Competitive Tetris Scene Rant

Started by Blink, September 06, 2010, 02:28:25 PM

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I know you are hopeful blink, but I feel like we are just going to see more disappointments if we keep putting our faith in the official games. I honestly don't understand why they can't make games with the gameplay quality of Nullpomino which is a game that :

1. Is very fit for competitive play
2. The developers actually listen to us
3. It has capable enough developers to produce changes

If development for TF is on hold that just translates into them caring more about something else. I'm starting to think they are content with the way it is and don't really care to change anything. I understand there are some who are trying to help but they haven't made a real difference. They are basically in the same situation as us where not much change can be made.

I am very hopeful for Nullpomino. I know that nullpo would be 100% supportive of tournaments and user suggestions. I think that if it got enough attention then TTC would realize they need to make drastic changes. Or they would just give up. With the TGM experience they would probably just give up. The reason we make clones in the first place is because we want something new or we are dissatisfied.

What we are doing now is just waiting for them to act, and that is all we have ever done in my tetris experience. Where are we going to draw the line and say that we have waited too long?


for me it sounds like official tf tournament will be another disappointment like expert hd. i would like to be wrong though.
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