Newbie Questions (specifically, Tetrisfriends).

Started by Thelas, January 03, 2011, 05:14:52 PM

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Hi, I'm really bad at Tetris.
Okay, formalities out of the way, now what I actually wanted to ask.

So I'm only rank 4 in the Arena on Tetrisfriends, because I apparently really suck. Thing is, I don't know what I'm doing so badly to cause this rank.

I basically just go for "get tetrises, get tetrises fast, proceed to happiness." strategy, which sadly doesn't work too well...

Ideally someone would be able to look at how I play and tell me why I'm failing so badly or if it's just a lack of practice, but I don't believe arena replays can be created and I'm not going to find anyone who's both willing and able to give me advice in the Bronze class rooms, I don't think...

Yeah, so.  What should I do?
If there's some sort of information I should specify, please tell me what, as I just don't really know what to add here...

Oh right, name on Tetrisfriends is the same as this one (Thelas).


gimme a replay, I'll tell you where you're going wrong/what you need to do.

I've had a look at your most recent replay - your ultra one - basically you just need to play more, so that you are familiar with basic piece placements and what each piece does - once you're quicker, you'll get better and have a higher rank - I think it's only your speed that's letting you down
               Tetris Belts!


Should I be playing in Ultra/Sprint, Marathon/Survival, or Arena to practice? Arena's my end goal, of course, but...



Quote from: Thelas
Hi, I'm really bad at Tetris.
Okay, formalities out of the way, now what I actually wanted to ask.

So I'm only rank 4 in the Arena on Tetrisfriends, because I apparently really suck. Thing is, I don't know what I'm doing so badly to cause this rank.

I basically just go for "get tetrises, get tetrises fast, proceed to happiness." strategy, which sadly doesn't work too well...

Ideally someone would be able to look at how I play and tell me why I'm failing so badly or if it's just a lack of practice, but I don't believe arena replays can be created and I'm not going to find anyone who's both willing and able to give me advice in the Bronze class rooms, I don't think...

Yeah, so.  What should I do?
If there's some sort of information I should specify, please tell me what, as I just don't really know what to add here...

Oh right, name on Tetrisfriends is the same as this one (Thelas).


On a different sidenote: You can record your games with camstudio and stuff.
And then post it here:

>.> I'm not self-advertising my video thread at all.

But otherwise. I don't mind watching how you play on Arena mode. If you're online now I'll watch a few games.


Quote from: KeroKai

On a different sidenote:
You can record your games with camstudio and stuff.

But otherwise. I don't mind watching how you play on Arena mode. If you're online now I'll watch a few games.
If you're willing to do so, yes, thank you.  That'll probably help.


Quote from: coolmaninsano
TF tip: Stop playing TF.
Actually, don't listen to him. Keep playing tf but you should play other games too, to gain experience and learn other techniques and so on.

and hi.


i've watched some of your replays from your TF profile, and right now the best advice I can give you is just to keep playing. but of course, that's not very satisfying advice, so here are some things you should read that will give you something to think about: (this advice is really geared towards TGM, but much of it still applies to TF)

right now, I would recommend practicing your stacking skills on Marathon and Survival. when starting out, they are good ways to learn stacking under some pressure. also, you don't say if you play with items on or off, but I recommend you only play in no map/no item rooms on TF.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"] My Tetris Friends profile [url=http://kingo



Quote from: KeroKai


if you want to be quicker, play on blockbox c:
My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next


Hi, I watched you play a few games on TF Arena yesterday and one main thing I noticed you doing quite considerably, was building like this:


Avoid stacking up and making an extra gap, because this only makes it harder for you to stack cleanly and build tetrises. If you start forming gaps in your building, start either slotting in a L/J piece if the gap is two blocks high, or slot in a line piece.

But I think it's just a matter of playing more and getting better at recognising basic placements. Once you get that down and start working on your speed, you'll be on your way to ranking up


I haven't seen you play but if you play in FFA rooms (so not 1v1) a lot,
but maybe just try focusing on downstacking and keeping your field low for a while instead of building... that should help you learn to downstack, learn a bit of timing and stop you from getting KO'd quickly.


Quote from: mippo
I haven't seen you play but if you play in FFA rooms (so not 1v1) a lot,
but maybe just try focusing on downstacking and keeping your field low for a while instead of building... that should help you learn to downstack, learn a bit of timing and stop you from getting KO'd quickly.
Well, incidentally I've actually been having trouble with quick KOs all of a sudden... it seems people are now sending ten lines or so randomly, which is weird because that wasn't happening before.
Also my garbage is becoming a little less neat (no longer all appearing with the gap in column 10), which makes this more difficult to deal with...


Progress Report: Made Silver (aka rank 6) tonight.  Progress!

Also, I experienced some variant of this several times tonight, so... is this common?
(This is an APPROXIMATE results screen, since I didn't get a chance to write this down after it happened)

Place | KOs | Lines
1st    | 0     | 12
2nd   | 0     | 8
3rd   |  0     | 6
4th   |  2      | 24
5th   |  0      | 2
6th   |  0      | 0