Tetris Controls

Started by Magnanimous, July 13, 2009, 06:27:05 PM

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and learning double rotation is good cause it'll help you play faster >_> unless you're a fast tapper. doot doo doo

yes, you should most definitely try to learn it, and then if it's too much of a hassle.. i guess stick with single rotation. =P

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I usually double rotate unless doing a tspin or other twist. I use TF default though.

Up = Z = rotate CW
X = rotate CCW
L/R = directional
Down = soft drop
space = hard drop
c = hold

[for Nullpo]
v = 180 rotation
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~Martin Luther King Jr.


Whatever is most comfortable to you would be best. I play with default TF controls, but I know that some people like to divide up the work evenly between both hands. With that in mind, you can come up with your own settings that work for you.


I used default for a while until my spacebar got jammed.
I switched to C as hard drop, and then X to hold and Z to rotate left. It actually has a nicer feel imo since your hands would be more level, rather than having your left hand tilted a bit to reach the spacebar.



A bit tiresome for TGm though


i was once a player that had the toughest time getting used to left and right rotate. i was always used to using the up key for single rotation, and even after two weeks of trying to learn the left and right rotate keys on my opposite hand, i just couldn't get it to feel comfortable. so instead, i came up with my own control scheme that allowed me to keep the comfort of using up as rotate while also being able to rotate both directions. not only did i incorporate left and right rotate into my control scheme, but the 180 rotate comes naturally for me now too.

so i probably suggest you to try learning what most people use first, but if that doesn't work, you can simply do what i do. i switched my keys around so my hands are closer together. my up, left, down, and right arrows became i,j,k,l. i added the left rotate in as 'u', and then i added the double rotate in as 'o'. i switched the hard drop from space to 'd', and i switched the hold from shift to 's'. it kind of sounds complicated but i made significant improvements without having to adjust too much.

i know some people think it's better to even out the keyboard inputs between both hands for the most efficiency, but honestly, i don't feel limited by the controls that i use at all. i feel like the only things limiting me from getting under sub 25 in 40L are my own physical and mental capabilities. there are a handful of other sub 30 40L players with similar control schemes.  

anyways, whatever you do, find something that you're comfortable with. and i don't mean to stick with a single rotation. just try to utilize everything the game has in a comfortable way.


OK-  so you don't have to be a grand master to play tetris. But that doesn't mean you have to play with controls that may be keeping you from being a grandmaster. comfort is key. also, notice how fast your hands react and can keep tapping the key.
Speed of hand is crucial to a good tetris player. Don't spread out your controls too much and don't keep them too close. I gotta go so i'll re post in a few hours

p.s.- see my cube solving and instructional videos on youtube!!!!
search for " Cubedude09 " and please comment that you are from harddrop!!!!


Quote from: cubedude
Speed of hand is crucial to a good tetris player. Don't spread out your controls too much and don't keep them too close.
What's wrong with having your hands spread out? Works fine for me.


r - left
q- right
;- rotate left
space- rotate right
alt- hold
f5-hard drop
left arrow- soft drop
g- double rotate

works for me


left arrow - move left
right arrow - move right
up arrow - soft drop
down arrow - hard drop

q - rotate 180
w - rotate right
e - hold
r - rotate left

pretty standard.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://i.imgur.com/Kgw5H.gif\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://i.imgur.com/Kgw5H.gif\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


>pretty standard.
>rotation buttons are backwards and spaced
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


I tried a couple different key configurations, and while I understood the benefits none of them seemed comfortable. My main reason for trying them was my inability to get to my 180 rotate fast enough (since resolved). I'm sticking with TF default.



Quote from: DAS44
I tried a couple different key configurations, and while I understood the benefits none of them seemed comfortable. My main reason for trying them was my inability to get to my 180 rotate fast enough (since resolved). I'm sticking with TF default.

I once had the same problem, i like tf default except i didnt like left rotate on control and i couldnt find a nice place for double rotate.  So i moved left rotate to x, and double rotate to c.
Morpheus: What are you waiting for? You're faster than this. Don't think you are, know you are. Come on!


I'm fine with ctrl as left rotate, its an easy transition for my 1st finger, I'm now using pg down for 180 rotate also an easy transition for my 3rd finger (I have large hands)



i stalled out in sprint at 56 seconds with the deafault controls   . i never double roateded so after reading advice on here i switched up my scheme.

right now i have it set at:

right arrow = move right
left arrow = move left
up arrow = hard drop
down arrow = soft drop

a = rotate left
d = rotate right
s = hold

-- does this seem like a good one or no? It's so hard to switch im way to used to the defualt i keep pressing up to rotate and dropping the piece... figure it'll take a few days..