Tetris Controls

Started by Magnanimous, July 13, 2009, 06:27:05 PM

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Yeah, ideally I think it makes the most sense to have left and right rotate on the same hand - one button on the left and the other on the right. Many games like Tetris Party Deluxe and Tetris DS have these as default. I wish I knew earlier on when choosing my controls. I'm now comfortable with my weird Up Arrow (Right Rotate) and R-Button (Left Rotate) though. Your way will definitely make learning twists and spins easier as well.


Well what I use is pretty basic.

e= hard drop
r= soft drop

left and right are left and right

up= cw
down= ccw
number pad 0 is 180 spin

shift is hold

It works for me, might not be the same for you. (I wanted to use cw and ccw)

Btw http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?showt...p;hl=key+config



i'm currently using

left-right arrows for left and right
Up for rotating clockwise
Down for soft dropping
Right ctrl for rotating ccw
Spacebar for harddrop
Right shift for hold

and it works fine for me


I just fixed my control setup so that it feels right for my left hand.

A: Hold
S: Rotate Left
D: 180 Rotate(Which TF doesn't have and I've never used it but I heard it would be good to do it.)
F: Rotate Right
Space: Hard Drop

Reasoning for left hand: The normal typing position seems most natural to me.

Right Arrow: Move Right
Left Arrow: Move Left
Down Key: Soft Drop


I actually use a PS3 controler with the same setup as if it were a DS ( used Tetris DS controls for a long time )
Don't know if it is actually faster to use a keyboard, I try to get used to those controls when I don't use my controler :

Up/Down: Harddrop/Softdrop
Left/Right : Left/Right
1 : rotate ccw
3 : rotate cw
2 : hold


Ok, so, Quick simple question.

Currently my controls are
rotations = p ;
left/right = l '
soft drop = e
hard drop = f
double rotate = r
hold = w

fastest 40L is 41.29

my question is
would I be able to break my plateau if my controls were more evenly distributed?
please give me some control suggestions; because the way I look at it either way my brain will be unfamiliar with them so it'll take some time to get use to ha.


Stop being lazy and look in the thread where this has been answered
Close thread


I'm currently used to default settings in most tetris games...

Left/Right = Left&Right
Up = Clockwise Rotation
Down = Soft drop
Space = Hard drop
*I don't use ccw.

I'm new here too and I've been missing live tetris matchups ever since Blockles died a few years ago

Then I found TOJ & these forums.

I'm trying to change and it's so hard! My controls have been burned into my mind and I can go pretty fast with the defaults. Any recommendations for what's optimal keyboard layout?

It seems like having down as your hard drop and using the left hand for rotation seems to work for most people.


what about up as hard drop so that you don't have to change soft drop?
               Tetris Belts!


I don't use soft drop a lot. My play is a lot of speed & I don't do things like twists with the T pieces so having UP as my hard drop doesn't change much I think...

I'm debating whether or not to keep hard drop on my left hand as I'm used to or to move it to my right because that's the best thing in the long run.


*Don't use Up to rotate; put rotation and movement on separate hands.
*Definitely use CCW.
*Most players use Up/Down as their drops, but some still use Space or other such keys on their non-movement hand to hard drop. If you use Down to Hard Drop, try Up to Soft Drop.
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Sounds like that's what I'll do.

RightHand: Left&Right
LeftHand: Drop & Rotates

I've been playing the past day or two trying to get my right hand to do drops and occasionally I do one screw up and I drop a block randomly... ugh.

*Can someone explain why SPACE as hard drop is bad? If I have my rotates on Q & W, would E be better than SPACE for hard drops?


Yeah, it can take some adjusting if you try to switch up your keys. You'll be pretty well off if you have rotation/movement split up and start learning how to use both rotation directions, though.

I'm not so sure about Space for Hard Drop. I'm a bit wary of it since it is sort of the standard Hold key, but I don't know if there is necessarily anything limiting about putting drops on the same hand as rotations instead of movements.
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Flash- i rotate/hard drop with my left hand, and move/soft drop/hold with my right, and it works very well. you'll get used to rotating/hd'ing with the same hand.

s-rot L
d-rot R
f-hard drop

l-soft/firm drop

for most people the thumb is the slowest finger, and in SRS you hard drop every piece, so imo it's best to assign hd to your first finger (supposedly the fastest) on either hand. keep in mind you'll use right OR left more than hd alone, so it's logical to assign R/L to your dominant hand. this was the thinking behind my F/J/K keys, and i built the rest of my setup around that. i "hold" less than anything else so i use my pinky for that.