Tetris Belts!

Started by Paul676, August 16, 2011, 03:21:21 AM

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Sorry for takin' so long. The full-res dudes with transparency and signature are in an album here:

imgur nuked one of the pictures for some reason, so I've attached them all to this post instead.

You can link this thread simply by putting a link tag around the image tag if you so choose


I think i'd like to try this..


cool - best thing to do is find me when I'm online (not too hard) and ask to be tested

p.s. this goes for everyone, as things stand.

New clause in OP: Testers cannot test themselves for belts.

None of the testers have done this (and passed) in the past, but I may as well add it to the OP because it sure has been a temptation for me to do this
               Tetris Belts!


Congratulations to crzy242 on gaining Yellow Belt and SecretSalamander on gaining White Belt!
               Tetris Belts!


Congratulations to PolarisTR on gaining White Belt!
               Tetris Belts!


can i try for black belt..  lol i mean white belt



               Tetris Belts!


Congratulations to Agamemnon who has gained Orange Belt!
               Tetris Belts!


I wanna do the yellow belt, who is up for testing me?
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Do you have a good time on the weekend? If so, I'm sure one of us will be able to make it.
               Tetris Belts!


any of the examiners online right now? : )
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Congratulations to kaos who has gained a White Belt.
               Tetris Belts!


Paul, you might want to strike me from the active list if you haven't already. xlro, if you catch me on IRC I can run you a test, rules permitting.

Paul: how about players may test once every 30 days, rather than on specific days? It doesn't seem easier to arrange tests this way, but that could just be because I've been really busy. I'll probably forget more often than not to be on top of it for the "one weekend", but I check the forums often enough that I can see and maybe set up something with posters who didn't make the date so to speak.


Yeah, what I've been doing lately is just running them ad-hoc. Don't worry, it's current rather than active - some of the examiners haven't tested a single person yet.

Congratulations to Kully who has just gained a Yellow Belt!
               Tetris Belts!


Can I still get a belt?

40 Lines: 35-something (I got it on a school laptop)
Dig Challenge: 75
Dig Race 5 Lines: 1:70