round 5 and beyond because I am unsure how to proceed. After the listed deadlines, there will be only 4 players left in winners bracket and 12 players in total. So, I think it's maybe time to increase the length of a match (best of 3 sets, set is first to 11) and look out for people who volunteer to stream and commentate matches. Especially the latter requires to have more relax deadlines (maybe one match every 5 days in loser bracket?). I will make corresponding threads/surveys sometime.

Organizational notes:
  • crzy242 is overseas and asked for being forfeited if the match wasn't played in time. So the autowin goes to BeastinShen.
  • There're two Losers Round 3 matches that haven't been played yet: ayt vs Corona... and popup vs Dsyexlic
  • ayt vs Corona tried to schedule but haven't found a time yet afaik. I am confident that the match is still getting played.
  • I know nothing about popup vs Dsyexlic. If one player had showed up at the default match time, he would have received autowin (provided the other player didn't  try to schedule before, also see discussion with LapSiLap). But neither player showed up at the default match time, so it doesn't matter.
  • The involved players from these 2 matches have time until Thursday 11:59 pm PST to either play their matches OR post a fixed match time in this thread. The fixed match time must lie before Friday 11:59 pm PST.
  • I will sent a private message to Dsyexlic and popup (kekc).


Quote from: leilickan"I will sent a private message to all involved players. If the matches are not played in time, I'll give the win to the player who I think deserved it more."

@okey_dokey , this is what i find vague and weird. How does a player deserve a win more, just because of playing online more often? (Context: If the player didnt contact the opponent, nor show up at deadline that is)

A player being online more often, to me, doesn't equal a "deserved win".
It's vague on purpose. Things like
a) how often did the players play C2 in the last couple of days?
b) does a player read or respond to my private mail?
c) is a player active on shoutbox/discord?
d) which player has higher wining chances?
will matter. There's no 100% reliable guideline to handle it. I have to decide from case to case. So far, the opponents either forfeited or the choice was very obvious. And the chance that matches aren't played decreases the more the tournament proceeds, so I doubt my decision will really matter. That said, with popup vs Dsyexlic we have a possible case where I am really undecided.

Quote from: leilickanIn the case where none show up at deadline, and no sign that the players tried to contact each other BEFORE deadline, then i feel both should forfeit. I dont understand why you would try to figure out who contacted the other AFTER the deadline... why even have a deadline??
Yeah, I am really unsure how to handle those cases. It delays the progress of the tournament a little and puts time pressure to the next opponent. However, I will stay with the current system. The additional day to contact their opponent also gives the players time to respond to my private messages and tell their points of view (maybe I am unaware that one player tried to schedule). I also think that without that extra time, players may feel treated unfairly. I don't thin a player felt this way so far (besides the random seedings) and some players used that time to forfeit by choice. The Cultris Community is so small and active, that players who played a match too late may play the future matches in time.

Quote from: leilickanThis tournament is taking way too long. Even i feel it is quite boring atm.
It's partly because you are in the winners bracket. Sadly, non-quickfire tournaments always take that long. For example, Cultris Spring Tournament took 3 months to get completed.


Well, reasons why this tournament is taking long: deadlines getting extended. I feel everyone already get a lot of time to schedule and play.

Reasons why people dont play:
Many are new to harddrop and dont even know how to open hd message. (This happened to a player from china which you guys were considering to forfeit before, but i saw online and helped the players schedule). Ofc ppl might not see each other online because of timezones. Maybe it would been better for everyone to sign up with an email, which they can be contacted through to schedule matches. I feel this is blinks fault tho for putting it all on you. Thought he would host.

And i still feel ppl who dont show up on deadline should be kicked (unless they scheduled to play after). How can that be unfair to them? They had their chance to play before deadline like everyone else, also chance to play at the deadline. I feel it's more unfair to let the one you *think* has higher chance to win, get through.

And no deadlines at all = never ending tournament.


that China girl Axier I already told her to check harddrop messages and stuff, still didn't know what happened to her.

and there are some problems with China to get on to Cultris cuz of the wall, they are blocked to use many sites outside of China. Tatianyi said he couldn't pm messages or look at them...or hard for him maybe, so he always uses shoutbox...but i don't know why he can use shoutbox but not private message.
they use vpn to get on cultris.

as for the deadline and qualification, to my concern it's feasible to advance the one who show up more than the other player, so that there is at least one player to advance, it's no good for both players to be disqualifed, for the gaming, for the next round there need to be players to play so there should be someone to advance. it's understandable to disqualify someone who never shows up other than the one who showed up at least.




Quote from: leilickanThought he would host.
So, our scheme worked out perfectly  (the majority of notable players joined)

Here's the full story from my point of view: In summer 2017 during TTO IV, Blink said on shoutbox that the next HDO would most likely be held on Cultris II. Nothing really happened in that regard besides some scattered talk on the shoutbox. Anyway, I told in gewaltig forum that there's a chance of a HD tournament to happen on C2 and to wait a little with a self-organized tournament. So, I feel it's partially my fault that no ICL happened in 2016.

Fast forward to early 2017: There was an announcement that Puyo Puyo Tetris would be released worldwide.  I thought that it would be the last chance for a HD Cultris 2 tournament in a long time, because I was sure that a HD Puyo Puyo Tetris tournament would happen on release. I guess the upcoming Puyo Puyo Tournament is also the reason for the short registation period and that there're 2 matches per week. Driven by the no-ICL guilt, I messaged Blink and offered to help with brackets. Not sure if Blink thought that would also include the scheduling and organisation part. Anyway, Blink announced the tournament but he wasn't really interested in playing Cultris. You must know that he's a busy man with work and grad school, and he sees a bigger opportunity in Puyo Puyo for Hard Drop. Anyway, Blink isn't really involved anymore in the organizing part of HDO8. He even gave me moderator status just so that he mustn't update the first post.

Quote from: leilickanI feel this is blinks fault tho for putting it all on you.
Word! It's all Blink's fault. #blameblink #okeydokeydidnothingwrong

Quote from: leilickan(This happened to a player from china which you guys were considering to forfeit before, but i saw online and helped the players schedule).
I appreciate all that organizational help we get from players. Be it contacting players, announcing when matches are played or recording videos (and potentially streaming and commentating). Blink and me aren't that often online on Cultris 2. So, shoutouts to z2sam, iljain, kb1900 and you!