HDTL 2 Scheduling

Started by myndzi, May 01, 2011, 10:57:14 PM

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Still haven't heard anything from Beastin_Shen or team earth


Really? Nobody?

I'm going to hold off posting the new matches until the old ones are complete. Please try and get them done soon, I'll have to assign times by Thursday.


Eurofighters vs Element
Saturday 18th June 8AM PST (3PM GMT, 4PM BST, 5PM CET)

Sorry for the delays


it's okay no worries !!

element confirming !
see you then !

: )


was on a vacation, ill pm you enfuego
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LOD, Stars is now looking for a Sunday match can you please indicate if any times on Sunday would work for you.  Sunday is the most flexible day we have this week so we can work with most times.  Thx


Hey Bye, when can you play this weekend?

We're free all three days


Okay team earth versus team mystery at 3pm EST on sunday

that is what we worked out in PM


STARS - Is 9PM PST ok for you Friday or Saturday? I'm not sure if we can get enough people for Sunday


We can't do anything this Friday.

Can you guys do anything earlier on Saturday, and if so how much, between 3pm-9pm


12PM PST Saturday for Legion v.s. STARS match. See you guys there

OOPS. I thought that was 12AM PST... We can only nighttime PST. So anytime between 6PM and 9PM PST Saturday is ok with us, sorry.


930 PM Friday PST works for Stars.  If you confirm it here we will be there.


It'll have to do. LOD can stay up a half hour late at this point.

I'm also assigning Legion of Doom a strike for failure to schedule multiple weeks in a row. Chopin, I don't want to have to personally remind you every week at the deadline to begin your negotiations. Scheduling takes time, and it's not exactly new information that you will need to be scheduling one match each week. If you can't commit to it, find someone on your team who can; I know that LoD has some good players and they show to their matches, but this is getting ridiculous.

Everyone was late this week, so please take heed. I've been letting you all go over the deadline because otherwise we wouldn't have any matches. I want to give you as much time to schedule as possible, and still have time for people to prepare and know when to show up. If you guys schedule your matches promptly this week, I can push it back to announcing matches on Wednesday. Otherwise you're all going to have less and less notice before your matches.

Currently scheduling
Regular season round 4 - June 24th-27th
Element vs Legion of Doom
Earth vs The Eurofighters
Mystery vs Hopeless Romantics


Hopeless Romantics what time works best for you guys?
Early afternoon on either saturday or sunday would be best for us


Ravendarksky has graciously volunteered hosting for a forum for HDTL organization. It is located here:


Please register an account and subscribe to the "HDTL Season 2" thread under Scheduling to be e-mailed when new matches are announced.

I will be posting individual threads for each scheduled match dedicated to that match, so captains/owners may subscribe to their match threads and be notified when new posts are made. There should be no reason not to perform all scheduling via the threads now, which will hopefully make things clearer for everyone.

All HDTL teams also have their own private subforums for discussion, coordination, etc. Please send Ravendarksky a PM to be added to your team's forums.