Summer Nullpo Prize tournament?

Started by Blink, April 29, 2011, 02:01:46 PM

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Quote from: AlexswedenI would like to do some random commentating before this with someone just to warm up, anyone else feel the same way?
Great idea, . There's TFO4 and HDTL and league matches, we should use those as practice for the real deal and to see who knows what they're doing and not.


how about commentator rules? Like swearing and can you be chearing for one player?

If we want to reach out to people i belive it would be an good idea to ask if flamewheel could post something about this? (anyone might do but hes a big poster over there and has writen front page stuff so people would probebly read what he posts)


I don't think a commentator should cheer for one player. Unless, that is, the other commentator is cheering for the other player.
Swearing I'm not as fussed about, but people may be for all I know.

I'd argue that most surprising player is good, but for the most exciting match, it takes 2 to have one, so maybe there should be another prize with maybe $10 for both players?
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Paul676
Swearing I'm not as fussed about, but people may be for all I know.

If anything, it's unprofessional. So is cheering for someone. Its better to just compliment certain things from both players. Its natural for the person in a strong lead to receive a lot of good comments.
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As much as I personally don't mind swearing, I think the commentators should keep things family-friendly. There's no need for it to be otherwise really.


the two comments have spoken my real view
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Paul676
I'd argue that most surprising player is good, but for the most exciting match, it takes 2 to have one, so maybe there should be another prize with maybe $10 for both players?
Maybe we should have a price for funniest/most exiting/creative playstyle or something that only requires one player. A price for exiting match that reward both players would encourage fixing of matches too...

I also belive that exiting play should not be equall to best play so that this price does not automatically end up with one of the top 4 playes that get money anyways (not to say that they cant get it at all, just dont want it to be by defult one of them). Then it would be better to put more money for top placements.

Also in favour for no swearing.


Okey, where are we at now? any dates or other updates?


Quote from: Alexsweden
Okey, where are we at now? any dates or other updates?

I'll open sign ups sometime in June, really busy lately.


Quote from: Blink
I'll open sign ups sometime in June, really busy lately.

If any caster wanna cast something with me before this happens or just talk to get to know each other a bit before casting just PM me and we could try to find some good time to do that

EDIT: Anyone know what software we will use for streaming? - is xsplit best or what?


Refreshing this. Top Japanese players will be even more likely to play this now that TOJ has died.
               Tetris Belts!


Blink took the money, canceled the turnament and went playing LoL instead, hehe XD
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