Tetris Battle Feedback

Started by J_MAC, November 05, 2012, 03:37:58 PM

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Greeting Harddropers,

It's been a while since I've checked in here, and I'd like to apologize for that.  We've been working on optimizing some of the features found in Tetris Battle, and would like to gather some feedback on how you feel we should improve the game.

Any and all feedback would be useful.  I.E. Should we take Arena out of beta and let everyone flood in?  Should we get more tuning styles?  Should we focus on creating Avatars?

First off, please don't hold back on any feedback.  Any and all feedback is more than welcomed and encouraged.

Thank you very much!



I think the game should keep track of how many times each player wins and loses. If someone starts winning more than the other players, that guy should start receiving more and more garbage until his win/lose ratio equals everyone else's. I think that would make it more fun for everyone.


Quote from: caffeine
I think the game should keep track of how many times each player wins and loses. If someone starts winning more than the other players, that guy should start receiving more and more garbage until his win/lose ratio equals everyone else's. I think that would make it more fun for everyone.
very funny
I would be surprised if they don't do such things already.

Quote from: J_MAC
Greeting Harddropers,

It's been a while since I've checked in here, and I'd like to apologize for that.  We've been working on optimizing some of the features found in Tetris Battle, and would like to gather some feedback on how you feel we should improve the game.

Any and all feedback would be useful.  I.E. Should we take Arena out of beta and let everyone flood in?  Should we get more tuning styles?  Should we focus on creating Avatars?

First off, please don't hold back on any feedback.  Any and all feedback is more than welcomed and encouraged.

Thank you very much!

One feature that is obviously missing is leaderboard for arena, sprint and marathon. Avatars, could you elaborate on what would they do except of being visible on main menu? It is stupid to have arena mode in beta for so long if you are not actively working on it, so either made it out of beta or get rid of it, if you believe it's not good. I suppose changing Arena gameplay to be more like TF Arena (or TOJ multiplayer) is too much to ask? I don't think there is need for more tuning style, what kind of tuning do you consider?

On the other hand, i think fake multiplayer modes are abomination of tetris and make no sense at all. So any significant improvement would involve redesigning whole game from scratch. Sorry.
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Quote from: WojtekOn the other hand, i think fake multiplayer modes are abomination of tetris and make no sense at all. So any significant improvement would involve redesigning whole game from scratch. Sorry.





Also, the whole "Facebook Game" thing is incredibly unpleasant. Tuning should not cost _anywhere close_ to $100. If I want to "buy the game" and not worry about needless grinding for coins or abhorrent amounts of friend spam, $100 is a disgustingly abusive price. I thought ~$5 or whatever for Tetris Friends was quite fair, and would have liked to have seen a similar price point on Tetris Battle (though I'd still be very upset with TB supplanting TF and having to buy into the system a second time for what amounts to a rehash of the same engine with a downgraded ruleset).

Avatars, piece skins, etc. are all 100% fluff. They're what you would want to perhaps add alongside a game that is mechanically solid.

I didn't want to post at first, but I do see you said not to hold back... Personally, I can think of nothing one could realistically do to make Tetris Battle look like a more attractive game to play short of throwing it out and making something completely different. I realize this is not even a remotely realistic request, and as such it will likely remain on my list of blocked applications for the rest of time.
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Personally I don't really play Tetris Battle often. When I mention Tetris to any of my friends the first thing they assume I'm talking about is Tetris Battle; and so I congratulate Tetris Online Inc on successful marketing. ^^

Other than that... I also think the game is almost an abomination and I am at a loss when thinking of recommendations for improvement.

(Edit: It's kind of funny... When they had Tetris Battle in Beta a bunch of people including me said the bombs/solid garbage were strange and pointless... And yet it went ahead. The chances of the bombs and solid garbage removed is highly unlikely.)


I don't play Tetris Battle so I've got nothing to add here, I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to come here and gather feedback.


the low quality option doesn't even do anything i still experience the same amount of lag, especially with unresponsive controls.

also don't understand why you would have the option to play multiplayer with solid garbage (no bombs and no holed garbage), might as well add in ultra mode and have a leaderboard to see whos the best.
☠  crzy242


They did that with old old old Tetris Friends on Facebook.



I get it now.

This really has been the point all along. Even more so than we tend to realize (though perhaps we remember occasionally, at times such as this). The whole "asynchronous multiplayer" gimmick was already here -- even older than Battle 2P or Tetris Friends Beta or whatever else. We were doomed from the start.
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Quote from: J_MAC
Greeting Harddropers,

It's been a while since I've checked in here, and I'd like to apologize for that.  We've been working on optimizing some of the features found in Tetris Battle, and would like to gather some feedback on how you feel we should improve the game.

Any and all feedback would be useful.  I.E. Should we take Arena out of beta and let everyone flood in?  Should we get more tuning styles?  Should we focus on creating Avatars?

First off, please don't hold back on any feedback.  Any and all feedback is more than welcomed and encouraged.

Thank you very much!


I think the use of "features" upsets the balance on Tb. I am sure this has been said a hundred times but allow me to elaborate. I am not merely whining that it is "unfair" but there has been a somewhat significant drop in active players, and I feel this is one of the reasons. It upsets the balance of play, I am not sure what my current rank is, but I remember when I was rank 100 with 5 stars id almost never play anyone (s replay) on 2p battle that were placing over 100 tpm. So in conclusion, it has made the system out of whack, and anyone can get to rank 100 just by learning to effectively use these "features". Also why are coins so much more expensive then cash? And what happened to being able to buy coins with cash instead of facebook credits?

Now having said all of that, I really enjoy playing on Tb, it is convenient, good for playing with family or friends casually, and the ko system allows for a higher apm then Tf (allows for more kos in arena and 2p battle) which makes it fun (for me at least) to try to break my most lines sent record.


2p mode where you send clearable lines not bombs.


Free tuning, ..hooray.
I know that's unrealistic, but it's silly having to pay money to be on equal terms with your opponents.


Hell guys, do you want TTC to do anything about their game or to push them away from our community by making pointless comments saying "oh well it's destined for the trash can, no improvements can be made". Every game can be improved, even if it means making drastic changes to the code, or even replacing it if that's what's needed. But at least tell them what they need to replace it towards.

Don't take it out of beta before basic errors which I and others have told you about are fixed (e.g. the wrong pieces coming up for the players when spectating)

I've already said this to J_MAC, but I'll say it again,

1. More powerful servers, or whatever is needed to make lag almost negligible. You guys have done it before with TOJ, and that was 5 years ago. You can do it now with Tetris Battle.

2. Forget free tuning - yes it should be free, but in all games which make money, you need to pay for something. $100 is silly, but $30 or so is fair. In any case, make the tuning at least worth paying for by adding an instant autorepeat rate. Also add in a fully adjustable DAS rate as the top level of tuning, because what is perfect for one person (or even one keyboard or computer) is not good for another. I certainly like extremely fast DAS. Basically you want to make it so that Sprint can be a respectable game to play for top players, except in order to make themselves look like the best players in the world to the rest of humanity. At the moment, it isn't respectable for us.

3. Get rid of bombs, Sprint 4p, and solid garbage, add in Ultra mode, and  make Sprint 4p synchronous.

4. Add in a respectable downstacking practice game, such as we've seen for years on Blockbox Survivor and NullpoMino's equivalent. I'm aware this point doesn't stand for Arena

5. Once you've sorted out the lag issue for 40fps, make it 60fps, like it really should be. It's a bit bad when the main tetris game for most peopl can't run on a normal fps level for people even with high power computers....

6. Make at least rooms with more than 2 players 1KO kills, last man standing, like TOJ and Arena, and put rooms by skill level like Hangame (100 levels is similar to how Hangame does it). Maybe 1-10, 11-20, etc. Maybe have a single room for level 99-God of Tetris (99+5 stars) - only the strongest need apply. Number of KOs, when added to the garbage2one system which TF/TB's FFA games have is ridiculous.

Only then add the other stuff like avatars which make the game visually exciting. But this is TTC's strength already - gameplay is its weakness.
               Tetris Belts!


Hey all, much thanks for all the feedback.  For lag issues, and if you are a chrome user, this will help - https://tetrisonline.viewscreencasts.com/em...1984dd9eda2bc1e

There's a plug-in called "pepper flash" that was enabled in later versions of chrome... and gets enabled with each update... sadly...
But if you disable this, I can assure you the gameplay will dramatically improve.

Aside from that, the requests for leaderboards and different game modes are more than great to hear... along with the dismay for asynchronous play.  Unfortunately, we decided to go that route b/c as you know, people just don't like to wait.  The few seconds to get matched up with a player, to some, feel like an eternity.  But that being said, we do hope in taking Arena out of Beta, and I'll do my best to get the team to fix the issues that are there (desync and othes).

Much thanks for all the feedback... keep 'em coming


Quote from: J_MAC
Hey all, much thanks for all the feedback.  For lag issues, and if you are a chrome user, this will help - https://tetrisonline.viewscreencasts.com/em...1984dd9eda2bc1e

There's a plug-in called "pepper flash" that was enabled in later versions of chrome... and gets enabled with each update... sadly...
But if you disable this, I can assure you the gameplay will dramatically improve.

Aside from that, the requests for leaderboards and different game modes are more than great to hear... along with the dismay for asynchronous play.  Unfortunately, we decided to go that route b/c as you know, people just don't like to wait.  The few seconds to get matched up with a player, to some, feel like an eternity.  But that being said, we do hope in taking Arena out of Beta, and I'll do my best to get the team to fix the issues that are there (desync and othes).

Much thanks for all the feedback... keep 'em coming

Have a ladder to arena, much like starcraft 2. If you take arena out of beta you will have at least a million players online, meaning there will be negligible wait in the ladder queue.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Also get rid of those stupid maps in arena mode... or at least give us the option to play without them.