Tetris ultimate (next gen)

Started by waizqt, June 04, 2014, 03:05:53 PM

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Quote from: milkolate
Is it just me or is the 3DS XL's DPad a bit too stiff for quick tetris playing?

guess it's just you
tbh: I'm basically able to reproduce my Nullpo times (played on an SNES pad with worn out but cleaned rubber, so it's very soft but precise) considering I subtract the added delays that come along with TU (i.e. 0.63s per line clear).

but I don't know how this works out for people who are faster than me, like in the sub 40 or sub 30 regime

on another note: I'm interested if there's any player here who is sub 40 with a controller and prefers controllers over keyboards


Just for the record, it's not exactly comparing apples to apples when subtracting out the line clear delay. The player gets a chance to think ahead and prepare during that time.


Quote from: caffeine
Just for the record, it's not exactly comparing apples to apples when subtracting out the line clear delay. The player gets a chance to think ahead and prepare during that time.
Also it can affect your inputs if you mess up your timing so any line clear delay > 0 will probably have an increased detrimental affect on the average player in terms of sprint time.


Quote from: Ravendarksky
Quote from: caffeine
Just for the record, it's not exactly comparing apples to apples when subtracting out the line clear delay. The player gets a chance to think ahead and prepare during that time.
Also it can affect your inputs if you mess up your timing so any line clear delay > 0 will probably have an increased detrimental affect on the average player in terms of sprint time.

I guess it strongly depends on the player and the training: there are two factors: think delay and input precision.

the think delay benefits from LCDs, the input precision suffers from it but I would call that it's a matter of training/ muscle memory to have same precision on higher LCDs as well as on no LCD.

So basically yes: you both are right, but at my "slow" speeds I like to take a pure subtraction of the LCD value to compare my results between versions, knowing that it's not 100% comparable but good enough if the movements (DAS, ARR) are comparable.


Quote from: milkolate
Is it just me or is the 3DS XL's DPad a bit too stiff for quick tetris playing?

I don't find it stiff like the Wiimote D-pad or GameCube D-pad, but it's slightly clunky feeling and I find I'm more apt to misdrop when trying to tap sideways than I was with the DSi.  The DSi D-pad was probably my favourite as it just felt very clicky and precise.


Does anyone have the Xbox One/PS4 version? Can they weigh in regarding rules/modes differences from the 3DS release? Does it still have the messy attack patterns from the early videos?
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE PC ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


PS4 Tetris Ultimate first impressions:
  • Only $10.
  • Visually, the game looks clean and polished.
  • The way you choose modes and if you want to play online or with AI was intelligently designed. It's all right there and easy to use.
  • Customizeable autorepeat, autorepeat delay, and soft drop speed. Aww yisss. Unfortunately, still no 60hz autorepeat =(.
  • I played in a few Marathon and Sprint online versus games. Very fun. I can't wait to try co-op and team.
  • The blue on light blue grid playfield still results in "blindspots" sometimes, where I can't read the playfield. For example, it's easy to confuse holes with J-piece minos. It'd be great if the playfield background was either a very dark blue, black, or dark gray.
  • At first, I kept misdropping and thinking I was hallucinating because I was expecting the wrong pieces at times. Eventually, I realized what was really happening. The active piece and shadow straight up disappear during line clear delay. The queue still progresses, but you cannot see your active piece and shadow throughout the line clear delay. This resulted in me thinking that I should expect the next piece in the next queue to be... next... while line clear delay is in effect. Instead, I have to remember what was the next piece coming since it will disappear. Imo, this could damage the gameplay experience for a lot of unsuspecting players who aren't likely to figure out what exactly is going on. It might not've been caught in Q&A since it probably only really affects those who surpass a certain speed (i.e. if you're playing so slowly that you're actually looking at the active piece and shadow after waiting for the line clear delay to finish before determining where to place it).
  • I can no longer see piece previews during the starting countdown, as was possible in the 3DS version. I really miss this feature!
  • What about replays from the leaderboard? Who's got the top ratings in battle? There's a "store" button (currently inaccessible), so it's a good bet we'll see more features and mode later.
  • A minor annoyance: world record games in Marathon are set on level 15. In order to restart, I have to do the normal restart stuff, but then i have to tap "right" on the right stick... 14 individual times! When going for a record game, players restart quite frequently, and this procedure is pretty tedious. It'd be good if it remembered I wanted level 15 or at least gave me some autorepeat to work with. The same thing happens with handicap in multiplayer.
  • Now for the big one: multiplayer battle. Unplayable right now. Extremely laggy and buggy. ItsCeeCee says they're working on it. I don't really want to say anything until I'm playing what I'm supposed to be playing. What I can say is that 3- and 4-way games have 1 piece preview, and 1v1 games have 4 piece previews. I think that's great. New school players have been too coddled. This is a great way to add "tetrisy" challenge to the game.
  • Multiplayer uses 90% hole change (!!!). I'm not sure if I love it or I hate it. It's a breath of fresh air considering how incredibly bored I am of change-on-attack/clean garbage.  I haven't gotten to play against any pros yet, so it's still up in the air. 90% hole change is my favorite type of garbage, since it calls for the best combination of challenge and variation of downstacking skill. To me, it makes the game so much more fun than stale, clean garbage. However, the obvious worry is how it'll work with T-Spins and high line clear delay. High line clear delay punishes downstacking (due to its use of smaller line clears). T-Spins mean players can send around 2-to-1 lines per clear. These two things could result in players simply ignoring garbage altogether. However, in theory, as a strategy, downstacking is already still so efficient to start off with. Even if you nerf it, it still might be a big part of the game. In short, as long as it doesn't mean the best thing to do is ignore downstacking entirely, then I absolutely love the decision for 90% hole change. Only time will tell.
  • There may be a problem with the way handicap works in multiplayer. As it is, it lets you set up to 10 rows of garbage to "handicap" yourself. I believe this may have the opposite effect so that players may always want at least some "handicap." For example, 80% of the time, I can save at least two pieces on my opening T-Spin Double by setting a handicap of 1 (by using the garbage towards my T-Spin). Moreover, players might find the handicap garbage advantageous for combo starts. I haven't played enough to know how exploitable it is. What I believe would be much better would be to have unclearable, "solid" garbage rows that effectively decrease the height of your playfield for the entire game.


What another failed release by ubisoft this year. How do they fuck up a simple game like tetris? Even with delays they still managed to release a buggy, unfinished game.


is this a worldwide release?  




can't believe i waited almost a year for this failure.

tetris ultimate ps4 feedback

input lag (offline and online) -> pieces go further than they should. this is unrelated to the settings. (they don’t create or solve this.)

sound/music crackles randomly. it’s distorted and wrongly mastered. this can be heard even during the intro.
online players don’t get added to "players met”.
leaderboards show hacked/impossible scores.
description of "auto repeat delay" option is unclear/opposite.
random ignored button presses during online play.
longest back to back and tpm are not cumulative stats.

no stats/leaderboards for battle modes. no skill indication/progress documented anywhere.
no sound indicator when matched with others.

this was announced for summer. no explanation whatsoever why this date wasn’t kept.

edit: i just added a friend (not one of the bots) to the party. after winning 20 times against an imo better player than myself i become suspicious and we start messaging. i didn't play against him. i played against his tetris "self". u might think this is obvious once you see it now but it's not. i wasn't even aware this existed. ridiculous that this happens when he was actually online the whole time.

anyway...i am done with this game till it gets patched. (i honestly don't expect them to do anything about these issues.)

edit 2: IGN What the Heck Is Wrong with Tetris PS4?

personally i donĀ“t have this problem. but the game does have input lag. i think because the game is on so many platforms (ps4, xbone, 3ds, vita, pc) the engine must be very weak and unoptimized. the game never looks like 1080p too. it's all very blurry.


Interest in buying this for PC is declining. Bugs from a month ago show up in the PS4 version but not the XBONE version. Who knows what we're going to get on the PC version. Probably a lot of uPlay down our throats.

Hoping Ubisoft can take its time for that PC release and make a decent game, but not holding out on it.


Hey all, as I've been fairly communicative with HardDrop throughout our process here with Ultimate, there are issues right now with the game. Some like what the video that cycle linked above are fringe cases (here's the updated video: http://www.ign.com/videos/2014/12/18/tetri...4-issues-update ) We are aware of other more constant issues and are working very hard to fix them as quickly as possible and I've added the issues above.  

We meant it when we said that we wanted to bring the game that the community wants, and we're not done with that commitment just yet.


Quote from: cycle

leaderboards show hacked/impossible scores.

Sure they're hacked? I mean, some years ago I would call any sub 30s sprint a hack, but now I know that's possible. what are the scores?


the scores are under 30 secs, like anywhere from 1 sec to 17secs.
ive been told that the Psn Tetris is the minor leagues.

PSN: Wolfbro25