Tetris Controls

Started by Magnanimous, July 13, 2009, 06:27:05 PM

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I find my controls very comfortable .
I like how the arrow keys on the keyboard are laid out. The middle finger can use the upkey (since it extends further) and the ring and index take the left and right.
I took that same concept and applied it to WASD, so its like having 2 sets of arrow keys.

LEFT/RIGHT----- left/right arrow keys
SOFT DROP ----- down arrow key

HARD DROP----- space key

180----- s

HOLD ----- w

Though I am not that fast of a player yet, I think this set up allows for a good speed and is comfortable.
I might  change it a bit in the future though.


left - k
right - ;
rotate c - o
rotate ccw - l

soft drop - .
hard drop - space
hold - r

After reading this thread, looks like i need to change get my thumb off the hard drop and try something new.



left- left
right- right
rotate c- x
rotate cc- up

soft drop - down
hard drop - c
hold - space

hi ._.
What a cloudy day!
No ees not ._.


I just use the default settings.  

I didn't play for almost ten years until a few weeks ago....and the skills are progressively getting better.


Left/Right — Left/Right arrows
Soft Drop — Down arrow
Hard Drop — Up arrow
Rotate Right — X
Rotate Left — Z
Hold — Left Shift


Q - Rotate Counter-clockwise
W - Hold (that I rarely use)
E - Rotate Clockwise

Space - Hard Drop

Left/Right Arrow Keys - Left/Right
Down Arrow Key - Soft Drop

Double rotation definitely helps:)


left/right - left/right
soft drop - down
hard drop - space bar
rotate clockwise - up
hold - shift


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]left/right - left/right
soft drop - down
hard drop - space bar
rotate clockwise - up
hold - shift[/quote]
Wow how did you get so fast with default controls?
It's all about the love


Quote from: clincher
Wow how did you get so fast with default controls?

lol i know. i look like such a noob.


Quote from: nismo
This is something that's bugged me for a little while now.  When I can really devote time to getting better I'm going to take a serious look and see if I can make the proper adjustments, because I'm only using left arrow key for left, right arrow key for right, down arrow for soft drops, up arrow for rotate right and spacebar for hard drops.  I can't double rotate, I never rotate left and I don't hold pieces.  I've used this same configuration since tnet so it's a little hard to think about changing it :[

Me too, I'm new to Harddrop  and I don't know how to double rotate or if it is even possible


Not much different from TF default

up - right rotate
down - soft drop
left/right - move

z - left rotate
x - hold
spacebar - hard drop
TetrisFriends Profile // Facebook
AIM: qgstkpnjtp // OS: Mac OS X 10.5.6


Move Left: Left
Move Right: Right
Soft Drop: Up
Hard Drop: Down

Rotation and hold get a little tricky, depending on whether or not I can set two keys to the same direction and whether or not hold is available.

No hold, two keys for one direction:
Rotate Left - Z, C
Rotate Right - X

No hold, one key only per direction:
Rotate Left - Z
Rotate Right - X

Hold, two keys for one direction:
Rotate Left - Z
Rotate Right - X
Hold - C

Hold, one key only per direction:
Rotate Left - A, D
Rotate Right - S
Hold - C

No hold, one key only per direction:
Rotate Left - Z
Rotate Right - X
Hold - C

Oddly enough, this actually works better for me than mapping hold/1-key to ASC, because then I'll instinctively assume D also works for rotate left and it'll screw me up.


Currently, this is my setup:

S=hard drop
W=soft drop
num pad 4=rotate left
num pad 6=rotate right
num pad 8=hold

That being said, I NEVER play with a keyboard. Been playing Tetris for about 20 years. Learned on a controller. Never made a serious effort to learn with a keyboard. But I've finally decided to put the effort in to try. Starting with an hour a day..... Let's see how this goes.


Quote from: DumbledorsArmy
That being said, I NEVER play with a keyboard. Been playing Tetris for about 20 years. Learned on a controller. Never made a serious effort to learn with a keyboard. But I've finally decided to put the effort in to try. Starting with an hour a day..... Let's see how this goes.

Can we really play with a controller on TF and BB? Would the webmasters notice? Do they even allow it?


if there's a game that doesn't support gamepads/joysticks and you're running Windows, you can use joy2key.

or you can get the source code here.