Tetris DS Championship!

Started by Edo, November 09, 2010, 04:20:55 PM

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I was thinking of actually shelling out and getting a 3DS when it comes out, the price is about the same as the DSi's are currently. I just wish at the last big expo last month they had a pokemon tournament so I could win a DSi like I won my DS all those years ago lol. I should look around for a cheap DS Phat though getting a second hand one that is still functioning properly would be pretty rare.
☠ massi4h


The ratings have been updated for the third time. (Sorry for not doing it last night; I was a little less than sober.)

Welcome to jujube, who enters the fray with a very respectable rating of 1386. Congrats to Blink, who has not only taken the lead in rating, but has also obtained the lowest RD, which means his rating is getting more and more reliable. For those interested: one's true rating can be stated with 95% confidence as lying in the range "rating ±2(RD)".

It's still early days, and there's still plenty of time for people to join and contend for the championship title!



and then when this match ended he says to me he says, "i'm gonna need about $3.50." well it was about that time when i realized this wasn't Caithness at all. it was that damn Caith Ness monster! and i said "DAMMIT monster, i ain't giving you no damn $3.50!" so he says "well how about just $2.50?" so i said "OH now it's only $2.50. what is this a sale on Caith Ness monsters or something?"

jk that didn't happen at all. ggs Caith.


Ratings have been updated.

Come on you guys, more people need to join and kick my a**!



Count me in!

i'm a little late, but i need to join this championship



Ratings are finally up to date; apologies for taking absolutely ages to sort this out; I guess I got a bit disheartened by people's general lack of interest and didn't really feel like putting in the time to calculate everyone's new ratings.

Sadly, it's starting to look like no one really plays this game any more, and that having a championship with so few players would be a bit farcical. I'll carry on updating ratings if people want to play, but I'm going to have to either extend the deadline of 23rd Dec to allow more players to join and play matches, or forget about the play-off between the final four entirely, and just keep the ratings as a ranked leaderboard for whomever wishes to participate.


Sorry, I wanted to play, but TDS tournaments seem to be cursed.  As soon as I signed up I took a puck off the elbow and lost the sensation in my arm, and then just when I thought it was getting better I took a hockey player to the head and got a concussion and lost the sensation in my whole body, so it's pretty hard to play with a D-pad right now.  I want to say I'll play if you extend the deadline, but I'm afraid I'll curse myself and my sensation won't come back ever or a plane will fall on me or something, so I'll just say I might play if you extend the deadline.


Quote from: iphys
Sorry, I wanted to play, but TDS tournaments seem to be cursed.  As soon as I signed up I took a puck off the elbow and lost the sensation in my arm, and then just when I thought it was getting better I took a hockey player to the head and got a concussion and lost the sensation in my whole body, so it's pretty hard to play with a D-pad right now.  I want to say I'll play if you extend the deadline, but I'm afraid I'll curse myself and my sensation won't come back ever or a plane will fall on me or something, so I'll just say I might play if you extend the deadline.

that's.... really bad  

BTW i think playing with a D-pad it's easier than with the keyboard .-.

TDS is losing all the fame it once had >.>


With a keyboard you can just leave your fingers on the keys and don't have to move your thumbs around to hit everything, so it's easier and faster too.  The only reason I usually prefer playing with a gamepad is it feels better being able to have a firm grip on it for multiplayer if your hands get nervous because it can get hard to hold your hands steady over a keyboard.