How long did it take you to get a sub 60?

Started by ARCADE-CLICKSTER, February 24, 2013, 11:00:15 AM

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Topic Title says it all. I have been playing a lot for a long time now and still have a fastest time of only slightly faster than 1:20.



Quote from: PolarisTR
About 4 months

More than 6 years of tetris and I haven't gotten a sub 2 minute run yet  
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040 Lines: 1:44.45

020 Lines: 49.01 Most people here can do 40L quicker than I can do 20L.

100 Lines: 5:16.25

I have a forum goal: to be quoted in a signature...

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\



Three months (did it yesterday, yay!).


Quote from: Barneey
From what I've seen, there are many people who can't reach certain times. There are people who get sub 30 within a year, and people who can't get sub 60 after 4 years. It seems to me like "younger" players improve faster and more efficiently than people in their early 20's. Who knows the science behind it though.
Always remember this /\

But yeah, like less than 1 month.


Quote from: UJS3
Three months (did it yesterday, yay!).

Congrats on sub-60! I'll be joining you very soon  (1:01:251)

Arcade, the time it takes is actually very subjective and thus irrelevant. For instance, many newcomers who first try Tetris are absolutely terrible and lack the specialized foresight and comprehension to perform even the most basic functions. These people tend to show a very slow progress in Tetris and unless they put in the extra effort and force their mental abilities to adapt and expand, they will remain at this stage for an indefinite amount of time. Meanwhile, there are those who have a natural proclivity for Tetris and perform a sub-1:45 on their first try, and show a consistent exponential increase in skill from there.

There was a thread a while ago regarding the correlation between Tetris skill and human intelligence. While I don't think there is a definite relation per-se, I do believe that each person has a different proclivity and adaptability to Tetris, and this in turn affects how long it will take them to progress.


13 months

Another factor to keep in mind is how time is dedicated to practicing. In my first 13 months I  practiced in binges; days spent doing nothing but tetris followed by weeks of casual play. If I had regulated my time better, for example practicing for an hour a day consistently, I believe it would have taken fewer months to go sub 60.

The most important thing is having fun, no matter how you manage your time. When the game stops being fun it is guaranteed that you will stop playing the game.
[spoiler] [img]


uh, like 5 months?  maybe 6 or 7, more than 4, less than 8
maybe 5 months
like not a clue

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


People who can't sub60 even after sprint hundreds of times should try quitting sprint for a while and just do multiplayer for a few weeks/months. I rarely play sprint but every time I come back to it after a period of just multiplayer I usually destroy my old records.


I used to improve by playing multiplayer, just like tk, but I've been focusing on piece efficiency recently, so in a way, my speed hasn't been increasing.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


It took me like 3 months, but I started on tf, there i was too slow so i tried Nullpo, where I've got some basic skills and my first sub 60 was on Nullpo. On tf i did it few weeks later.
But after hours of playing I've believed that (speed <> skills). Lots of pros were telling me that and I thought it was nonsense, but its true


At first I didn't know what sprint was so I didn't play it for like my first 2 months of playing tetris. When i discovered it my first runs were like 2:30+. Within a week i got it sub 60, but by then I was already really addicted and played it a LOT.
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Quote from: MarioThePhenom
uh, like 5 months?  maybe 6 or 7, more than 4, less than 8
maybe 5 months
like not a clue
Then don't post


40 line sprint in Nullpomino: 32.88