2nd Annual Tetris World Championship

Started by kbr, September 16, 2011, 01:36:25 PM

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Quote from: Kitaru

On that note, how about 40 Lines?  Multiples of four give you three free skims before you start limiting the number of tetrises possible this game.

EDIT: AGSEGYIZ is the Game Genie code for 40 Line B-Type if that tickles your fancy. :3

Another viable option:  I had a moment of regret thinking of full 18 games: to time consuming, and perhaps they cant procure enough game genies quickly enough (althoug many participants could prolly bring them, could they count on that?)... This would leave us with a seeming conundrum: there will be a LOT of people who are honestly not good enough to get in clogging up the line so an 18 game would be unworkable, then i thought... perhaps this!

We could have a 2 tiered qualification method.  The first thing people would need to do to even be allowed to try the second level would something hard enough to exclude the "masses" but easy enough that well more than just 8 could do it. It would need to be B mode and perhaps a 9-5...11-5? just enough to remove the lines that made it hard for real contenders to get enough shots at a machine last year (double that this year as ALL contenders will need to qualify.

2nd level of qualifiying... well now we have fewer people... few enough in fact, to do full 18 games top 8 scores move on.

the first level would address one area of possible concern (it makes more money to have more people making attempts) and the second level would remove the silliness that is 18-0 for push down bonus...

just something for thought.



we just do not have enough time to go with your idea. 2 levels of qualifying? it's already going to take long enough trying to qualify by doing just 25 lines alone. i know this method isn't perfect, but it's really to weed out the bad players.

don't get me wrong, your idea in general isn't bad, it's just too time consuming. people are going to need as many attempts as possible. my advice for you is to just practice. if you didn't have a problem getting 7 tetrises in 25 lines, i really doubt you would be suggesting a different way to qualify. just practice.


the current NES qualifying seems good to me because it is quick...yeah it's a little bit of luck to get the right blocks for 7 in a row and it will come down to push down points...so what? all games are a combo of skill and luck


Quote from: mobuco
so what? all games are a combo of skill and luck
Chess, go, and other perfect information games.


huh... well, I'll be happy with it if you guys are  My general concern was with the idea of of many people who arent good enough sort of jamming up the machines.  I thought this was a problem last year as i saw lines and was worried that it may be exacerbated with more people involved... thus the two tier idea: good players pound that out fast and then are in a second set of machines (naturally there are a finite number of machines total so each side would have fewer) but it seems likely that it would actually create more time rather than less as it has to do not so much with the number oflines as the number of players...

but you may be right... I am specifically curious if those who went through the qualifiers last year think a "jamming" might be a problem, i suspect if thats the case that a 9-5 litmus test could be a solution even while keeping the 18-0 game the same.


Quote from: caffeine
Chess, go, and other perfect information games.

i think there is still luck involved in perfect information games...your opponent makes a mistake


Quote from: mobuco
i think there is still luck involved in perfect information games...your opponent makes a mistake

That is a test of skill. One person is not as skilled as another, and makes a mistake.

I'm a bit concerned with the logistics of top8 times anyway. That means that ranks #5-8 will be so worried about being knocked out that they will still play as many games as possible to get a better time, clogging the machines.


I was wondering if anyone from HD could possibly promote

at the event?

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: XaeL
I was wondering if anyone from HD could possibly promote

at the event?

To not show any disrespect to the official licensees and licensor at the event, please refrain from promoting any other games. Thank you.


> promote clone and a copy of an official game
> at official event

Do you not see the problem?

efb by kbr.


just to give you guys an idea of what to expect for the top 8 of PSN...though, I expect the results to be way more competitive!
My best time with a perfect clear was:
55 seconds / 16324 points.


Quote from: kbr
just to give you guys an idea of what to expect for the top 8 of PSN...though, I expect the results to be way more competitive!
My best time with a perfect clear was:
55 seconds / 16324 points.
Yeah there's like 9 guys from HD alone that are going to be there, and I'm sure a couple guys that aren't from here will also be pretty good. This is going to be interesting...


If there is concern about lines and all that, there is one way you could solve that fairly: provide a subset of the machines to people in the top X slots. That is, people who have a chance (within the top 20 or whatever) would be in a separate revolving queue from people who haven't even made it close. That, I think, would allow players who can score well to have more time to make attempts at actually getting qualified; everyone else who isn't good enough or who is playing for fun won't then get in the way.


Quote from: myndzi
If there is concern about lines and all that, there is one way you could solve that fairly: provide a subset of the machines to people in the top X slots. That is, people who have a chance (within the top 20 or whatever) would be in a separate revolving queue from people who haven't even made it close. That, I think, would allow players who can score well to have more time to make attempts at actually getting qualified; everyone else who isn't good enough or who is playing for fun won't then get in the way.
Yeah, you could have a PS3 for only people who make under, say, 1:10, and another PS3 for everyone else who hasn't got that yet.
