
Started by dlmorr12, March 03, 2013, 12:11:55 PM

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Wait... what? We are using the same notation of writing xy for the product of x and y, and x² for the product of x and x, right?


Quote from: XaeL
If you want to be a professional like (piz²a)² you should invest some time in Tetris Amigos.

Paul, the Oxford genius who's like those inconceivably smart people you read in newspapers but never actually witness in real life cuz they can actually sense our inferior vibe and redirect their walking paths, this such genius has stated that Xael's application of exponentiation in his post is incorrect.

For the most part, it seems to be valid.

But we must verify all the pre-existing conditions (shoutout to mah homie Rack'em 'Bama). First off, what are the associated numerical values of each of these alphabetical terms?

Xael, your square exponent at the outside of the parenthesis is only valid if each numerical value is either 1 or 0 with at least one being a 0. Otherwise, the combined sum of the product inside the parenthesis will be exponentiated, resulting in a number that's larger than simply a doubled amount, which is what you were intending. Or, if the values are all 1, you will not get the precisely doubled amount you were looking for, but rather an unchanged original variable.

(pizza) X 2, or (pizza) + (pizza), rather than (pizza)^2, where "pizza" is a single combined term that is not 0.

Following this logic, it becomes apparent that your square of "z" term is ambiguous. What have we established as a valid exponentiation in terms of translating this alphanumeric term into pure alphabets? In other words, would you consider squaring a numerical value of 0 to be equivalent to adding two zeros, since the ultimate sum and value would be the same, technically speaking? In which case, Xael's application of squaring "z" was correct, given that the numerical value was precisely 0. (a value of 1 does not work, for 1 x 1 = 1 while 1+1=window)

So truly, it all comes down to what the numerical values are, and what we consider to be valid exponentiation in this hypothetical context of an alphanumeric system.

Unfortunately, assigning such numerical values is highly subjective and Wikipedia-esque, so I'm sure Xael is gonna seize da cheeze right hurr.

What, I like thinking.


Honestly, I don't see how Xael is wrong on this one. Mathematically:

pizzapizza = p*i*z*z*a*p*i*z*z*a [this is established shorthand]

= p*p*i*i*z*z*z*z*a*a [grouping variables together]
= (p*i*z*z*a)^2
= (p*i*((z)^2)*a)^2

This is valid for any p, i, z, and a. There is no sum involved. Unless suddenly you take pizzapizza = pizza + pizza for whatever reason.

Also, clearly, 1 + 1 = x where x can be either 1, 2, 3, window or 11.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Quote from: StS
This is valid for any p, i, z, and a. There is no sum involved. Unless suddenly you take pizzapizza = pizza + pizza for whatever reason.

You bring up an interesting point.

I had originally interpreted "pizzapizza" to be simply the addition of two "pizza" terms, because it's nonsensical for a username to exist that is literally (pizzapizza)^2 or (pizza)+(pizza).

It is indeed an ambiguous situation, and we must collectively come to a conclusion as to which situation is indeed the correct interpretation.

Personally, I believe pizza+pizza is correct, in a rhetorical context. I'm sure the user Pizzapizza chose his username to go for the intentional effect of rhetorical repetition. Repetition is the concept of repeating the same variable twice or more. That said, the pizza+pizza theory becomes very logical and convincing.

(was this a better more fitting word choice, StS? while this is indeed not in the realm of mathematics, it still remains a very valid reasoning that gives much preference to pizza+pizza. food for thought, don't push the plate away just cuz you ain't hungry )


You know, as much as I'd love to derail this topic further with our nonsense, it would be rude towards the topic creator.

So anyway, welcome to HD, Dustin!

EDIT: HAHAHAHAHAHA, a psychological context?! Pure maths, dude, no need to grasp that far for straws.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


I was thinking of it in terms of getting pizzapizza, you need to add the letters to each other. Of course if we take it as algebraic, sts is right.
               Tetris Belts!


If you take it to be string concatenation, then
Quote from: Paul676
ew this is not how squaring works
is exactly right. "string"**2 doesn't mean anything in any of the programming languages I know.

I still don't understand this though:
Quote from: Paul676
one z and one pizza=one z and one pizza when squared.

Also: welcome, dlmorr12!


Wow, lots of feedback!  Thank you all for for the responses, I'm already feeling very welcomed.
I'm also glad to see there are a few Bleach fans out there!

I'm not so sure why math of piz*piz*piz*piz*a*a is a big deal, although I will admit pizza is pretty good, tasting.  

Tetris Battle I will agree is not very good as far as controls being very laggy, practically forcing me to play slower as to not make misplacements.  However, I cannot seem to stop myself from playing it, it's.. strange.

I'm a huge fan of Tetris Friends however!  As there's virtually no lag, I enjoy Arena mode most and wonder how many people here play TF arena?  If you guys play there often, you can send me a friend invite at Dustin_Morrow (with the picture of the green kitty kitty).  

I actually, already play NullpoMino and I play it occasionally, normally just doing practice mode. I like the idea behind it's online functionality, however I find that it's not great because of the inability to see next pieces. (atleast from the version I have).

Anyways, some more information about me: I can type with an average of 140+ wpm without too much effort and enjoy spee
d-solving the rubik's cube.  I currently clear 40 lines in about a minute and 10 seconds on average.  I hopefully will soon be clearing it in less than a minute, that is my goal.

Lastly, I thank you guys once more for the warm greetings and hope to get to know each one of you better!  [/font]
Everyone need a line piece or two.