Competitive Tetris Scene Rant

Started by Blink, September 06, 2010, 02:28:25 PM

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i think it's against ttc's interest to support competitive tetris. it makes the game look too hardcore and puts casual players off. granted, some players might even turn competitive if such a competition was held, but what do ttc have to gain from it? nothing, nothing changes, their playerbase is still comprised of 99.99% casuals. tetris doesn't need any tournaments unlike other games to gain exposure.


ttc suck. i've been saying this for long time.


2000+ players on HD
minus dupe accounts
minus inactive users
minus users who arent serious

not that many compared to how many players TF has.. sadly  
we wouldn't hurt them that much

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


i'll donate my college funds to making a tournament! all $500!
My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next


Yeah nice rant Blink. I don't get it either. Even my dad doesn't get it. Tetris is one of the oldest games and if people just knew how competitive it can be and it would be an amazing spectator sport just to watch the speed and neatness of stacking (I know whenever I play at uni or something, people can't take their eyes off it and go crazy). If the WCG picked it up, perhaps it could have gained a stronger following, but they've dumped it twice, which imo is because TTC never wanted to be a part of it.
☠ massi4h


Quote from: mippoIt would be good to try to get better contact with TTC, they just seem pretty unapproachable.

I don't know you might already have tried this, but how about something simple like organizing a tourney on TF with harddrop and asking TTC if they want to sponsor some prizes?
Even if they just give out rubies or something it might be some sort of start?

It's not like TTC hates us. Winner can get 100 rubies, runner up gets 50, 3rd place gets 25, and everyone else gets 1 (the "nice try, but you suck" award).

Quote from: meow
i think it's against ttc's interest to support competitive tetris. it makes the game look too hardcore and puts casual players off. granted, some players might even turn competitive if such a competition was held, but what do ttc have to gain from it? nothing, nothing changes, their playerbase is still comprised of 99.99% casuals. tetris doesn't need any tournaments unlike other games to gain exposure.

What exactly does TTC have to gain from the daily lottery thing? All I can think of is that it'll attract more players. I have a hard time believing that competitive tetris will turn away casual players. If it were me, I'd just mind my own business and leave the "hardcore" players to whatever they do. If anything, I think competitive tetris will excite, not discourage.

Quote from: massi4h
Yeah nice rant Blink. I don't get it either. Even my dad doesn't get it. Tetris is one of the oldest games and if people just knew how competitive it can be and it would be an amazing spectator sport just to watch the speed and neatness of stacking (I know whenever I play at uni or something, people can't take their eyes off it and go crazy). If the WCG picked it up, perhaps it could have gained a stronger following, but they've dumped it twice, which imo is because TTC never wanted to be a part of it.

[unintended cockyness meant to prove a point]
After APs when we had nothing to do, my calculus teacher made me play tetris in his room when the math teachers were having a curriculum meeting. He told me afterwards that it was to "show off student talents" to other teachers, and that the math teachers all show their students off to the other teachers. He tried to convince me to play TF survival for our annual talent show, but I declined.
[/unintended cockyness]
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


Quote from: Magnanimous
The hundreds of thousands of other players.

That Classic Tetris tournament in Los Angeles wasn't organized by TTC, was it?
The original idea was from Adam Cornelius, who wanted to have a good frame to do his documentary about elite NES Tetris players.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]
Neon TGM Evangelist :: "Tetris the Grand Master is the best (single player) Tetris ever"
I wrote TeDiGe-2 (Github | Bug/suggestion tickets | [url=http:/


Quote from: Anonymous
i'll donate my college funds to making a tournament! all $500!



My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next


The issue here is pretty common if you look at other companies. They want money and lots of it. Competitive tetris players represent such a small number of the players and therefor dont get as much as the <insert number that applies> of casual players. It stands to reason that they'd try to gain the approval of the larger part of that fan base, and really not many non-competitors have to buy the das/ar (and other items) to play. chances are many of the casual players have no knowledge of the actual gameplay (line clear delay, das, ar etc) so they dont really have much to b!tch about. The opinions of such a small group of the entire community of players doesnt matter enough to shift their eyes from the $.

While I'd love to see TF improve, it seems far fetched (to me) to expect them to actually do anything. They're a large company, they want money. From what behavior their representatives have exibited thus far you can pretty well see that they dont give a damn about how happy the community is, as long as it's existant, and if we all stopped playing it wouldn't so much as put a dent in the population of TF.

As for the sponsoring issue. It's really odd that they wouldn't do it (in my view at least), they cant set aside a couple minutes each day just to help figure out a tournament or something? One single employee can go a long way. There's nothing we can really do about it, they don't give a damn what we (the well informed ) say. What to do.... <strokes chin>... what to do... Basically all there is to do is organize our own tournaments, our own prizes, our own everything. Like we have in the past.

While I wouldn't call competetive tetris a sport, it's damned fun to watch. I'd much prefer to watch tetris to watching guys take left turns for 4 hours (NASCAR... :/ not a sport IMO). It's only fun to watch if it's at a certain speed (achieved by many of the active members of this site) and skill level. Watching a bronze level game is worse than watching grass grow. but watching SS v Blink? Pretty damned exiting. It's not a sport, but it's better than loads of "sports" (or so-called sports). Watching two people play tetris, far more entertaining then watching curling (/calls for review of "sport" status).

Hey at least we still have nullpo, bb, etc (I should include TOj but they've started to try to block our patches so... :/). On the upside those games have legitimate players not a bunch of 12 year olds who throw fits whenever they lose and have all the features one could ask for (well bb is spinless but that's fun every now and again). Each game is it's own thing, TF is the big player in online tetris, nothing we can really do about it.

Until TTC starts giving a damn, I'll be on N-Blox.



If we get enough people to set their tetrisfriends status as "TTC doesn't care about competitive players" they might do something. We wouldn't do anything to get us banned, and would get us noticed

Quote from: meow
i think it's against ttc's interest to support competitive tetris. it makes the game look too hardcore and puts casual players off. granted, some players might even turn competitive if such a competition was held, but what do ttc have to gain from it? nothing, nothing changes, their playerbase is still comprised of 99.99% casuals. tetris doesn't need any tournaments unlike other games to gain exposure.

If they hosted regional tournaments across all areas of the states, and advertised (even a small link from would get thousands of players to each event to check it out. Many people, who aren't from HD, believe they hit the pinnacle of tetris success and would goto a tournament to proove their success. Look at the amount of noobs who have youtube videos titled "tetris pro" and "tetris ownage" and look at triforce. This would make competitive tetris pretty big, just on the amount of people who would go.

Quote from: massi4h
Yeah nice rant Blink. I don't get it either. Even my dad doesn't get it. Tetris is one of the oldest games and if people just knew how competitive it can be and it would be an amazing spectator sport just to watch the speed and neatness of stacking (I know whenever I play at uni or something, people can't take their eyes off it and go crazy). If the WCG picked it up, perhaps it could have gained a stronger following, but they've dumped it twice, which imo is because TTC never wanted to be a part of it.

WCG would give tetris crazy amount of support, but unlike trackmania and carom3d, there isn't a worldwide client that connects all players. Without that, I don't see WCG (note: WORLD championship gaming) ever picking it up.

We should start challenging the korean hangame players to matches to increase their international interest. Koreans do competitive video gaming right!


Quote from: EnFuego
If we get enough people to set their tetrisfriends status as "TTC doesn't care about competitive players" they might do something. We wouldn't do anything to get us banned, and would get us noticed

I'm with this, competitive players take up all the top spots of the leaderboard anyways, people would see.  I've changed my status.


yea im pretty damn tired of tetrisfriends

we need two people near the top of the leaderboards to join accounts, so that they would appear at the top of arena's most played, most skilled, and highest rank blah blah

then we can display a message

im willing to give up my account and join with someone else's


tetris will never succeed as an esport
truth hurts man


May I suggest "The Tetris Company doesn't care about the players" or something that avoids the acronym TTC?
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