Started by KeroKai, December 30, 2010, 11:09:06 AM

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So I've kinda stolen this idea from another forum I browse occasionally - Smashboards where people upload their SSBB matches for other people to critique and give advice on how to improve their game. Something simple like three matches will suffice~

Think this is a useful thread since we all have different playing styles and it's always nice to know what we could have done differently with our pieces.

I'll start off the trend. Hoping this thread catches on as it's always been useful to analyse other people's games as well. I've been using Camstudio + Window media maker (compression) to record the games.  

I've been wanting to improve my T-spinning but it's difficult to know what's practical to make and what isn't.
PS. Yeah I downstacked failed completely towards the end of the 1st match.


Player: KeroKai

Rating : 6.5 [/b]
Overall you need to work on timing your t-spins. Sometimes you do them in awkward situations. Downstacking is also important, plus you can t-spin while downstacking. If you can't tell when you should do it, just try to imagine what you stack will be like afterward. Also think about how high you are in the field. Also look at your next pieces to see if setting one up will be practical.

In the second game I saw a lot of tspin minis, which didn't send any lines. Other than that your timing was much better. Sometimes I think you should have downstacked instead of t-spinning yet again. You do a good job with the t-spin singles that point left/right when executed (can fumen).

Don't sacrifice your entire stack to get a t-spin through unless you really need to pressure your opponent, or you are desperate (sometimes its better to downstack).
You should have held the first S piece you got. In general its better to hold the s/z first pieces. Unless you are going for a set up that can use it. In this case you were tetrising so it forced you to soft drop which is much slower.

Avoid situations where you have to soft drop if possible, in this case you had other options.

Sometimes its better to downstack instead of trying to continuously t-spin. After some practice you will learn to have better timing with t-spins. They are the must useful when you are downstacking at the same time. You could have eaten through a lot of that garbage with your next 4-5 pieces.

Looks like you tried to TST. I wouldn't recommend attempting those when you are high unless you can do it on time and you will be able to downstack afterwards.

I would have kept downstacking instead of trying to set up a t-spin. You were already high up and its too risky. Plus it was only a TSS.

You could have cleared a TST with your hold piece and the next T. (I'll fumen if you need it)

5:43 to end

Good t-spins here, and good timing.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


"I am dreaming less and sleeping more, but I'll sell my soul for the dream you stole." - Armor for Sleep


overall comments: i can see you're looking for lots of tspins which is great. keep at that and you'll improve in no time. when you're proficient at tspins, you'll be able to recognise and choose the appropriate setups for each situation.

00:23 - you can use the O to skim and create a TSD with the J and L piece with the J as the overhang.

00:29 - TSD with Z for overhang, O piece fits to the left.

00:43 - consider placing the L in 1/2nd column, O in 3rd/4th, and create overhang with S.

00:50 - missed a combo opportunity to cancel some incoming garbage.

01:38 - downstacking error. need to hold the S, place T in 5/6th column and combo through that.

02:34 - TSS was rushed, better to stack for a full TSD.

02:38 - might be better to abort the tetris setup. place T in 7/8th, L triple, then I double, followed by a combo.

02:44 - bad spot for L, placed it on top of garbage column.

02:50 - should start skimming beginning with an L double.

02:55 - missed TSS setup.

02:59 - could use S to create the hang, place T to the right of the S and the Os to the right of that.

03:33 - risky Tspin setup because of the garbage. less risky alternative is a TSD with the same S to create a flatter overhang.

03:35 - possibility to save the stick here - T in 1/2nd column, L in 9/10th, J is used to skim and start downstacking.

03:36 - could place L flat and fill 1/2nd column with Z.

04:22 - i see you're thinking here which is great. one possibility is a ST stacking like TSD - create base with S and overhang with O.

05:07 - forecast/prophecy opportunity - S in 8/9th and later use J to skim before the TSD.

05:11 - can downstack combo starting with a flat S.

05:21 - 9/10th column might be better for the S piece.

05:41 - big combo missed starting with the L. i'll let you find this

06:56 - sequence could be better

07:03 - J in 1/2nd, O in 3rd/4th, Z for overhang.


you're very good at setting up T-spins something i personally am not good at.  But you make some what appear to be obvious mistakes in downstacking imo.  i saw quite a few times where your next two pieces set up great downstacking options to clear big tetris's.  Even though you obviously like to send lines over using T-spins you shouldn't sit on obvious tetris setups while your field is as high as it is.  at around the 1 minute mark you had a very open DSing clear with your next few pieces that lead to a tetris that woulda got your field way more manageable.  i think it was the main reason you lost that match.  even while your field was that high you tried to set up T-spins over and over,  your opponent who already had a pretty clean field would be able to counter any T-spin moves you could send and push you further and further up.


Thanks for the advices guy. I'm just thinking about what's been said and trying to visualise these different setups.

On a sidenote, we need more people posting their videos on this thread. Otherwise it's just a thread about my game which defeats the whole point. >.<!


I kinda agree with meow. - Editing to add sh**.

You are obviously trying to look for t-spins but arent yet at the super god meow level, where you see more efficient ones.

Just from the first bit of the video i already noticed a very easy t-spin which you over-complicated at 0:29

0:44 - Dont put the O over your I column. consider using the overhang on the other side

0:50 - Usually i wouldnt bother with a t-spin there, your choice really.

1:15 - i think an over-zealous t-spin. Tspins are good and all but dont force them

2:50 - think you should practice downstacking more, this one you try and do soemthing a bit complex when the simple solution is probably better:

Overall advice
The way you play at the 7 Minute to end mark is very good. Stick to this playstyle of using easy 1 or 2 piece t-spin setups, and you will see that you wont bone yourself too much while trying to force tspins.

Some tips:
1) Stack for tspins a bit flatter - if there is a tspin opportunity stack so that you can maximise flat areas in your stack and keep the tspin.
2) Consider both sides for overhang - Usually you do whatever overhang is with the piece currently active, but many times it is more optimal and easier to just make the overhang on the otherside with the piece you have in hold.
3) dont force t-spins - If a tspin looks like you'll have to stack around alot to get it, you probably shouldnt do it

Overall Rating - 6.5

Next video?

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Player: Xael

Rating: 8.0
Overall you are pretty beast. You set up some nice t-spins. Your speed is sort of random with speed bursts and hesitations. Sometimes your stacking is strange and there are better options.

You seem to do well when your stack gives you opportunities to T-spin. When you don't have those opportunities it looks like you just skim around until you do. It mostly works in your favor because there are usually obvious t-spin set ups. When there weren't you ended up breaking 2-3 singles in a row to find it.

When the hurry up garbage comes it becomes like the 2p battle mode. Meaning APM is the most important thing. You need to send like hell. I would focus less on breaking singles or skimming to make a tetris (which is what you did). Focus more on sending tons of lines with hurry up garbage, because your opponent won't really be able to dig through it.

Great start. In my opinion a quick TSD is the best start. Its quick and it packs a punch.


It was a great idea to do a follow up T-spin. However this t-spin made your stack pretty awkward. Not only that but it caused you to hesitate. With the pieces you had you could have done this :



This probably would have been a better option:



OMG I HATE THAT LAG. You did DAS + tap back but the DAS held over. F*** TF.


Could have done a nice forecast t-spin here. Its possible you were just trying to downstack through other means instead.



You had much better downstacking options here, you made your stack pretty ugly. You actually had the opportunity to tetris in the next few pieces. You managed to make b2b tetrises from it but your your stack didn't recover and you didn't start downstacking through the messy stuff until around 1:05


Good downstacking, nice forecast.


Ugly downstacking, you could have cleared it with a few pieces.


WHY?! You could have made a bigger combo + Tetris :x




Lame single clears. When you are at the bottom that is your chance to take advantage of the other player(s).


FINISH HIM. Seems like you were searching for a t-spin opportunity. Sometimes its better to just build up a tetris especially because they were almost topped out.

2:39-end of round

You should have won, you just made really poor stacking choices.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Quote from: Paradox

Great start. In my opinion a quick TSD is the best start. Its quick and it packs a punch.


It was a great idea to do a follow up T-spin. However this t-spin made your stack pretty awkward. Not only that but it caused you to hesitate. With the pieces you had you could have done this :


This probably would have been a better option:

OMFG never would have seen that

OMG I HATE THAT LAG. You did DAS + tap back but the DAS held over. F*** TF.
Yeah i had fail lag

Could have done a nice forecast t-spin here. Its possible you were just trying to downstack through other means instead.

Yeah i immediately noticed this when i watched the video the first time

Yeah i realised it was fail after watching video

Lame single clears. When you are at the bottom that is your chance to take advantage of the other player(s).
Yeah when i'm near bottom i never do anything :/


FINISH HIM. Seems like you were searching for a t-spin opportunity. Sometimes its better to just build up a tetris especially because they were almost topped out.
duly noted
2:39-end of round

You should have won, you just made really poor stacking choices.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]You seem to do well when your stack gives you opportunities to T-spin. When you don't have those opportunities it looks like you just skim around until you do. [/quote]

Yeah i realised that when i dont have any favourable garbage i just skim the whole thing down, which really hurts my APM. I've been trying to RECTUMFY it but yeah slowly progressing ^^

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Great job though, you are pretty pro. I'll make a vid on either TOJ or Nullpo.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Please people rate this - I need guidance on how to get better at downstacking! 3 suvivor runs, from 1:40ish onwards, each finishing around 3:30-3:45


p.s. The T piece at 2:09 on the first video was an md, not a downstacking choice mistake
               Tetris Belts!


I think there should be a rule that if you post a video in this thread.. and you are at all good... you should have to judge at least one other persons as well.

I don't have time right now


Quote from: Ravendarksky
I think there should be a rule that if you post a video in this thread.. and you are at all good... you should have to judge at least one other persons as well.

I don't have time right now


Sounds good. Though it'd be nice to get more people posting their videos, otherwise this thread won't really go anywhere. I'm hoping more newbies will use this as a useful learning tool as well.


LoL paradox had the first two down pretty pact...and I cant really help paul since all of those game are better than mine x.x

I usually only play 1v1s but when you lose on TOJ you are switched out so I did ffas

*stats for these matches 42.7 lpm/ 51.4 apm (lower and slower than my 1v1 stats  )

Paul - 9.0235 rating for your survival vid
☠ ZeroT


Another tip I would suggest would be to post videos of you playing someone a lot better than you. Setting up t-spins is easy without pressure, but if you are hurrying fast you really see what your skills are about.
Learning when and effective downstacking is different depending on how skilled your opponent is.