Hard Drop Open V Tournament!

Started by Blink, February 21, 2011, 12:02:26 PM

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My user name for Cultris is..... ShadowJetX

I see people dropping out, which is unfortunate, but if the game aint for you, then it aint for you. I'm pretty terrible right now, but it'll be cool to see if I could at least make it to the second bracket, or hell, even the thrid ya'know.


Reminder:  Sign ups end in 3 days, and first round matches will be played on March 12th!

We currently have 53 entries.

Time is running out, don't miss your chance!


I withdraw my entry. Now that I've actually played it a bit, I'm not particularly enthralled by the gameplay. I could just compete anyway for the lulz, but I don't really have the time over the next couple of weeks to fritter away in a tournament I'm not really bothered about.

gl everyone else still competing


What are the reasons for ppl dropping out? Like Rosti_LFC what is the exact reason of the gameplay you dont like?

There are things scheduled to be changed but i wanna hear opinions about gameplay line distribution combos etc...


People drop out because they suck at C2.

They need their comfort... -_-
If they ever tell my story, let them say I walked with giants.

Men rise and fall like the winter wheat but these names will never die.

Let them say I lived in the time of Hector tamer of horses.

Let them say... ...I lived in the time of Achilles.


Quote from: blaataap
What are the reasons for ppl dropping out? Like Rosti_LFC what is the exact reason of the gameplay you dont like?

There are things scheduled to be changed but i wanna hear opinions about gameplay line distribution combos etc...
I've never been a fan of the combo mechanic, for one. I think it's interesting, but I feel it cuts out a lot of finer strategy and makes the game a lot more one-dimensional. I think that if you ever added hold and extra previews then the increase in speed would totally destroy how combos work, and I feel that this sort of reflects the principle reasons why I don't like it. It's just not my cup of tea basically.

The rest is mostly down to the way inputs work - I have quite slack technique on a keyboard, and it screws me over on games that don't interpret my keypresses the way I'm used to (for example on Nullpo with certain settings turned off). I also think that the soft-drop is really clunky and almost impossible for me to use, which is a huge drawback given that I'm used to TGM and games with sonic-drop, and as a result my playing style involves quite a lot of overhangs.

I really love the UI and the graphics, and I think that as a computer program it feels polished. It's just that I'm not particularly keen on some of the gameplay aspects, and I don't have the time over the next week or two to properly adjust.


Quote from: Achille
People drop out because they suck at C2.

They need their comfort... -_-

too easy Achille..

just let a time for players.. they need to adjust his settings and appreciate differents mode and tactic.

new achievement and challenges coming and maybe new settings combos.. maybe hold and preview ?

we dont know..

dev team is here for hear the feedbacks, its rare, so get it

and i take the time for say a big thx at all team dev and beta testers and players for the time they past on the game. i hope they will like next update coming..  


"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" - Rachmaninoff


I find that a lot of people may be dropping out because they don't understand the game (as opposed to sucking at it). The combo system is a completely foreign concept for a lot of people (including me )




My Cultris 2 username is Verus


I'm in. My username in C2 is KevinDDR.


Oh u need your cultris 2 name aswell .. Mine is Shahil619
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