Tetris Tournament Online 2 Suggestions

Started by coolmaninsano, January 09, 2011, 02:20:02 PM

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IF[/u] there is a TTO2, here are my suggested rules.

• If one no showed in the first round of TTO1, and are not a Hard Drop member, they are ineligible for TTO2.
• The sign-up form should include a box for a link to the participant's TF profile. Finding 256 Sprint times was a pain.
• Matches should be played in private rooms with no hurry-up garbage, but allow spectators to be invited (like commentators).
• There should be four different stream channels, and four teams of two commentators, with a few back-ups.
• Commentators should talk to the VIEWER, not to EACH OTHER.
• Should be scheduled for the finals on Sunday, June 26, 2011 for Hard Drop's second birthday.
• NO substitutions.

Post your suggestions below! :D


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Quote from: Wojtek
it should be played on nullpomino.

Other than a game change


No maps, no items, expert plus, and not much talking so there would be less lag, if someone spans and is on the tournament, they get eliminated

Quote from: Tt_edward
No maps, no items, expert plus, and not much talking so there would be less lag, if someone spans and is on the tournament, they get eliminated
ello, wasup?:D


Quote from: Tt_edward
No maps, no items, expert plus

I'm pretty sure this was implied along with the win by 2 format.


There was one guy who didn't show to one of my matches who at least communicated it to me that he couldn't make it, so I think there can be a few exceptional circumstances.

I think most of the problem is TF's lack of a PM system. If you can't make your match then it's not straightforward to tell your opponent, especially if they don't have HD account or it's under a different name.


contact info for all participants should be public. i told blink this many times aready. and really there is no reason to not require harddrop registration, but also i told that many times already. participant need to register one way or another, so requiring hd account its just common sense.

i dont mind pushiments for no shows, multiple enries, etc. but non of those should be pernament. it's ok to ban from next event but not for all events, like blink said he will do for multiple entries.

and substitution are not acceptable, i dont know why blink allowed that. :/

and really i don't think next big event will be on tf.
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This might require some coding but has also probably been done before many times....
When matches are set up, everybody involved ought to get mails.
When two players are drawn against each other, the mail should include both players' e-mail addresses. Most people (present company probably excluded) are easier to reach by mail than on TF/HD.
Aarons suggestions on rooms and specs is a good one, but it'd require a lot of cooperation by TF staff.


TTO2 doesn't need a game change. It is hard to set up live stream and commentates on Nullpomino than TF.
If it's not on TF, it's sorta hard to get sponsors.


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]It is hard to set up live stream and commentates on Nullpomino than TF.
Totally opposite. The nullpo developers can change anything while TF is on development freeze. Making nullpo infinitely better for any feature  (except lag).

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]If it's not on TF, it's sorta hard to get sponsors.[/quote]
What do we need sponsors for? Plenty of people have already volunteered to donate prizes. Plus, because of the turnout for TTO1 the tournament actually has some popularity, meaning people will be more willing to participate.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]• If one no showed in the first round of TTO1, and are not a Hard Drop member, they are ineligible for TTO2.[/quote]

We will be perfectly fine without this rule  I think. If they have no intention of showing up again they probably won't be active enough to sign up. I like all the other rules though.

Nullpo is a must, unless they make really nice changes to TF + more prize donations.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Quote from: Paradox
Plenty of people have already volunteered to donate prizes.
Volunteers mean absolutely sod-all until they're actually putting the money forward. It's easy to suggest you might fund a hypothetical tournament that might never happen; it's another to actually part with cash just to put prizes up there.

That and the fact that the total prizes given for the TTO were pretty generous. You'd need a couple of dozen HD members to be able to pay for that amount of prizes (or a few members willing to donate over $50 each).

And a fair few of the casual sign-ups didn't show up, but you're still not going to get anything like 256 registrations for Nullpomino, Blockbox, or any other Tetris clone. Even with prizes. TF might have issues in terms of competitive play, but for the overall success of the tournament it'd be absolutely absurd to suggest using any other game.

After all, can you really claim that the game affected things so badly that the better players weren't the ones who made it through the last 16? If TF was so bad that it made luck a significant factor, then I'd support an argument against using it, but I'm fairly sure that the top few players would have been the same top few players on TOJ or Nullpo (using similar settings) or whatever.


Hmm, I think it should be on an official game and a long time from now. Also... why would people not be able to enter if the weren't in TTO1... o.O I don't get it


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Volunteers mean absolutely sod-all until they're actually putting the money forward. It's easy to suggest you might fund a hypothetical tournament that might never happen; it's another to actually part with cash just to put prizes up there.

That and the fact that the total prizes given for the TTO were pretty generous. You'd need a couple of dozen HD members to be able to pay for that amount of prizes (or a few members willing to donate over $50 each).

And a fair few of the casual sign-ups didn't show up, but you're still not going to get anything like 256 registrations for Nullpomino, Blockbox, or any other Tetris clone. Even with prizes. TF might have issues in terms of competitive play, but for the overall success of the tournament it'd be absolutely absurd to suggest using any other game.

After all, can you really claim that the game affected things so badly that the better players weren't the ones who made it through the last 16? If TF was so bad that it made luck a significant factor, then I'd support an argument against using it, but I'm fairly sure that the top few players would have been the same top few players on TOJ or Nullpo (using similar settings) or whatever.

pretty much all completive players are already on harddrop and can play of any major game (tf, toj, nullpo, bb). so why would we pick worse game? don't makes any sense. does 100 extra random people really make tournament that much better?

i think of on major goals of tto was to stimulate tcc/toa/whatever to focus bit more on competition, time will tell if that was worth it or just waste of time. sure we will do more in this direction, but i kinda feel it's their move now.

as for your prizes concern, do you assume they will keep sponsoring harddrop tournaments? because this is not necessarily true.

well i know some people here don't believe clones will be ever popular thus are not worth attention. but keep in mind some people here don't believe official games will be ever descent quality thus are not worth attention.

competition scene on both official games and clones is very small (and those are very same people) and have some obstacles, but some people have faith that it can grow, so this is why we do what we do.
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I agree. I don't think this gives us the license to go "alright we need these changes and we'd like you to donate some prizes please thank you" in the future. Several people were ready to donate chunks of cash toward a prize when TTO was still being conceptualized, and from what I've heard are still willing to do so. As far as changes go, we have infinitely more flexibility if we run with something like Nullpomino. Just because the top players still made it to the top doesn't mean we should settle for a game with known issues next time.

If Tetris Friends (or whatever official game they're pushing at the time) gets cleaned up a bit, fine. As it stands, I'd much prefer to see the next tournament played on something like Nullpomino or TOP w/ DAS patches.
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my vote is first for a tournament on TOJ in order to bring in more high-quality japanese players. after we have a full range of players we can consider moving it to a clone.