Competitive Tetris Scene Rant

Started by Blink, September 06, 2010, 02:28:25 PM

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Quote from: Kitaru
May I suggest "The Tetris Company doesn't care about the players" or something that avoids the acronym TTC?

You don't get that many characters. I think it truncates after like 45-50 characters


I set it as mine and it fit. I noticed you don't get a lot of space, but this one fits.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Yeah anyone on here especially the top 1-10 players should make that their status. The casual players check out the records and think WOAH OMG when they see someone good, then they will see the status and be like woah.

Don't kid yourself people even casual players are interested in competitive play, tournaments would be in TTC's best interest.

Casual players come and go, but the hardcore players will be supporting tetris for years. On top of that there would be more hardcore players if tournaments started happening, and because of the competition more people will be drawn to the game. They will think " hey, this isn't just a game you play in your spare time, I can get competitive!" or "Woah there are friggin intense players out there, I want to play". Even if they think the hardcore players are "nerds" they will still want to play competitively if not casually.


Nice, how did we get Sonic on board so quickly?  
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


Quote from: Someone2knoe
Don't kid yourself people even casual players are interested in competitive play, tournaments would be in TTC's best interest.
I agree.

I don't see anything negative about trying and investing Tetris as a "big thing." Putting Tetris out there as entertainment will rekindle old interests and will welcome new players as well. It's a game that will literally advertise and expand itself; it just needs a push and a guiding hand to follow. What they're sitting on here is a winning ticket. It's a game that everyone ALREADY knows about, and it's a game that has and will last throughout the ages but it's being treated as a mediocre game.

If they care about money, then this is good for them. I can see the coming times as being called the "Tetris Era" where competitive Tetris captured the hearts of millions of players and fans. Imagine a Tetris Competition sponsored by Mercedes, Wendy's, etc. It's not a joke. I really have faith that this is possible and that it can happen. EVERYBODY loves Tetris. They love to watch, to play, the whole works. The potential is HUGE. I'm sure if TTC USA does well, the Korean, Japanese, European, worldwide (etc.) players will eventually be interested in competing together as well.

Currently Harddrop has college kids that alone can produce a better game than Tetris Friends. That, in my opinion is bullsh1t because this is not just any ordinary game. They are responsible and in charge of the Official Tetris yet they are neglecting their duties. Not only that, but to blow the Tetris potential off to go work on something like Lost Trails is blasphemy. Competitive Tetris can gain more players than Starcraft or even WoW in my opinion, yet Lost Trails might be able to compare to Adventure Quest, if they're lucky.

The reason we b1tch so much about the game is because we love it and we want to see it grow - not because we try to hate, but because we know that the game can grow. The bottom line is that we can make the right game ourselves, and ultimately, it will come down to that if the needs of loving online Tetris players aren't met. If they're not going to do it right and invest in the game themselves, hand it over to us and let us do it. Anything we do will be better than nothing.


i want more competitive players but i do NOT want their competitive tetris to be on TF.

it's TTC insult day... mine is:

TTC only cares about lag.


Quote from: Kitaru
May I suggest "The Tetris Company doesn't care about the players" or something that avoids the acronym TTC?

I think it sounds better too. I'm putting this up in my profile box in place of the other. I don't think it matters what you put as long as it gets the point across. Meow's is good too, haha. (;


Wojtek's is the best though "TTC doesn't care about Tetris" cause its so true
☠ ZeroT


I like Tetris Friends status message idea, but how about more? This is good change to get listened finally, don't waste it.

sign up petition:
Digg it here:
vote up on reddit:
join facebook group:

more ideas?
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland




Quote from: chopin
Currently Harddrop has kickass genius college kids that alone can produce a better game than Tetris Friends. That, in my opinion is bullsh1t because this is not just any ordinary game. They are responsible and in charge of the Official Tetris yet they are neglecting their duties. Not only that, but to blow the Tetris potential off to go work on something like Lost Trails is blasphemy.

Corrected. But yes, I agree. Tetris actually takes talent; Lost Trails, not so much... There's a reason it's been around so long.

On the flip side, is there any way we can mimic the networking/social aspect of TF on to Nullpo? After all, that's a major complaint about nullpo right (at least it is for me). Perhaps if there was a friend system and/or more friendly chat interface... In fact, now that I think of it, the friends limit is stupid anyways. What purpose is there to only allow 30/60 friends? It's not more appealing, won't get them more money (there's no +friends option with rubies, is there?), maybe it saves a little memory, but not much more than that.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


If TTC could make tetris like nullpo/blockbox / others  --- it would be ideal. Because we would have amazing gameplay mixed with friendly interface, a company backing it, and a network of people.


What we need is a Tetris CLIENT. Tetris ain't going on MLG or WCG if it's flash-based and played in a browser. I would be so ashamed if that were to happen.

Give us a client like TOJ/Hangame.


Kudos to the person who made the Tetris Revolution logo on the front page. Looks great!
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


Quote from: larrytetris
Kudos to the person who made the Tetris Revolution logo on the front page. Looks great!

it's an official EA game, I'm just using it.  It should be okay according to