Tetris DS Championship!

Started by Edo, November 09, 2010, 04:20:55 PM

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Hi folks,

I'm currently running a TDS championship and I'd like to invite you all to take part! Matches are already underway, but you can join in at any time! All you need to do is agree with your opponent beforehand that you want to play a match for the championship, and then report the result either in this thread or the one over at TC.

As a suggestion for arranging matches, I think IRC will be convenient for most people. We're currently using the temporary channel #tetrisds on quakenet. For those of us who aren't regular IRC users and don't have a client, here's a link to a web client; simply choose a nickname for yourself and click "join chat". I idle in there most of the time, and unless I'm busy doing something else, I will never decline a match request!

The Rules
  • All games will be played with Handicap 3.
  • A match will consist of at most 8 games. If at any point, either player has won 5 games, that player wins the match. If after all 8 games have been played, the score is tied 4-4, the match is a draw.
  • Players can play multiple matches against the same opponent.
  • Depending on the match results, players will be rated according to the Glicko system, with ratings being updated every Thursday when I get back from the pub in the evening.
  • Players will start with a rating of 1500, and a ratings deviation (RD) of 350.
  • After the ratings have been updated for the final time on Thursday 23rd December, the 4 highest rated, active*, available players will be notified and will then compete directly for the championship title over the course of the next 2 weeks, at their convenience. This will be the only time that any players will be required to play matches within a set timeframe; hopefully, this will be Christmas break for most people, and won't be a problem.
  • The top 4 will compete in a straight knockout, with the highest ranked playing the 4th highest, and 2nd highest ranked playing the 3rd highest. The winners will then play each other for 1st and 2nd place, and the two losers will play each other for 3rd place. Matches in the finals and semi-finals will be first to 11 wins, or if tied at 10-10, first to go ahead by 2 wins.
  • If we get a lot of active participants, the players will be divided into tiers, with the 4 top rated players in each tier then competing to be champion of their tier.
  • If one of the top 4 is not available to compete during the final 2 weeks, the opportunity will pass to the next highest rated, active*, available player.
* "Active" players must play frequently enough to have a suitably low (yet to be determined) RD. This is to stop high rated players from refusing to play games in order to avoid the risk of having their rating drop.

The Players
  • iphys 372367-488890
  • Blink 064591-042154
  • jujube 410542-160882
  • Kevcel 760848-365391
  • Rosti LFC 700344-735382
  • Kitaru 744644-433903
  • Edo/FSY49  930223-412340
  • Caithness 414557-765012
  • colour thief 749298-371115
  • Budster 424992-683214
  • mufunyo 927838-016924
  • match recorder 140002-809614
The Current Standings (rating/RD)
  • Blink 1877/194
  • Kevcel 1751/195
  • Colour Thief 1563/196
  • Jujube 1543/239
  • Caithness 1473/157
  • Kitaru 1315/202
  • Edo 1182/163
  • Muf 1123/257
Even after the championship is over, if there's enough demand, I'm quite happy to continue updating people's ratings as they continue to play matches. This way we can mantain a ranked leaderboard for TDS vs play, similar to the leaderboards that exist for single player games, such as 40 lines or TGM. Also, the leaderboard will not only show how relatively strong the players are, but also how active they are; so people looking for a quick game will be able to see at a glance who's more likely to want to play with them.

Anyways, please share your friend codes if you want to take part. You can play as often or as infrequently as you wish; even if you think you'll only be able to manage one match per month or less, you're still very welcome to join. Even if you play only a single match, you'll still receive a rating! So share those friend codes and get in on the hot one-on-one TDS action!


Hi Edo!

I'll definitely play some matches if I could find my DS.  I don't know where it is right now.

My FC is listed as: 064591-042154 on the multiplayer thread, so I'm assuming it's still the same.


hey Edo  i'd like to play as soon as i can find my TDS cart. i'm sure it's around here somewhere. my fc is 661555-412563.
Quote from: Edo
Depending on the match results, players will be rated according to the Glicko system, with ratings being updated every Thursday when I get back from the pub in the evening.
are you sure you won't want to update them before you go to the pub?


interested if I can find my TDS cart. Will update!!



found my DS in my brother's backpack!  What a thief!

Blink over Kitaru 5-0 , ggs



I'm normally the last one to say this, but are there any prizes? Always looking for TDS comps, but I need to buy a new DS if I am to play, although I think I could be alright with no hold and no top screen.
☠ massi4h


Thanks for showing interest massi4h. Regrettably, I won't be able to offer any prizes this time, so the sheer enjoyment of taking part will have to suffice. Partly, this championship is to gauge interest; if enough people play, then it might merit another championship next year, with the possibility of prizes. As for playing with no hold or top screen - well, I myself don't really know how to use hold, and I'm pretty sure jujube will be playing with no top screen as well, so you won't be at too much of a disadvantage. It's all just for fun anyway

p.s. I'll be off to the pub shortly, so if anyone wants to get in some matches before the ratings get updated for the 2nd time, you've got approximately 6 hours.



Okay folks, I've just done the calculations for the second period, and the current standings have been updated in the first post.

Blink and Caithness, your recent match result will be considered in the next period's calculations.


Blink won against Kevcel: 5-1
Day One Member of harddrop.com


blink beat me 5-2, ggs blink.

i'm using a new DS so i have a different FC: 410542-160882


Quote from: jujube
i'm using a new DS so i have a different FC: 410542-160882
Does this mean you can see both screens now?
Day One Member of harddrop.com


yeah i have a fancy fully functional DS now  massi4h should look into getting one. they're reeeal nice-like.