Tetris Friends tips/advice

Started by edwinlee90, October 17, 2010, 04:17:33 PM

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hi guys,

i am new to this forum.

I have a few questions about tetris friends. i play mostly arena.

let's say you want to get a piece to 1 space to the left of the wall.

would you spam Right arrow or would you HOLD onto RIGHT arrow and then press left once you hit the right wall?

same with the left side.

another question i have is, what is the best way for arena. Would it be stacking for combos or just straight up tetrises.

i'm not very familiar with combos because i have played tetris ds before and never had any practice with combos. so once i started with arena, all i did was stack for tetrises.

and what is ARR and DAS, whats the difference?


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]and what is ARR and DAS, whats the difference?[/quote]
DAS stands for Delayed Auto-Shift, its basically how long you have to hold the key down til the AR kicks in.
AR is Auto-repeat, its how fast the piece moves when a direction key is being held down. I'm guessing that extra R is rate(?)
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]would you spam Right arrow or would you HOLD onto RIGHT arrow and then press left once you hit the right wall?[/quote]
It really depends on how fast the AR and DAS are.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]another question i have is, what is the best way for arena. Would it be stacking for combos or just straight up tetrises.[/quote]
Combos are pretty powerful on Arena but I'd say you're better off if you learn how to balance it all. Tetris, T-spin, combo, even clear singles when convenient

Btw, this pretty vague, you might want to check the wiki for more details
It's all about the love


to me combos are really uncomfortable to make. try it out and see if it works for you.
definitely do tspins a lot!


DAS stands for delay auto-shift. If you press and hold down a key it eventually shift automatically without you pressing it. The faster the DAS the quicker the piece will shift automatically.
ARR stands for auto-repeat rate. After you activate the DAS, the higher the ARR is how quickly the piece will shift over. The maximum auto-repeat will shift it over to wall instantly.

First question: It depends on how fast you can tap and how fast you have auto-repeat. It is different for every person.
Are you using something besides the basic auto-repeat? I would say with basic auto-repeat tapping is faster but you might want to experiment with faster auto-repeat.

In arena mode, combo's are generally seen as overpowered and a very good strategy. Learning a combo opening is good to have in your arsenal and be able to use it. But because of their overpowered nature many people look down on people who use combo openings. Hopefully, combo's are going to be balanced in future updates at least in some modes for the upcoming tournament.

edit: I swear there wasn't any replies when started to type up my post


yea, i use tspins a lot.

and i dont have any DAS or ARR upgrades(no rubies, probably not ever going to get them unless i can get them without paying really money).

i usually SPAM the arrow keys to get my pieces to the right or left side, UNLESS i want it ALL the way to the right wall, then i would hold the right arrow key. Sometimes i might HOLD right then once it hits the wall, ill tap left. i still can't figure out the difference though.

i'm currently rank 18 on arena, i think this is where i'm going to be staying for awhile(i win some, then lose some, my points stay at 500 on average).

I've tried combos before, but i'm a lot more comfortable with tetrisses, i get KOed really fast if i do combos as i would stack really high. i guess i would need to play faster if i were to use combos.

but, anyways, Thanks for all the replies

edit: oh btw, is tetris friends down for you guys?


you can get rubies by doing the free stuff.
online tasks
you need 18+18 rubies i believe to unlock them both


oh really?? i always thought you have to pay to get rubies. i guess i'll check it out once TF goes back up. thx


TF is down for everyone, Edwin :/

Anyways, for TF and its (for lack of better word) retardedness, I suggest combos. The combo table is way too high and overpowered. And the slow soft drop kills T-Spins. So I recommend either combos or Tetrises.


Quote from: coolmaninsano
So I recommend either combos or Tetrises.
I recommend Tspins. No comboer(besides Paul) can beat my Tspins. So if you become good at that, you wouldn't have to complain that the combo table is to overpowered. Even tetrises is a good strategy agianst comboers.


The only way to create combos with items on only if you have the push or the avalanche item in case your opponent twists your board. This way you can score higher combos. Using the avalanche item may not give you a higher combo, but you're still on the game.


Quote from: edwinlee90
let's say you want to get a piece to 1 space to the left of the wall.

would you spam Right arrow or would you HOLD onto RIGHT arrow and then press left once you hit the right wall?

same with the left side.

i usually hold the direction and then go once in the opposite direction (aka DAS tapback), but whether you should do that depends on if you can tap faster than the DAS (which if you haven't bought upgrades on TF, you can, but your fingers will start hurting quickly).

when/if you ever get the upgrades, you'll want to learn some fast DAS finesse. the wiki has some diagrams showing the optimal way to get pieces where you want them to be in these circumstances: http://harddrop.com/wiki/C...ovement_Finesse. some of this applies even if you don't have the upgrades, such as using counter-clockwise and clockwise rotation to your advantage with S and Z pieces to move pieces in the direction you want.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"] My Tetris Friends profile [url=http://kingo


this is going be be such a shocker considering my name, but for someone who feels uncomfortable with combos I recommend perfect clears. it helps to cut down how high your opponent can combo, it might ko them, and makes it much more likely you can survive a combo (though less likely than just counter comboing). there are some forums on perfect clears already.


i have not done a single perfect clear ever in arena lol.

i have done a couple in sprint, marathon, etc though.


Quote from: holdnext
The only way to create combos with items on only if you have the push or the avalanche item in case your opponent twists your board. This way you can score higher combos. Using the avalanche item may not give you a higher combo, but you're still on the game.


Welcome to HD Edwin, I accepted your ladder challenge.  

I like using a balanced strategy on TF, combos/tspins/tetrises.  On TOJ I tend to do combos more because it sends nastier garbage, but on TF that's not the case so more b2b is useful since they're easier to chain together w/ the cleaner garbage.


What does IRS and IHS do?

EDIT: i have just done some surveys and got some free rubies.

i got the DAS and ARR upgrades. i have arr max, and currently testing out DAS. what settings do you guys use??