2nd Annual Tetris World Championship

Started by kbr, September 16, 2011, 01:36:25 PM

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               Tetris Belts!


Is there any more details about live streaming?


Quote from: Blink
Is there any more details about live streaming?
It's still being finalized.


Quote from: kbr
To not show any disrespect to the official licensees and licensor at the event, please refrain from promoting any other games. Thank you.
Please be more specific. Do you mean refrain from promoting non-TTC games or refrain from promoting ANY games other than PS3, NES, and Tetris Link?  

Will non-event games (e.g. Game Boy Tetris, Tetris DS, Tetris Axis) be shunned?


Quote from: Sisu
Please be more specific. Do you mean refrain from promoting non-TTC games or refrain from promoting ANY games other than PS3, NES, and Tetris Link?  

Will non-event games (e.g. Game Boy Tetris, Tetris DS, Tetris Axis) be shunned?

just my opinion: I highly doubt they would be against promotions (though it depends on what you mean by "promote" as i think official promotion should be left to the organizers) of TTC games, and they seem to have a certain acceptance of classic ones (though they don't meet modern standards) as part of tetris' heritage

as for clones... don't even discuss them, why bother, why ruffles the feathers that give you flight so to speak


Please refrain from promoting non-official Tetris products.

You guys should be there enjoying the tournament, company of friends and the event...not trying to promote games. That's what the publishers are for!

FYI, Girlgamer will be streaming the tournament again this year. When I have more info about the link/location, I will post it here.


I think the question was more along the lines of, "is someone gonna get pissed if we all bring our DSes and have an impromptu TDS tournament?"


kbr, we were wondering about the seeding...

Will it be #1 versus #8 and #4 versus #5 in one bracket, and then #3 versus #6 and #2 versus #7 in the second bracket? If not this, could you reveal how you plan to seed the qualifying players? Thanks.


Quote from: myndzi
I think the question was more along the lines of, "is someone gonna get pissed if we all bring our DSes and have an impromptu TDS tournament?"
I don't think anyone would be offended...Though I don't know where you will find the time to do such a tournament. There won't be any venue space for this.

Quote from: caffeine
kbr, we were wondering about the seeding...

Will it be #1 versus #8 and #4 versus #5 in one bracket, and then #3 versus #6 and #2 versus #7 in the second bracket? If not this, could you reveal how you plan to seed the qualifying players? Thanks.

Correct 1-8,2-7,3-6,4-5 for the single player.

For the teams, it's structured to expedite the tournament, it will be divided into two sections of the team qualifying. Even teams on the left station, odd teams on the right station. So for example Team 1 vs Team 31 (Right Station)...Team 2 vs Team 32 (Left Station) and so on.


Quote from: kbr
Correct 1-8,2-7,3-6,4-5 for the single player.
Ok, but will the #1 and #2 players be in different brackets? That seems important.


Quote from: caffeine
Ok, but will the #1 and #2 players be in different brackets? That seems important.
Yes, see below:







Yay bo7 instead of bo5!

kbr, how many teams are pre-registered so far?  Do you expect it to reach the full 32 teams?


Just wondering, I'm reading on the poster that it says there will be over $5,000 in cash and prizes. With all three grand prizes totaling up to $3,000, does that mean there will be prizes for 2nd and 3rd place as well? Can we get more details on this?

And if there is a prize for 3rd place, I am guessing there will also be a match with the losers of the semi-finals battling it out for 3rd place?


Quote from: arf
Just wondering, I'm reading on the poster that it says there will be over $5,000 in cash and prizes. With all three grand prizes totaling up to $3,000, does that mean there will be prizes for 2nd and 3rd place as well? Can we get more details on this?

And if there is a prize for 3rd place, I am guessing there will also be a match with the losers of the semi-finals battling it out for 3rd place?
The organizers mentioned nothing about 2nd/3rd. I will inquire. AS for the total pool, that includes free giveaways...


Will each qualifying attempt for the PS3 tournament cost $3?