
Started by dlmorr12, March 03, 2013, 12:11:55 PM

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Hello everyone! My name is Dustin and I'm new here. I've been practicing Tetris for a few months now every day, hourly!
I hope to be great friends with everyone here!

 My favorite tetromino is the line piece, I wonder what everyone else's favorites are?
Everyone need a line piece or two.


HELLO AND WELCOME ...hope u have fun in HD ...and my favorite is the I piece too
Also, may I know the name of the character in your profile pic and which manga or book its from ?


Quote from: BARNCHAK
HELLO AND WELCOME ...hope u have fun in HD ...and my favorite is the I piece too
Also, may I know the name of the character in your profile pic and which manga or book its from ?

That would be Ulquiorra Espada no. 4  from Bleach
Everyone need a line piece or two.


okk i don't read bleach ...neither have i seen the anime wonder i didn't recognize it


Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: dlmorr12
Hello everyone! My name is Dustin and I'm new here. I've been practicing Tetris for a few months now every day, hourly!
I hope to be great friends with everyone here!

 My favorite tetromino is the line piece, I wonder what everyone else's favorites are?


HELLO and WELCOME to the Harddrop community!

Right off the bat, immense respect given for your FANTASTIC avatar! Ulquiorra Espada no. 4 from Bleach, perhaps the most badass and inherently skilled figure in Bleach. The only reason he lost to Ichigo was because of his cheap god-mode Hollowfication.....hell, I honestly believe Ulquiorra could shut down Aizen, simply with his aura of chill kick-ass vibe.

Are you aware of my own avatar? And the equally bad-ass nature of such a character????

Anyhow, wow you've only been playing for four months! I'd love to know more about your current skill status, and any long-term goals you may have and how I can best assist you.

First off, STOP PLAYING TETRIS BATTLE which every newcomer is guilty of.

Instead, give these fantastic games a shot:

Nullpomino (a customized Tetris game which features much more specialized options though a somewhat lacking online player pool):

Tetris Online Poland (a fantaastic replication of the original Tetris of Japan that got shut down. This game features lots of various modes such as dig or online play, and also some super kawai animations and Japanese dubs!):

And, most importantly, the best Tetris Client to ever be introduced, as implied by the sudden change in intensity and boldness:

Cultris II (The unrivaled standard set amongst the world of Tetris clients, the most voracious reaper of the time and lives of children since the infamous introduction of Imgur):

Please, PLEASE download all of these games and see for yourself which clients you feel comfortable with. It's very important to be willing to expand and explore these various games, because you will not really obtain a balanced and comprehensive Tetris arsenal of skill if you cling to just one game. Each game is unique, and highlights certain equally imperative factors you must consider.

Anyhow, BAH, I'm receiving the cue to end my introduction! Because I do not yet know enough about you and your skill level, I can't really say much other than what was mentioned above. So please, do feel free and comfortable in further contributing in our welcoming society and tell us more about yourself, Tetris-wise and other-wise!

(P.S. You may notice some turmoil and unsettling scenes for the time being, given the current circumstances. But please have the tolerance and openmindedness to dismiss these sights for now. I will do the best of my ability to keep it at a minimum. Meanwhile, please do check out our Shoutbox on the homepage, as well as our incredible Wiki and conversational General forum. Best of luck, Caio!)


ignore everything panda said, and just play whatever you like, we are a tetris community that welcomes all types of players, skill levell, and whatever client they play, its reallynot fun to come into here and have someone cram down their favorite games and to tell someone else that they should stop playing the games they like. also, he never said that he played tb, its not cool to make assumptions.

if anything, when youre ready to explore other clients, go for it. i just hate it when people instantly tell newcomers to play a different tetris game than the one they already play

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: MarioThePhenom
ignore everything panda said, and just play whatever you like, we are a tetris community that welcomes all types of players, skill levell, and whatever client they play, its reallynot fun to come into here and have someone cram down their favorite games and to tell someone else that they should stop playing the games they like. also, he never said that he played tb, its not cool to make assumptions.
if anything, when youre ready to explore other clients, go for it. i just hate it when people instantly tell newcomers to play a different tetris game than the one they already play

First off, Dlmorr12, I apologize if you received this false impression that Mario mentioned. This was truly not my intentions, and was meant in a purely constructive and informative intent, an innocent suggestion to expand one's mind so to speak. My willingness to accept Dlmorr12 regardless of his potential skill should've become obvious by my overly enthusiastic undertone and genuine unconditional assistance I provided.

Anyhow, Mario, I do acknowledge where you're coming from and I appreciate your meaning-well intervention on this matter. I will send you a PM with the reasoning behind my original post. I would very much appreciate it if our conversation regarding this matter was moved to there instead, and preserve the integrity of Dlmorr12's introduction thread.


Also it's Tetris Online Poland. Also I don't know if linking to it is allowed on this forum.
               Tetris Belts!



If you want to be a professional like (piz²a)² you should invest some time in Tetris Amigos.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Welcome here! My favourite piece is T, and not only for spins.
Tetris Battle is not necessarily bad, but you might want to try other games.


Quote from: XaeL
If you want to be a professional like (piz²a)² you should invest some time in Tetris Amigos.

ew this is not how squaring works
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Paul676
ew this is not how squaring works

It is when p, i, z, and a don't commute.


still isn't. one z and one pizza=one z and one pizza when squared.
               Tetris Belts!