The One Year Challenge: 300 TPM

Started by Paradox, December 06, 2010, 05:02:12 PM

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Can it be done?

20 (37.7%)
10 (18.9%)
"Not in a year."
4 (7.5%)
"Yes it can be done but not by you."
11 (20.8%)
"No it can't be done."
8 (15.1%)

Total Members Voted: 53



[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--] To reach 20 seconds (300ish TPM) in one year, you'll need to knock off about one second every four weeks.[/quote]

Please tell me that is from where I started and not where I am at right now xD. Between now and next year I have summer vacation though so I'm not too worried. I'm going to calculate how much I need to pace so I can have a visual representation of how far ahead/behind I am.

I definitely think that going sub-20 will be easier on KeyBlox compared to other games. Personally, I think it should be considered part of the All 40L category. It is up to Blonk though in the end. Either way I will shoot for my goal.
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lol can someone recall that graph that was from solo's thread?  


Quote from: Paradox
I hope to get support from everyone to help me push tetris to its limit!
You're not gonna get support from everyone. Actually, quite a few people will be betting against you, so soak up all the positive energy you can. Cause you're gonna need it.
But remember: Even if you don't beat it, your time will definitely improve more than it would otherwise by shooting for this high goal.

I guess all I can really say is Good Fuccking Luck, dude.
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's


It doesn't really bother me when everyone is against me anyway (HW help thread).

I'll Just believe!
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Good luck, I am still working on my own 1 year challenge too haha. But the thing is if you do happen to get to 300tpm, I'm sure some other people would beat you to it if they really concentrated...
"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" - Rachmaninoff


It does seem like anyone else is trying to lol. KeyBlox is where it is going to happen if at all.

I just beat my record by .001 how fail

I forgot to stop the recording and I don't have any software to edit the vid boo.
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Quote from: Paradox
It does seem like anyone else is trying to lol. KeyBlox is where it is going to happen if at all.

The world record typing speed is 216WPM for a duration of one minute. That's 18 keys per second. An SRS player who uses 180 rotation and strict 2-step finesse can expect to use around 2.75 keys per tetromino, less if in 20G. That means the theoretical technical limit for speed under these conditions is 6.545 TPS, or 392.72 TPM. The lowest 40 lines record theoretically possible under these conditions is 15.27 seconds.

I hope I live to see the day someone proves me wrong. =]


hehe you better get cracking, some people here are already sub 30
"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" - Rachmaninoff


wow good luck on that
you may have a chance of doing this


Quote from: bach_of_tetris
hehe you better get cracking, some people here are already sub 30

I am cracking I'll be sub-30 soon enough! I am not trying to get there before anyone, just in a year ;P.

I am pretty happy about how far I have gotten already, but I have a lot more left in me.
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Quote from: Paradox
It doesn't really bother me when everyone is against me anyway (HW help thread).

I'll Just believe!
Playing a shat load every single day > believing.

It's great that you believe in yourself, but If you're really trying to do this, Just remember that can only get you so far.
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's


Yeah, but I have a pretty good idea about how far I can get.  Plus, I am already happy with what I have done so far.
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Quote from: caffeine
To reach 20 seconds (300ish TPM) in one year, you'll need to knock off about one second every four weeks.
sure it would average out that way, but he'd better shave as many seconds as possible early on! the improvements will likely get smaller and smaller as his time gets lower. i'd suggest posting any improvement in time or TPM after being under 25 seconds.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]The only thing about Keyblox is the way it gives its keys information about the game in a way that other games can't. In other games, the keys are "blind" as to what column tetrominoes will occupy. You can tell it to go left once, macro left twice, macro left 9G, etc., but the keys only told the game how many moves to make and not what column to go to. In Keyblox, the keys know exactly what column the tetromino will occupy. In other words, it's Tetris devoid of geometric translations and rotations, since a tetromino's orientation and coordinates are rendered upon spawning. This is the biggest Tetris axiom-breaker, next to deep drop. It may work out to be a significant advantage, totally separate from KPT. Maybe not, though. I don't know.
i don't really think there's a significant advantage aside from KPT, if you're comparing it to a game like Bloxblox with zero gravity. the situations where it would be keystroke-consuming or impossible to get a piece to a certain spot high in the well near the wall in Bloxblox are pretty rare, and aside from those situations being easier to deal with in Keyblox, i don't see any advantage aside from keystroke-saving that you have in Keyblox, with pieces spawning+locking at exact coordinates in an exact orientation (with deep drop off).

the disadvantage of course to playing at 1KPT is the large area on the keyboard to cover with 36 keys to use (ie you never need the "1", "2", "Q/Z" or "A" keys with right-aligned placement in 40-key). for a while i was avoiding 180-orientation placements, which made for shorter reaches but more stacking thought and decreased efficiency with downstacking. i kind of hit a wall with my progress slowing at 37 seconds, so i'm stacking with all the orientations now. BUT i couldn't leave good enough alone so i ordered this supermini keyboard just for Keyblox  i'll try to get used to the 180 keys while i'm waiting for it. i still think avoiding 180s is very playable and might work well for somebody else, but i realized it wasn't best for me.

Quote from: bach_of_tetris
hehe you better get cracking, some people here are already sub 30
do you mean in Keyblox or in any game?

Paradox- would you consider making this an open challenge and maintaining a leaderboard in your first post?


Quote from: jujube
Paradox- would you consider making this an open challenge and maintaining a leaderboard in your first post?
Do ittttt  


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--] Paradox- would you consider making this an open challenge and maintaining a leaderboard in your first post?[/quote]

If you format it lol. I want my the list of all my records/ my screenshot/ my goal to be there still though.
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