Playstation 3 Tetris Will Be A Big Deal

Started by Blink, December 10, 2010, 05:31:09 AM

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Quote from: MurderingQu33nXAlso someone mentioned the slow line clear, well it's no where near as slow as the Tetris Party version for Wii, which is currently used for many side tournaments in fighting game competitions.
Extremely disappointing. Meanwhile, Tetris Splash on Xbox Live Arcade gets overlooked; it is definitely the most solid title for a current console in terms of multiplayer. The single player offerings are quite scant, so I hope they reduce the price to $5 at some point to breathe new life into the multiplayer scene.
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Okay after finding out more details about this game, I cancel my first post!  I was wrong.


Quote from: Kitaru
Meanwhile, Tetris Splash on Xbox Live Arcade gets overlooked; it is definitely the most solid title for a current console in terms of multiplayer.
The problem is, that Tetris Splash was only released in America. Japan nor Europe got Tetris Splash, that's why it gets more ignored, because too less people will play.


Really? I know splash has been out for ages over here in NZ (Pal region) and I got it last year some time iirc. It's a real good game though the lack of kicked t-spins pisses me off (even have to change the way you tsd and lots of setups don't work like stsd).
☠ massi4h


Quote from: massi4h
Really? I know splash has been out for ages over here in NZ (Pal region) and I got it last year some time iirc.
Just researched a little. The game got released in North America, Australia and some parts of Europe.
For example Switzerland didn't get Tetris Splash.


☠ massi4h


A little update :
today i played 2 people of similar skill as me almost in a row. I think they're the best players ive ever seen on pd3 tetris spo far. So I think the average skill is improving.
The first one diod only tetrises but he was really fast and we had even matches i think.
The other one was really fast too and he made a lot of complex tsd and tst openings. I tried to show off with the only setups i know dt cannon and OZJ but i he beat me alot more than I did even when I played seriously.
I tried to add him but he declined it  That was a player from singapore if he comes here...

Also I noticed two bugs :

1) in the display of opponents field while spectating after loosing, the pieces would fall lower than the stack displayed on the screen. I guess because the display on the screen wasnt accurate.
2) For my second( tspinner) opponent, the stats showed that he did zero or no tspins although I clearly saw him perform tspins.

If someone of EA comes here


Quote from: Spirale
the stats showed that he did zero or no tspins although I clearly saw him perform tspins.
Didn't cycle say the game doesn't count T-Spin Singles? Or perhaps it does, but not T-Spin Minis, and maybe that's what he was doing?


Quote from: caffeine
Didn't cycle say the game doesn't count T-Spin Singles? Or perhaps it does, but not T-Spin Minis, and maybe that's what he was doing?

no i saw him do TSDs, besides, he was owning me some games while i had more tetris/tspins in the stats?? This is why i checked the stats in the first place.


After 600 games on battle mode, I finally met someone that almost matches my speed! His name was amitan-oo-amitan. I still need to play with Johnny and Sozemane. Come on guys, where's your invites?


Just bought it today!
If anybody wants to add me on PSN: Hornswoggler
I have some adapting to do getting used to the controller, but it's fun so far.



So, DeHackEd was saying that you have to hold your Up input for longer than a frame to trigger hard drop. Does anyone have a good 60fps camera setup they could use to verify things like that?

In the realm of technical things that don't require a camera, I'm also interested in hearing if there is any d-pad filtering this time around. Can you do DAS preservation or did they pull a TDS or Tetris Party and require your horizontal input to lift before it allows a drop?
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Quote from: Kitaru
So, DeHackEd was saying that you have to hold your Up input for longer than a frame to trigger hard drop. Does anyone have a good 60fps camera setup they could use to verify things like that?

In the realm of technical things that don't require a camera, I'm also interested in hearing if there is any d-pad filtering this time around. Can you do DAS preservation or did they pull a TDS or Tetris Party and require your horizontal input to lift before it allows a drop?
I haven't noticed that, but I did notice that sometimes rotations will completely fail when coming right after a soft drop.


Quote from: zakjapanner
what a great game!!!!

Thanks for the add zak! hopefully I can get online and play more!