Competitive Tetris Scene Rant

Started by Blink, September 06, 2010, 02:28:25 PM

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I'm pretty disappointed with TTC and TF's lack of tournaments despite saying they want to make Tetris a sport in the future.  If either company was actually serious about the idea, then they would have had something to show for it by now.  It's not some on/off switch where one day they just turn into a competitive sport, it happens over time.  It's been several years since the Tetris World Cup in Hawaii, and that was restricted to the University of Hawaii students.   As limited of an event as that was, there hasn't come an event to even match it.  Here is something a friend told me that I completely agree with:

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]I don't think they have the right people, knowledge, skill, or vision for the job. They don't really care about it, and if they do, they don't know what to do, you know?[/quote]

As a community we've been pretty patient but as time passes I'm starting to realize that they don't care about competitive Tetris players.  I think a staff member said that competitive Tetris players were just a small part of the community.  Well yeah.... just like how in Starcraft or Counter-strike the amount of serious players were outnumbered by the amount of casual players. Those other games still had tournaments and paid attention to the competitive scene so I don't see what the problem is. As a result, their competitive scenes grew and they actually did become similar to sports with tournaments on Korean television or Cyberathlete professional league/Major league gaming.  The exposure on these tournaments made the games popularity grow too.  Maybe it's because Tetris is already so popular that they have lost that hunger or desire to make it blow up even more.

Someone mentioned on the forums before that TF saw the community wasn't happy, said they were going to do something about it with Expert HD, and then we don't hear from them anymore.  I had to contact them instead, and when I do I find out they're not even working on Tetris anymore but rather some other games. Seriously though, how hard is it to change a few numbers to make combo garbage send at 2, and EZ T-spins send 1 line.  There was more to it but that would have been a good start and would have atleast shown that they were working on it.

I'm getting tired of waiting around for them to do something, they've already shown several times in the past that they are unreliable and don't get things done.  If we don't do something about the competitive scene, nobody will.  We have a good percentage of the competitive multiplayer Tetris players.  I want to get sponsors and do a large tournament for prizes on our own but haven't had any success.  A part of this is because sponsors don't see Tetris as a competitive tournament game.  Why? because there hasn't been any tournaments!  So what do we do now?  Anyways I'm going to contact Henk Rogers directly and see what he has to say about the whole thing.

/end rant


So basically, we need to get the attention of game developers, keeping in mind the fact that they never "officially" promised anything, nor do they have an obligation to do so in the future. (while avoiding legal obstacles).

We can't do a mass migration from TF because frankly, nobody besides the regular HD players care about tournaments or better game modes etc.

Something dramatic would be nice. If we all deleted our accounts (or changed our names to FckTTC1, FckTTC2, FckTTC3, )... A 128/256/512/1024-player tourney?

Or we could all submit job resumes to

I dunno, spouting crap out of my head.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"][/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


*slow clap*  Nice try Blink, very moving. But you're no match for the incompetence of The Tetris Company!!! Muhahahaha!!! *evil organ playing & lightning clashing in the background*
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's


Quote from: larrytetris
So basically, we need to get the attention of game developers, keeping in mind the fact that they never "officially" promised anything, nor do they have an obligation to do so in the future. (while avoiding legal obstacles).

We can't do a mass migration from TF because frankly, nobody besides the regular HD players care about tournaments or better game modes etc.

Something dramatic would be nice. If we all deleted our accounts (or changed our names to FckTTC1, FckTTC2, FckTTC3, )... A 128/256/512/1024-player tourney?

Or we could all submit job resumes to

I dunno, spouting crap out of my head.

they would probably ban all of us if we do that


Quote from: Maii04
they would probably ban all of us if we do that
Let them.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


Yeah, without us, how would they profit?


larry instead of those names we can change our names into protest phrases.
we can also refuse to play on tf
or we can all delete our accounts


Quote from: ManOfMiracles
Yeah, without us, how would they profit?



Quote from: ManOfMiracles
Yeah, without us, how would they profit?
The hundreds of thousands of other players.

That Classic Tetris tournament in Los Angeles wasn't organized by TTC, was it?
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Quote from: Magnanimous
The hundreds of thousands of other players.

That Classic Tetris tournament in Los Angeles wasn't organized by TTC, was it?

but we have so many players on HD. 2215 to be exact. if everyone who has an account there stops playing, we can make a difference. also not most of us have more than one account there.


everyone on tf switch to nullpomino and get nullpomino officiallly recognized as tetris c;
My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next


Quote from: Anonymous
everyone on tf switch to nullpomino and get nullpomino officiallly recognized as tetris c;

-2 for not adding bbx or toj


Awww yeah, very good rant, Blink!
I can't see tetris going far without some sort of support from TTC though.
John Carmack of ID software gave away his Ferrari as a prize for a Quake tourney and that was over a decade ago!

It would be good to try to get better contact with TTC, they just seem pretty unapproachable.

I don't know you might already have tried this, but how about something simple like organizing a tourney on TF with harddrop and asking TTC if they want to sponsor some prizes?
Even if they just give out rubies or something it might be some sort of start?

Also Maii they have over a million registered people on TF (I know there's thousands of inactive / double accounts ) but still I think a boycot wouldn't really help anything.


Quote from: Maii04
but we have so many players on HD. 2215 to be exact. if everyone who has an account there stops playing, we can make a difference. also not most of us have more than one account there.

2,215 players makes no difference, and keep in mind that not all 2,215 play TF or even are active here. A boycott will not make any difference.


Quote from: coolmaninsano
2,215 players makes no difference, and keep in mind that not all 2,215 play TF or even are active here. A boycott will not make any difference.
Yeah, right now, there's only 34 members online. Even with guests, on a very good day, I haven't seen anything higher than 80(except for that time tf advertized this place).