HD Team League

Started by myndzi, January 01, 2011, 09:27:51 AM

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Quote from: Ukrainian4Lifemyndzie dannie



i have an idea that could work maybe for the next season or something.  Let unlimited subs on a team but limit the amount of games a single player can win.  If you cap a player at 5 wins per match then it you would reward the teams that constantly bring a large amount of their players to a match.  if all games went the max 7 games then you would need 5 players to win.  It would make it so 'God tier' players still relied on their teams to win matches. It would promote the idea of having a team concept and it would make the second and third tier players more valuable, thus making it so teams would accept a wider range of players, thus making larger teams, hopefully solving the problem of not having enough players on at a time.  

I think with this idea you would need to make every match first to 7 no win by 2.  I know it's a bit of a radical idea but please give it some thought before just casting the idea aside.


The relay-race idea is actually pretty interesting, but I think it is counter to what I am looking to do here. I don't think we need bigger teams so much as we need better commitment from some players and more mid-size teams. There are some teams currently that are too small and/or uncommited to show reliably, but that will probably always happen.

I think a best of 5 format with an ace match will be OK for next season with some notice so teams can try and recruit active players. I'll want two more game types if we go to five sets.

I think your idea would make an interesting one-off elimination tournament with a slight change: make it one long match, first to 25 or something, and substitute players whenever. Good luck organizing it though!


just wondering how you decide the rule types for each match
we always seem to get stuck playing our weakest rule type @@


It's random each time. There is a 60% chance of playing any given type during a match.


idk if this has been brought up...but if we can get more types of play, teams should be able to veto a rule type

they do it in quake,sc2,etc


My current plan is leaning towards best of 5 with ace matches for the finals, with a thumbs-down for each team which will ensure that the thumbs-down settings are not played within the first three.

I'm sorry you guys keep getting E, that's just the way random is. You are the MOST balanced team for all the other game types, however. I expect it to even out a bit in the next matches.

I am trying to think of a good way to ensure even distribution of settings next season. It is a difficult problem because I don't want the matches to be predictable, and since each match is between different teams, it's hard to ensure that one team or another gets certain matches, since it could unbalance things for the team they are playing against. I was considering maybe a history style randomization, where it would reroll settings that have been played by either team recently. That might be the best I can do, but it seems like there ought to be a way to arrange so that everyone plays every type about the same amount of times. If you have some math expertise and can help me figure this out, please step up!


please remove radiance from the epilogue roster. my computer cannot handle this wack a** game
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://i.imgur.com/Kgw5H.gif\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://i.imgur.com/Kgw5H.gif\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


myndzi, in terms of settings, can one setting be played twice in a match?
               Tetris Belts!


Paul: No. I basically shuffle the string "ABCDE" with a Knuth shuffle (or whatever the proper one is described on Wikipedia), and take the first three letters.

Radiance: OK.


lol thanks meow for recording our match

myndzi can you add corrosive onto our team lol
please and thank yous

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I hope you don't get rid of type E.  I not only like it, i've been practicing it a lot and think i would do 'well' (if i ever got to play for my team   )


Quote from: Shizi
just wondering how you decide the rule types for each match
we always seem to get stuck playing our weakest rule type @@
i guess we've been kind of lucky. one week we'll get stuck with CDE :/