BEE'S Nullpomino Tournament

Started by killahbee, November 15, 2011, 08:32:02 PM

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I for one think that deadline is just fine...



@ Paradox, obviously it would be "ideal" for people to play at a specific time.. but do you ever consider the time differences people may have? I mean I expect them to be committed to the tournament and all but it's not very fair to make them wake up at 3am or stay up til 6am for a tournament match. Also.. i know you think coming up with a regional tournament is cool and maybe it would be for the future... but I mean if it was that way we would never get to see blink and hebo play  THAT, and a lot of the players in Japan are very good and they can play with their own time zone just for fun.. the idea is to explore all different types of players around the world.... cause it would be easiest to play with those in your own timezone right?

ALSO, if you didn't notice Rost is trying this idea with his weekly tournaments, and sometimes not that many people show up.. and 1pm PST is actually a pretty good time for most of the world (maybe not Japan... ) but a BIG CHUNK as you would say.. and look how many people show up then? it fluctuates but it's not enough to host a bigg-er tournament like this one. loool

Moreover, I put the deadline so far away because the DEADLINE for sign ups were suppose to be the 24th of Novemeber and this is a whole week earlier than originally planned which wouldn't be that fair. After this week the deadlines will be much tighter because everyone is on schedule and they will keep checking back...

okay so I'm going to end it with my own post since... lool it's more important