Learn this fix.

Started by myndzi, December 18, 2010, 05:14:40 PM

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Attn: everyone playing TTO who keeps making this mistake. Please see the following fumen for how to fix this seemingly common T misdrop:




Is this twist really necessary?

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: XaeL
Is the twist really necessary?

Using a Z-Spin double sends four lines (TPD and Nullpo All Spins).


Quote from: XaeL

Is the twist really necessary?

Don't be a pedant, the thread is about the twist. I just randomly drew a stack so that I could demonstrate the twist.

I've seen a number of people misdrop in ways that could be fixed with that twist just today while watching the stream, but it's not one many people know or recognize, and none of them have fixed it as easily as your demonstration; blame it on me not drawing a good stack, whatever...


TF doesnt have all spins

Most of the time if you md There is a non-spin method which is easier and cleaner htan stacking up the sides to wait for the spin piece.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


I saw that very misdrop multiple times today, followed immediately by the piece that could have fixed it. Of course the best fix depends on the situation, the point of this thread it to make people more aware of a simple fix so that they can use it when it is best applicable. Therefore it is counterproductive and silly to argue about other fixes, because that's completely beside the point.


There is no sense arguing this. sometimes a spin will be more practical and sometimes skimming will be more practical.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Quote from: myndzi
Therefore it is counterproductive and silly to argue about other fixes, because that's completely beside the point.
Its counterproductive to make present it as the ONLY fix. I'm JUST sayin that its not the only way to fix an md.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


I'm not presenting it as the only fix, and since this thread is about this fix, you're just being argumentative. I'm presenting it as something that people are missing and should know.


Thank you for demonstrating this fix myndzi.  I have encountered this ugly setup before and I have always done something like Xael presented, but a Z-twist is a quicker alternative if you have one coming.
Best 40L: 34.18 seconds (May 15, 2011)


Quote from: myndzi
you argue
Since when is presenting an alternate solution an argument I never said your twist was wrong, I'm just making sure that everyone doesnt make this misdrop and then AUTOMATICALLY look for a Z.

When the twist thread came out, everytime anyone did a missdrop that could be fixed with the the L double spin and there were NO L's IN SIGHT they would stack up the sides for 11 pieces and then use the L spin double, instead of just clearing lines.

As was stated very obviously, it obviously depends what pieces you have. softdropping a Z isnt exactly free.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: XaeL
Since when is presenting an alternate solution an argument I never said your twist was wrong, I'm just making sure that everyone doesnt make this misdrop and then AUTOMATICALLY look for a Z.

When the twist thread came out, everytime anyone did a missdrop that could be fixed with the the L double spin and there were NO L's IN SIGHT they would stack up the sides for 11 pieces and then use the L spin double, instead of just clearing lines.

As was stated very obviously, it obviously depends what pieces you have. softdropping a Z isnt exactly free.

Jesus dude. The title of the thread is "LEARN THIS FIX" not "PRESENT ALTERNATIVES TO THIS FIX".

Quote from: keyn
Thank you for demonstrating this fix myndzi.  I have encountered this ugly setup before and I have always done something like Xael presented, but a Z-twist is a quicker alternative if you have one coming.

^ Sorry, I almost missed this. This is the reason for this thread. Read this and understand, Xael - but thanks for keeping the thread bumped!


Quote from: myndzi
Jesus dude. The title of the thread is "LEARN THIS FIX" not "PRESENT ALTERNATIVES TO THIS FIX".
And we are in a discussion forum, the purpose of discussing (PROVIDING POINTS FOR AND AGAINST)

I am simply presenting the against
- If you dont have a Z, maybe not a good idea.
- If you do have a Z, maybe another option is still better.

Just because you posted a fix and it receives a MINISCULE amount of criticism you Launch a personal attack on me.

If you didnt post all your flame targetting me, this is how people would read the thread:

1st post: "oh, cool, i'll try that"
2nd post: "oh, i'll just make sure that i dont BLINDLY try it everytime i get this situation."

How many games (in fact i saw this happen even in 2nd round TTO) have you seen THIS happen
When they could have done:

I just watched a 6p room and saw in the span of 15 minutes, 3 occurences of people overstacking to get a L/J-spin to fix a misdrop. They didnt die, but CLEARLY if there are otherways to fix it.

Whcih is what i'm presenting. Yes its a good fix when it works but people need to be AWARE of other fixes.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


I launched a personal attack on you because I am getting tired of seeing you starting freaking arguments in every thread you participate in. I don't care that you want to try and beat people over the head with your Superior Tetris Knowledge.

When you post in a thread, the generally acceptable thing to do is to try to stay on topic. Instead, in the first response in the thread, rather than do just that, you hijack the thread to try and show off. That is why I have responded the way I have. Because you keep arguing that you are being constructive but you aren't.

If I wanted to start a thread about fixing misdrops in general, that is what I would have posted. If I wanted to start a thread about kicks, that's what I would have posted. If I wanted to start a thread about "XaeL, please show us how you know so much more than we do", I might have posted that too. Instead, I posted a thread about a very specific maneuver which you completely ignored.


XeaL I would totally die for that Jspin!

anyways, massi4h did this fix in his match and it seems like some of you might not realize


its a good one  
☠ ZeroT