Perfect Clear Study - Phase 1

Started by Shuey, December 15, 2011, 01:33:16 PM

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LOL, awesome!!  Caff is back baby!  Dude, every time you kill a PC that I don't know how to solve, I get so pumped .  You've always been a PC beast.  Hopefully as I continue to work on these with you and others, I'll get closer to your level with them .


Quote from: caffeine
Very nice job, myndzi. This is the first legal sequence I couldn't solve. I spent a good 3.5 hours on it tonight (before this, the longest I ever spent on a sequence before solving it might've been around 20 minutes). The Z/S's and O's are incredibly awkward, and they prevent the constructions required for a T/J ending. Good luck to whoever else gives it a shot.

Even if some sequences are unsolvable, that is not enough to refute the possibility of being able to do 10-piece PCs indefinitely. This is because of 1) the existence of hold and 2) the ability to solve a PC in multiple ways. If it is known that certain sequences are impossible, the player may be able to ensure he has the right piece in hold beforehand in order to avoid it.

i found a way but it was not in the same order, the s/z order  block off possible solutions.
Im unsure how to add a fumen.. so from left to right iioottzzsj and you will see how the z/s blocks it off from being solvable. ( at least from the found pattern )


To add a fumen diagram to a forum post type the following:
  • Using the fumen tool, create a diagram, then click "output data."
  • At the bottom of the fumen tool, click "Output data."
  • Copy this code.
  • Type the following into your forum post:
  • Between the fumen tags, paste the output date code.
  • Do not include the 'v' found at the beginning of the output data code!
Here's how to use the fumen quiz feature:
  • First go to
  • In the text box, type #Q=[Z](I)OJSTL (all capitals) and hit enter. You'll notice that your active piece will become I, your next queue will become OJSTL, and your hold piece will become Z.
  • Underneath the Quiz button, you'll see a few buttons "< V ^ > ( ) ~." You can use these to manipulate the pieces, or you can just click on that empty box to the right of them and use the keypad to manipulate the pieces.
  • Every time you harddrop, it will start a new frame.
  • Should you want to go back a few frames, just click "Back" (or press V).
  • If you want to start over from that point, click "Clear to end."
  • Also, I like to play with the "Lock" option unchecked.


Dammit, I messed with this one for nearly 30 minutes and can't come up with a solution.  And as much as I want caff to dominate this one, I'm also jealous that he's so damn good at these! LOL


Yes, got this one!!


Nice. Took me a while too.


Ah cool caff!  I tried the same thing as you before I got my solution, but I was lost at step 7 and couldn't figure it out.  Cool alternate!

Since there are so many people looking at the thread right now, I'll post the sequence I'm currently working on:



Is there a way to make specific bags playable in Nullpomino, so I won't have to fiddle around in Fumen?


Quote from: Barneey
Is there a way to make specific bags playable in Nullpomino, so I won't have to fiddle around in Fumen?

You can use the sequencer I think, but I'm not familiar enough with how to use it

Dang, I'm on a roll!
Solution to previous fumen:

caff, I'm gonna keep learning this technique until the world thinks of caff and Shuey as the PC kings

Next sequence:

Aw snap, you got some competition caff!
Solution to previous fumen:

Next sequence:

WTF is going on here!  This is crazy
Solution to previous fumen:

Next sequence:

Solution already!?

Next sequence:

Got this one too, but I'm nervous that this point here may be a fork I'll have to return to later in order to generate an alternate, more solvable path.
Solution to previous fumen:

Next sequence:


is there a methodology as to which fumens you give? Are you working towards a general definition of what is pc-able and what is not?
               Tetris Belts!


Solution to previous fumen:

Quote from: Paul676
is there a methodology as to which fumens you give? Are you working towards a general definition of what is pc-able and what is not?
The fumens are being generated from an actual piece sequence that was generated by the bag randomizer (the one TF uses), and I'm trying to create a PC from 10 consecutive pieces (or 11 using one hold), over and over again.  I hope I explained that properly .

Next sequence:


40L: 57.93


Quote from: carl256
anything i can do to help?

Definitely .  Are you able to come up with a solution for the current fumen?


40L: 57.93




Finally got it!
Solution to previous fumen:

Ah nice, caff got it too!
But, uh oh, another possible fork in the road...

Since this is growing in complexity again, and since I REALLY need to stop "playing" and get ready to move to Florida, I think I'll put this "on hold" for at least the next week or so and come back and pick up where we left off.  I'll also start documenting it on my end in more detail so I can keep track of the forks in case we need to consider going back to one or more of them.

Thanks to caff for participating again and see you all soon