HD Team League

Started by myndzi, January 01, 2011, 09:27:51 AM

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Hopeless Romantics have a new member: Question_Mark

Thanks for maintaining the thread!
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~Martin Luther King Jr.


Roster changes noted. I'm just gonna give up on trying to verify from both sides, though I wish your new players would at least post in your team threads or something. Of course, if somebody adds you and you don't want to be on the roster, you just have to tell me

vvv Ah, I almost forgot. Too bad, I was hoping he'd at least play this round!


please take goofer off our roster
               Tetris Belts!


add goof and apco to our roster


This round's over, on to the next!

I would like some feedback on a few things.

1) Shift lock - I've asked about this before, but most of you don't know what it is. I've attached a sample rule file based on HDTL-ABC for you to try. Please let me know if it interferes with your play. I don't consider this to be a gameplay change so I may consider updating the official rule files if there is no objection, since this setting makes play significantly easier for some of us.

2) Combos in Type B - I think I will enable combos in Type B next season. There's been some opposition already, but mainly because people seem to think it will lead to more combo starts. As I haven't seen any combo starts in anything but Type C, I disagree with that and think that combos would help with downstacking in this garbage-heavy mode and also add some accessible messy garbage instead of throwing rows of 5 back and forth. What do you guys think?

3) Soft drop - Again, I think I will change the drop speed from 20g to something like 1g next season. Comments? It seems that sonic drop is interfering with some players' play, but I don't believe that slowing it down a little will forcibly screw up players who like sonic drop. I guess there's a chance it might make combos stronger, though, so... what do you guys think? This point may be invalidated if we do something about it in Nullpo before next season comes around.

Please try out the attached file and see if it interferes with your play. You can demonstrate to yourself what this setting does by holding left or right, then keeping it held down while tapping the space key. Notice that the new piece doesn't move when the space key is down, but it moves when you release space. DAS is preserved normally in this process, the movement of the piece is merely postponed.


please kindly add hebomai to team element
thanks a bundle,


Quote from: killahbee
please kindly add hebomai to team element
thanks a bundle,



Quote from: myndzi
This round's over, on to the next!

I would like some feedback on a few things.

1) Shift lock - I've asked about this before, but most of you don't know what it is. I've attached a sample rule file based on HDTL-ABC for you to try. Please let me know if it interferes with your play. I don't consider this to be a gameplay change so I may consider updating the official rule files if there is no objection, since this setting makes play significantly easier for some of us.

2) Combos in Type B - I think I will enable combos in Type B next season. There's been some opposition already, but mainly because people seem to think it will lead to more combo starts. As I haven't seen any combo starts in anything but Type C, I disagree with that and think that combos would help with downstacking in this garbage-heavy mode and also add some accessible messy garbage instead of throwing rows of 5 back and forth. What do you guys think?

3) Soft drop - Again, I think I will change the drop speed from 20g to something like 1g next season. Comments? It seems that sonic drop is interfering with some players' play, but I don't believe that slowing it down a little will forcibly screw up players who like sonic drop. I guess there's a chance it might make combos stronger, though, so... what do you guys think? This point may be invalidated if we do something about it in Nullpo before next season comes around.
Please try out the attached file and see if it interferes with your play. You can demonstrate to yourself what this setting does by holding left or right, then keeping it held down while tapping the space key. Notice that the new piece doesn't move when the space key is down, but it moves when you release space. DAS is preserved normally in this process, the movement of the piece is merely postponed.

1) haven't tested yet

2) i agree with this change. why would it lead to any more combo starts than type A? this has been what most people have been playing in nullpomino prior to 7.5 (except we used 4 point instead of immobile).

3) only 1 person disliked soft drop.... i think we should keep sonic drop and allow a modded abc with 1g soft drop for whoever wants that.


meow: re: 3, at least two people were affected by it, but the point remains: sonic drop instead of soft drop is a bigger handicap than the reverse. At any rate, there's no way that I am able to allow two different rule settings under the current version of nullpomino, so making an "alternate" setting and allowing people to use it won't really work.

The reason I'm using rule lock should be pretty apparent if you've seen how confusing it's been just to try and get two people in a room with tuning settings set up. It's even worse if I have no way to verify that they are using the correct rule, so the goal is to make one rule that everyone can live with.

bee: Oh, you!


i think it'll be a big handicap for people who are used to sonic drop. it's unfair to people who have not complained because the current settings were fine.

if anything, you could increase the lock delay if they are that startled by the sonic drop locking early.


Well yeah, that's why I'm asking for input. Personally, soft drop doesn't bother me when I go to, say, TF. I didn't think it would really bother many other people either, so it's good to hear when it does. Honestly I don't think I'll get a real feel for it unless I were to change the rule and count the complaints, though, lol.

As for "fair" - it's a little silly to say that a considered decision is "unfair" to people who got lucky on an arbitrary decision. I am considering changing it because I honestly didn't realize that there were people who would have trouble playing with sonic drop, not because those people raised the issue. I'm more inclined for sonic drop than soft drop though, so if there are people who would have trouble playing without it, although I think that less likely than the reverse, it probably won't get changed.

Down the road, there are plans to make Nullpo more flexible (and more sensible) in this respect, to where I don't have to use rule lock in this way, but the way I see it is that everybody should be playing the same game. If you can live with going to TF, TOJ, or Blockbox, you can live with some settings that aren't your first pick.


Hey myndzi,

Please add Shawty and qmk to the S16 roster. Thanks!
"I am dreaming less and sleeping more, but I'll sell my soul for the dream you stole." - Armor for Sleep


Effective as of immediately, Rosti_LFC is team owner. I shall still be a player.
               Tetris Belts!


Myndzi please add TT_Edward to our team (STARS) roster.


We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Hey myndzie, please add dannie_marie15 to the S16 roster.

Thank you!
"I am dreaming less and sleeping more, but I'll sell my soul for the dream you stole." - Armor for Sleep