Tetris Battle Feedback

Started by J_MAC, November 05, 2012, 03:37:58 PM

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Quote from: myndzi
I'm sorry to be critical, but I have to say that poor play is not a very good argument for the implementation of features...

I cannot agree more, and it is a huge issue of mine with the game.


Quote from: myndzi
I'm sorry to be critical, but I have to say that poor play is not a very good argument for the implementation of features...
Well still, I don't see the point in having to expend energy in sprint and marathon anyway. That was my main point. In Tetrisfriends, etc., there is no penalty for restarting a singleplayer game, and there shouldn't be one in Tetris Battle also, in my opinion.
ポã,±ãƒŸãƒŽã§ã™~ ^u^

but i'm not japanese lol


In tetris friends there isn't the concept of energy anyway -_-
               Tetris Belts!


having that energy there isnt a bad thing pokemino, you shouldn't just practice sprint to get a good time and brag about it, its used as a marker of how fast you actually are, so you shouldn't be ale to play it thousands of time to get that best record. i mean unless you're trying to go for a world record or something

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


I don't understand why anyone would argue that the energy mechanic makes any sense, besides the company behind Tetris making money out of it. Do the same people not restart in Nullpomino line race when they misdrop, or do they never misdrop?


Quote from: rEiGN
I don't understand why anyone would argue that the energy mechanic makes any sense, besides the company behind Tetris making money out of it. Do the same people not restart in Nullpomino line race when they misdrop, or do they never misdrop?
off topic, but on nullpo, your not supposed to restart, your supposed to play through your missdrops, just cause you missdrop doesn't mean you cant get a rec

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Please keep it on topic, at least for a little while longer. If J-MAC never shows up, I see no need to keep things focused.

Playing through misdrops is not just about "still maybe getting a record", it's about teaching yourself to deal with more situations. If you always skip the hard parts, then you never learn what to do with them and you suffer for it.

Re: Energy, as I mentioned - they need to make enough money to support the hosting and development as well as make a profit that makes it a worthwhile endeavor. The energy thing is irritating, but if it succeeds at making a sustainable profit, then you guys ought to be supporting it and perhaps offering ways to make it less offensive to players who want to play hundreds of games a day.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]I don't understand why anyone would argue that the energy mechanic makes any sense, besides the company behind Tetris making money out of it.[/quote]

Think about what you're saying; you're basically saying "damn, it's lame that you guys want to make money - you should just give us everything for free!"

If they did that, they would go out of business and you would get nothing at all. Free is for volunteers; we have free, and it has its own problems. TTC is not a volunteer company.



Quote from: myndzi

You've touched on a subject matter that gets a lot of discussion, a lot of arguing, and generally no specific results. I imagine you know that and you're just looking for things you may not have known for further consideration. What would help this become a productive discussion is to try and define exactly what you want from Tetris Battle. The source of most of the conflict here will be that people have differing ideas of what the game should be, and they'll never agree on those points. If you can manage to put the focus on the kinds of things that you actually will want to take action on, you may get improved results and have a more valuable interaction.

I agree, and thanks for pointing this out.

The feedback is valuable and great, but what I'm really looking for are ideas to improve Tetris Battle in a way that will open up new doors to players and be able to play Tetris in a new light.

Features like this would be along the lines of -
*Adding room option to Tetris Arena (as many of you have already mentioned)
*Adding a new mode.  
*Adding a tournament factor, like how we had in Tetrisfriends.com
*Utilizing a feature on Facebook that we have yet to take advantage of
*Adding more tuning
something along these lines.

I understand and completely agree that there are some problems that currently exist... I.E. Lag.  We really are working on trying to resolve this, as hard as that is to believe >.< As most of you know, there are limitations with Flash and for right now, that's what we've got to work with.  So in the sincerest way possible, I really do apologize for the lag and frustrations that I am sure most of you, if not all of you, are experiencing.

As far as removing ads, please continue to voice concern for that.  However, the likely hood of something being done about that is slim, since a big % of players who play Facebook games don't pay and we do need to make some type of revenue  

Thanks again for all the feedback, it really helps!


Quote from: rEiGN
I don't understand why anyone would argue that the energy mechanic makes any sense, besides the company behind Tetris making money out of it. Do the same people not restart in Nullpomino line race when they misdrop, or do they never misdrop?
Actually from what i learnt from a game design course, the energy mechanic actually makes you play more, since to maximise play time u have to make sure ur energy never goes past maximum, otherwise u're wasting play-time.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


i personally enjoy receiving gifts after playing 5 games, but would it be possible to CHOOSE the gift instead of having random gifts. eg i can choose 100 tetris coins instead of receiving shields, energy cans or twin bombs. just a thought as i feel i'll be more encouraged if i know i can get something i want.


Quote from: J_MACFeatures like this would be along the lines of -
*Adding more tuning

That does it, I give up any hope I ever had for Tetris Battle.


Quote from: LeviNouah
i personally enjoy receiving gifts after playing 5 games, but would it be possible to CHOOSE the gift instead of having random gifts. eg i can choose 100 tetris coins instead of receiving shields, energy cans or twin bombs. just a thought as i feel i'll be more encouraged if i know i can get something i want.

Thanks, perfect



I would like to report a few bugs:

1. Winning with 5 KOs in 2p will always only hand out 1 star. Since it's a situation of overpowering the opponent, it should give 2 stars at least.

2. After a few games, there's a huge performance drop (causing pieces to move slowly and incorrectly). My personal hardware might be the cause of this, but I have many friends with the same problem, and yet we can all run games like Skyrim flawlessly. I use Chrome and it works fine with everything else.

3. Playing on 2 different computers without ever closing the page: if you gain EXP on one computer, leave the browser open, then start gaining EXP on another computer, and then go play again on the other computer with the outdated information, the game will only save the outdated info. This has caused me to lose levels entirely, though I kept the upgrades bought at the lost levels.

4. The option to turn off bombs resets every time you close the game. If you're used to playing without bombs, you have to set the option every time you start playing, which can sometimes cause undeserved defeats if you forget to set it again.

5. Suggestion: if someone invites you while you are playing, it shouldn't completely block your screen, or it should pause the game. It should also notify the requesting player that the requested player is currently in a game. It's EXTREMELY annoying to be interrupted while playing.

6. Suggestion: add a few lines on the top of the current play space to give vision of the appearing/current piece. When you are reaching the top, you often can't see in what position the current piece is, making it very difficult to place it correctly. Giving vision of that dead area would be a huge quality of life improvement.

That's all I have on the top on my mind.

Thank you!


The speed upgrades are ridiculously expensive.


Thank you very much for the reports.  I"ll pass these along and hopefully get some resolution to these issues.