Tetris Belts!

Started by Paul676, August 16, 2011, 03:21:21 AM

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The concept

It has been 2 months in the making, with dozens of e-mails, draft systems, and considerations sent between myndzi and me, but finally the concept is ready to bring out.

I present to you, Tetris Belts. Just like in Karate, a player who has played for maybe half a year may be able to get White, but only expert players and seasoned veterans who are masters of modern SRS play will be able to call themselves “Black belt players”.

Like in Karate, you will only be able to move on to the next belt after completing the last belt. The belt rankings will be thus: White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Brown, Black. I will put a list of rankings on the OP to reward players for their hard work in getting a belt (and it will be hard work, since you’ll need to master your weaknesses to get each belt, especially at the advanced levels.)

What am I going to have to master?

Many elements of modern SRS gameplay: sustained speed, downstacking, spins and setups.

How can I enter this?

It will work by live testing - pm me and we'll find a time that's good for both of us. Games will be played on NullpoMino, and only NullpoMino.

If you would like to enter, please pm or post on the thread with a good time for you to make. If you post a time, please make sure you can make it. You will only be allowed to schedule or reschedule a new time with three days’ notice or more, i.e. Wednesday for arranging a Saturday, Thursday for arranging a Sunday. You may also turn up on the day, but only in one of the slots already scheduled. It is at the examiner's discretion to test you at any other time. If the examiner cannot do it and cancels with less than 3 days' notice, then you have two options: When you see an examiner free during the next week/month, you can be tested impromptu at your discretion. Otherwise, you can take two tests on the next week/month's round.

How can I become an examiner?

Please pm me if you’d like to be an examiner. All it requires is a little of the time on the weekend which you’d usually put towards playing tetris to help examine each player. You will need to time attempts, count spins, and, for perfect clear tests, to analyse the piece sequence to see if a perfect clear would have been possible for that sequence. I would appreciate anyone who would be able to volunteer. Being an examiner doesn’t stop you from taking the test, but examiners cannot test themselves.

Current Examiners:


What to post and what not to post in this thread:

If you would like to enter, please pm or post on the thread with a good time for you to make. If you post a time, please make sure you can make it. You will only be allowed to schedule or reschedule a new time with three days’ notice or more, (coming into effect from week 2), i.e. Wednesday for arranging a Saturday, Thursday for arranging a Sunday. You may also turn up on the day, but only in one of the slots already scheduled. It is at the examiner's discretion to test you at any other time. If the examiner cannot do it and cancels with less than 3 days' notice, then you have two options: When you see an examiner free during the next week/month, you can be tested impromptu at your discretion. Otherwise, you can take two tests on the next week/month's round.

Please do not post if you have a problem with how the belt system works, or what I have included and not included. I will be asking the moderators to delete all such comments if they come. If you have a problem, or something you would like to discuss, please pm me, and I will happily explain why I left out what you were hoping to have put into the test, or vice versa. This has been discussed between myndzi and I extremely in-depth, and then tested to the people on harddrop forums. If something has been put in or left out, it has not been done so without thought. If someone does post with their own problem with this sytem, please do not answer them. I will have done so by pm. Please also do not post anything irrelevant to the Tetris Belts procedure or system. It clogs up the thread with unnecessary comments, and makes the necessary ones harder to track down.

The process of testing:

Testing should be good fun and relaxed, but there are a few things you need to know.

You MUST wait for the examiner to say they are ready for each run before you start. Otherwise they may and will make you restart the run they are not ready for.

If you're disrespectful to an examiner (not that this would foreseeably happen), they have the right to fail you on that.

Information and settings[/b]

For the spin challenges use immobile spin detection. EZ spins are not allowed. Unless specified ALL spins count (e.g. Singles, Doubles, Triples). Spins MUST clear at least one line though!

In combo challenges as part of the setups test: You are allowed any residue at the bottom of the well. However, another listed setup at the bottom of a well will not count towards the combo if you do the setup and then the listed combo in combo. Horizontal I skimming is ok, but you must otherwise reach your target combo number within the N-wide well. So for a 2-wide combo, you'd have to reach 6-combo before "breaking out" of the 2-wide column, with the exception of I skims. Same with 3-wide. For the funnel combo, this doesn't matter.

In the spin part of the test: Static setups are not allowed: e.g. ST stacking to get 100 spins in 5 minutes. All spins must be part of a fluid stacking motion. You are allowed multi-piece setups, for example imperial cross to gain 2 t-spins, but the examiner must use his discretion on whether the player is using setups as part of on the fly fluid play, or just using them as static setups to get their way round a spin challenge. For example, using the May three times in a minute to get the Green spins test done would not be classed as on the fly fluid play.

For the setups you are allowed to set one up whilst you are performing the last one. i.e the following is valid:

Here is an example which would not gain all it is going for.

What it would achieve is a DT Cannon and a Triple Double Attack. If you were going for a b2b TST, it would also qualify as that, but EITHER a b2b TST or a Triple Double Attack. Not an imperial cross, for the reasons below.

The setup must be fully cleared for it to count. No other setups can be cleared in the intervening period, but they may be set up (like in the above example). No single instance of a spin may count for more than 1 setup.

When playing ULTRA mode, make sure to set Spin Bonus: All, EZ Spin: off, Spin Type: Immobile, EZImmobile: off, B2B: On, Combo: On

Certain types of 180 spins are NOT acceptable in this. Here is an example:
Requirements for each belt[/b]

In the following setups section, a mid-attempt restart, which is what I'm referring to by "maximum of X restarts" neither restarts the time nor the setups remaining. It just clears the field.

For spins tests on Dig Race, if you finish the race, you may restart. The time does not pause between the finished game and starting the next game, and the spin count does not refresh either.

-=White Belt=-

[spoiler]Line Race 40 Lines in under 02:00 (3/5 attempts)
Dig Race 5 Lines in under 01:00 (3/5 attempts)
Dig Race 10 Lines - Do 3 Tspin doubles in under 02:00 (3/5 attempts)

In 3/5 attempts with a maximum of 1 restart per attempt AND in under 01:40 total per attempt you must:
  • Do a Tspin Double
  • Do a Tetris-->b2b tetris
    In any order you like
-=Yellow Belt=-

[spoiler]Line Race 40 Lines in under 01:30 (3/5 attempts)
Dig Race 10 Lines in under 01:00 (3/5 attempts)
Dig Race 10 Lines - Do 10 Tspins in under 03:00 (ANY T-spins (i.e. singles, doubles, triples, minis etc) count!) (3/5 attempts)

Ultra: in 3/5 attempts, with a maximum of 1 restart per attempt AND in under 01:30 total per attempt you must:
  • Do a T-spin Double -> B2B Tspin Double (Two T-spin Doubles in a row)
  • Do a 2-wide combo, reaching at least 6 combo.
    In any order you like
-=Orange Belt=-

[spoiler]Line Race 40 Lines in under 01:00  (3/5 attempts)
Dig Race 18 Lines in under 01:00 (3/5 attempts)
Ultra - Clear 10 spin doubles overall in 2 minutes, including at least 4 J/L spins. Spin mini singles are not allowed. (3/5 attempts)

In 3/5 attempts with a maximum of 2 restarts per attempt AND in under 03:00 total per attempt you must:
  • STSD (Super Tspin Double)
  • Stacked TSD + Tetris
  • 3-wide combo, at least 8 combo
  • Captain Hook (allspin)
  • Fractal
    In any order you like
-=Green Belt=-

[spoiler]Line Race 40 Lines in under 00:50 (3/5 attempts)
Dig Race 18 Lines in under 00:40 (3/5 attempts)
Ultra - Do 1 spin of each piece (except O) in under 01:00. Minis not allowed.

Ultra: in 3/5 attempts, with a maximum of 3 restarts per attempt  AND in under 02:45 total per attempt:
  • TKI 3 TSD
  • 2-3-4 Stepped, at least 8 combo, steps must be at least 2 high
  • Imperial Cross
  • C-spin TD attack
  • B2B TST
    In any order you like
-=Blue Belt=-

[spoiler]Line Race 100 Lines in under 01:44 (3/5 attempts)
Dig Challenge: Realtime Mode: Survive 03:50 (3/5 attempts)
Ultra: 50 lines of spins in 2 minutes (not all clears must be spin clears though) (3/5 attempts)

Ultra: in 3/5 attempts with a maximum of 3 restarts per attempt AND in under 02:30 total per attempt you must:
  • Perfect clear (from the start of a game... if impossible immediate restart of that game is allowed)
  • Trinity
  • Flashback
  • 4-wide side, at least 10 combo
  • DT Cannon
    In any order you like
-=Brown Belt=-

[spoiler]Line race 100 Lines in under 01:32 (3/5 attempts)
Dig Challenge: Realtime Mode: Survive 04:10 (3/5 attempts)
Ultra - 02:00 Time Limit - Do 3 Tspins, 3 Ispins, 6 L/J spins and 6 S/Z spins (excluding O) (3/5 attempts)

Ultra: in 3/5 attempts with a maximum of 3 restarts per attempt AND in under 02:00 total per attempt you must:
  • 4-wide center, at least 10 combo
  • B2B S/Zspin triple
  • King Crimson
  • May (allspin)
  • Weeping (allspin) 4 iterations
    In any order you like
-=Black Belt=-

[spoiler]Line Race 100 Lines in under 01:23:34 (3/5 attempts)
Dig Challenge: Realtime Mode: Survive 04:30 (3/5 attempts)
Nullpomino Practice Mode - 05:00 Time Limit - Do 100 spins (3/5 attempts)

Ultra: do all the setup Challenges for Orange -> Brown but with harder times...
Orange: In less than 1:20.
Green: In less than 1:20.
Blue: In less than 1:15.
Brown: In less than 1:30
For these, you are only allowed 1 attempt at each! With restarts per attempt, same rules apply as for the respective earlier belts.


Setups guide:[/b]

Tetris-->B2B Tetris:
Stacked TSD+Tetris:
STSD[spoiler] (http://harddrop.com/wiki/STSD_Setups)
Captain Hook[spoiler] (http://harddrop.com/wiki/Hook#Captain_Hook)
Imperial Cross[spoiler] (http://harddrop.com/wiki/Imperial_cross)
Fractal [spoiler](http://harddrop.com/wiki/Fractal)
C-spin TD attack[spoiler](http://harddrop.com/wiki/Triple_Double_Attack_Setups)
[fumen]110@1dJwnbIwobIwgbusE3YihbsskzE3YigbRplzD3Zigb?RpkzD3pbAoUGADEzPEJ2BAA7eAtaBheF3zbAAA7eBFgBAAA? [/fumen][/spoiler]
TKI-3 [spoiler](http://harddrop.com/wiki/TKI_3_Opening)
Trinity [spoiler](http://harddrop.com/wiki/Trinity)
[fumen]110@rdB3hbG3ibG3gbI3hbH3hbH3ibH3gbG3pbAoUHA0L2?JEJPKDA7eDFgBtfBFgBAAA [/fumen][/spoiler]
Flashback [spoiler](http://harddrop.com/wiki/Continuous_Twisting_Setups)
[fumen]110@JeaihbE3YiQphbIwE3RphbIwE3QphbJwE3pbAoUJAm?CcaEI0bkDLBAAA7eCnWBHgBAAA [/fumen][/spoiler]
DT cannon [spoiler](http://harddrop.com/wiki/Double_Triple_Cannon_Setups)
King Crimson [spoiler](http://harddrop.com/wiki/King_Crimson)
May [spoiler](http://harddrop.com/wiki/May) This can be used with many different pieces to clear.
[fumen]110@sdQpnbRphbF3QpibF38egbH38ehbusD38eibssYiD3?8ehbaiD3pbAoUDANyJDA7eCFgBtfBAAA [/fumen]
Extra details on clearing May: [fumen]110@sdQphbF3RphbF3QpibF38egbH38ehbusD38eibssYi?D38ehbaiD3pbAoUDANyJDA7eEAwNNAGOCbE0oo2ADD1dDSB?AAA6cqAASxcq6cCgBsdQphbF3QppbwNnbMRgbB3nbAAORmb?UKgbMRkboUxb3ic7eP/cqEAMI/dEXcqFASeh1DUBAAAPrqJ?ASeh1D0oo2ASAAAAHwqJASeh1D0oo2ATAAAA9cqAAVxct6c?FAd6scCRB3sc/hqEAMI/dEHGPIAMI/dEFbU9A6rqAASgBOA?dieEAzbegB7eAAAA[/fumen]
Weeping [spoiler](http://harddrop.com/wiki/Continuous_Twisting_Setups)

Good luck, and enjoy! Signups currently open for the weekend of Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st August

: No-one
: No-one
: No-one
: Paul676, jkwon23
: myndzi,  Ravendarksky, caffeine, SecretSalamander, Agamemnon
: Shahil619, DrPete, Aaron, Pikiwedia, goldenshadow, freakwithfire55, Paradox, CaptainPaul, Wojtek, crzy242, Kully, Katatoniopeth, Wizard944, officegunner, dotamistern
: mippo, cedevita, xenoslash, xlro, Profane, ZeroT, cubixcreature, NoManual, DarthDuck, ManOfMiracles, Shuey, Thelas, Antifate, MaceFx, PolarisTR, kaos, dkorn725
               Tetris Belts!


I was a little confused by some of the above. So I'm including a non GoogleDocs description of things here. Hopefully I've picked it all up right. This probably serves as a useful check anyway, because if I don't understand it then probably others won't either!

1 - For The spin challenges use immobile spin detection and EZ spins are allowed. Unless specified ALL spins count (eg. EZ spins, Singles, Doubles, Triples). Spins MUST clear at least one line though!

2 - B2B TSD means A Tspin double followed by another Tspin double. Similarly B2B Tetris means two tetris in a row... etc. You can't do a Tspin mini single then a ZST for example.

3 - For the setups you are allowed to setup one and then perform a different one. Ie the following is valid:
Maybe this is obvious to smarter people than me =D

4 - When playing ULTRA mode, make sure to set Spin Bonus: All, EZ Spin: On, Spin Type: Immobile, EZImmobile: on, B2B: On, Combo: On

5 - Certain types of 180 spins are NOT acceptable in this. Here is an example:
If this were my thing I'd not be allowing any 180 spins =D

Spin Guide:

B2B Tetris:

STSD (http://harddrop.com/wiki/STSD_Setups)

Captain Hook (http://harddrop.com/wiki/Hook#Captain_Hook)

Imperial Cross (http://harddrop.com/wiki/Imperial_cross)

Fractal (http://harddrop.com/wiki/Fractal)

C-spin TD attack (http://harddrop.com/wiki/Triple_Double_Attack_Setups)
[fumen]110@1dJwnbIwobIwgbusE3YihbsskzE3YigbRplzD3Zigb?RpkzD3pbAoUGADEzPEJ2BAA7eAtaBheF3zbAAA7eBFgBAAA? [/fumen]

TKI (http://harddrop.com/wiki/TKI_3_Opening)

Trinity (http://harddrop.com/wiki/Trinity)
[fumen]110@rdB3hbG3ibG3gbI3hbH3hbH3ibH3gbG3pbAoUHA0L2?JEJPKDA7eDFgBtfBFgBAAA [/fumen]

Flashback (http://harddrop.com/wiki/Continuous_Twisting_Setups)
[fumen]110@JeaihbE3YiQphbIwE3RphbIwE3QphbJwE3pbAoUJAm?CcaEI0bkDLBAAA7eCnWBHgBAAA [/fumen]

DT cannon (http://harddrop.com/wiki/Double_Triple_Cannon_Setups)

King Crimson (http://harddrop.com/wiki/King_Crimson)

May (http://harddrop.com/wiki/May) PROBABLY WRONG SETUP
[fumen]110@sdQpnbRphbF3QpibF38egbH38ehbusD38eibssYiD3?8ehbaiD3pbAoUDANyJDA7eCFgBtfBAAA [/fumen]

Weeping (http://harddrop.com/wiki/Continuous_Twisting_Setups)

Good luck to anyone who thinks they can get Black! I think I'll reach green and never achieve blue... but we will see!


i love this idea. could you provide fumen or wiki link for all required setups?
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


If EZ spins are counted then I missed that part. The decision is up to Paul, but I'll define EZ spins in Nullpomino Immobile detection for you all:

EZ spin is a kick line clear that is not immobile.

EZ spins send no attack, but they do enable back-to-back in VS.

EZ spins are announced, and that's pretty much the only way you can tell in some cases whether the piece kicked or not. Knowing your natural rotations, especially with regards to S and Z, can help here.

Protip: Immobile setting is in the room settings, not the rule settings


i'd like to do this; is 3pm [edit: GMT] Saturday okay? i'm free for that whole afternoon/evening (same Sunday) so if a different time is preferable, I can probably take that instead
[div align=\\\"center\\\"] My Tetris Friends profile [url=http://kingo


Is 7pm GMT Saturday good for you?
               Tetris Belts!


[div align=\\\"center\\\"] My Tetris Friends profile [url=http://kingo


Cool, I'll be the examiner then
               Tetris Belts!


would this count as multiple setups? [fumen]110@ldkzoblzJwhb8ehbRpkzIwib8e1lkzRpIwgbZi8e1l?lzJwhbYi8essRpkzIwibYiusRpIwYigb1l/eaigb1lpbA4G?7eCldBtiBAAAXd8eob8eob8ekzgb1lkb8elz1libZi8eIwk?zRpjbYi8eKwRplzgbYi8eYi1lgblzhbIw8eYi1lkbIwgbZi?kbJwpbdeB7eAAAA2dkzgb1llblz1laijbkzhbYiQpnbRpnb?Qp3bAAA7eB9iBAAAhd8eob8egbQphbIwhbZi8eSpgbIwibY?i8eSpJwlzgbYihbQphblzhbIwobIwnbJwzbAAA7eBdZBAAA?Xd8eob8eob9eibQp1lhb9ehbRp1lib8egbkzQpZijb8egbl?zgbYimbkzgbYiAcAAA7eBtdBAAAfeA36bAAA7eBFjBAAA[/fumen]

EG it is a DT+C-spin+IC+tst? or some such nonsense like that

thanks for the reply. last question: are you allowed to take setups that are intended for only T's with other spins? such as a trinity with T-Z-J or a STSD with L-T


Yep, that's fine. Likewise, May can be done with other spins too. Only if I specify a spin (e.g. Stacked TSD --> Tetris) do you have to do that specific spin.
               Tetris Belts!


I think that perfectclear's fumen would count as a DT Cannon and an Imperial cross but not a C-spin - because the C-spin was never completely set up, but the Imperial Cross was. The provision about not being required to knock down the setup completely is more of a nod to the fact that you don't always get the right pieces, and knowing how and when to abort is more skillful than destroying your stack to get two T-spins. It's not intended as an "out" to shortcut/cheat the requirements of setting up the spins, though I suppose there's no help for that.


the c spin is finally accepted fully on frames 14 and 17 of that fumen. there has to be that one spot filled in to accept the tsd though- do broken apart setups like that (where you accept one bit of it, finish the stack, and accept the other spin) count?


Good point: I didn't check where the setups came in.

perfectclear: for the sake of sanity and the fact that players aren't in this to prolong the test, I would judge that a setup is complete if and only if the entire thing is built with no other intervening setups. That means that you wouldn't build most of a C-spin, take 10 other clears, and then get a TSD that is in the "same place" as the C-spin and call it a C-spin. The goal is to show that you can produce by-the-book setups, not that you can be super creative with their knockdown.

As stated previously, the intent is to not screw you over if you get bad pieces--but you still have to build the shape. I think you're overthinking it a little - this isn't a puzzle to solve, just a demonstration of knowledge

(And to head off the followup to this: Paul: I think we should stipulate that the setup must be knocked down one way or another. Every line that participates in it should be cleared. In this way, we don't have people trying to shortcut the system by restarting early, etc.)


Yes, I agree with you on that, myndzi. The setup must be cleared for it to count. No other setups can be cleared in the intervening period, but they may be set up (like in Ravendarksky's example).
               Tetris Belts!


I forgot to also mention: certain setups, such as TKI 3, aren't built all at once, though sometimes they can be built out ahead of taking a spin. In these cases, you would need to perform the steps in sequence and would not have the opportunity to abort the first spins.