Tetris Controls

Started by Magnanimous, July 13, 2009, 06:27:05 PM

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I've been thinking a lot lately about keypress efficiency and how mine is sort of inefficient at high speeds, so I'm starting this thread for two reasons. One to decide on a new keymap, and the second to see how everyone else plays...  

My current controls... (In retrospect, this is a really weird layout.)

Left/Right: Left/Right
Soft Drop: Left Ctrl
Hard Drop: Space
Hold: Z

Clockwise: Up
C-Clockwise: Down
Double Rotate: N/A
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


My keys:

Left/Right: Left/Right
Soft Drop: Up
Hard Drop: Down
Rotate Left: Left Shift
Rotate Right: X
Hold: C


I recommend gettin hard drop out of space bar
Anyway heres my setup

Left/right: left/right
hard drop: down
soft drop: up
rotate clockwise: x
rotate ccw: z
hold: c
It's all about the love


rotate left: z
hard drop: x
hold: c
rotate right: up arrow
move left and right: arrows
"Put some stank on those blocks."


Left/Right: left/right
hard drop: z
soft drop: ~
rotate clockwise: up
rotate ccw: f
hold: r
Xbox Live: dj stanz
AOL Instant Messenger: djstanny


Left Hand:
Z: Hold
X: Counter-clockwise rotation
C: Clockwise rotation

Right Hand:
Numpad 5: Firm drop
Numpad 2: Hard drop
Numpad 1: Left movement
Numpad 3: Right movement

I'm in the process of shifting my left hand up two rows to allow my left thumb to rest on the spacebar in order to use 180 rotation. That would break the same row ideal but there's no way I could have used my pinky for it.


Left/Right shifts - Left/Right
Fast/Slow drops - Up/Down (If both drops are fast I put Hard on Down and Sonic on Up.)
Left rotate - Z or C
Right rotate - X
Hold - Spacebar

I'm still used to TGM A->C 180s, so I don't have a dedicated 180 rotation key.
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Left hand:
D Left
F Right
A Hold

Right hand:
J Hard drop
N Soft/firm drop
K Rotate left
; Rotate right
i Rotate 180

Updated 2/13/13: moved 180 and rotate right keys. The controls are now a) home row (as much as possible) and b) ring fingerless


\ - rotate 180
z - rotate clockwise
x - hold
c - hard drop

up - rotate counterclockwise
left - left
right - right
down - soft/firm drop


This is something that's bugged me for a little while now.  When I can really devote time to getting better I'm going to take a serious look and see if I can make the proper adjustments, because I'm only using left arrow key for left, right arrow key for right, down arrow for soft drops, up arrow for rotate right and spacebar for hard drops.  I can't double rotate, I never rotate left and I don't hold pieces.  I've used this same configuration since tnet so it's a little hard to think about changing it :[


Left Hand:
W: Hard/Firm Drop
A: Left
S: Soft Drop
D: Right

Right Hand:
Space: Hold
J,L: Rotate Left
K: Rotate Right


It's weird but I use the number pad for most of my keys.

Left hand: space bar

Right hand:
Left/Right: number pad 1, number pad 3
Soft Drop: number pad 2
Rotate Left: number pad 4
Rotate Right: number pad 5
Hold: number pad 6


Quote from: Digital
X: Clockwise rotation
C: Counter-clockwise rotation

I intuitively associate clockwise=right and anticlockwise=left, an intuition that probably comes from the steering wheel of a car.

I'm curious to know, what's the intuition behind your controls above? I have have heard that "World" controls in TGM3 are also mapped this way, while "Classic" controls are mapped the steering wheel way.


Quote from: ryan_heise
I intuitively associate clockwise=right and anticlockwise=left, an intuition that probably comes from the steering wheel of a car.

Intuition is only useful at first. Once it's in muscle memory, it won't matter anymore. In the past, I've gotten used to inverted rotation as well as having one rotation button directly above the other (used on the cell phone as well as on the keyboard).


Quote from: nismo
This is something that's bugged me for a little while now.  When I can really devote time to getting better I'm going to take a serious look and see if I can make the proper adjustments, because I'm only using left arrow key for left, right arrow key for right, down arrow for soft drops, up arrow for rotate right and spacebar for hard drops.  I can't double rotate, I never rotate left and I don't hold pieces.  I've used this same configuration since tnet so it's a little hard to think about changing it :[
It's never too late to change, and the hoursworth of bad games spent fixing a bad control scheme is well-spent in the long run.

edit: I hope "hoursworth" is a word. Hurm.

Speaking of which, I changed my keys a bit to get rid of the spacebar... It's largely the same scheme, but my home row seems to be a lot more responsive. It feels a bit more natural, and the muscle memory's still mostly the same.

Left/Right: Left/Right
Soft Drop: W
Hold: E
Hard Drop: F

Clockwise: Up
C-Clockwise: Down
Rotate 180: Space(maybe)
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino