Tetris Friends [FFA] Tournament

Started by KeroKai, October 02, 2010, 06:47:47 AM

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Quote from: KeroKai
The next game will most likely have.

Ryan - Paul - Goofer - Jkwon - SirTetris (Assuming he replies back within the next few days) - Lovesky/KeroKai

Note: This match will be scheduled in awkward times. People let me know which time you can do since we're dealing with different timezones and stuff...

Yeah I can see who is going to be knocked out of this one already >.<
lol thats me!  


Just a little heads up. Once the Group 4 match is done. We'll most likely be commencing Round 2 on the weekend. Anyone have SirTetris's e-mails or the likes? Since he hasn't been on harddrop for a while now.

Group 4 match might be on this Thursday at like 11:00PM GMT [2PM PST] - Yeah awkward time I know. Let me know if this is do-able. I know Paul/Goofer should be able to do so since they are roughly within GMT timezones. But how about Jkwon, Ryan and Sirtetris?

Alternatively we can schedule it so that the UK players are playing at like 9-10am while the others play at around Midnight+ Last option would be Ryan/SirTetris/Jkwon playing in the morning/afternoon 10-12pm while GMT players play at like 8pm.


I think Ryan and Jkwon have school...o:


Yeah... Seems like it.

Alright Round 2 Randomnization has been set up. Considering most players are from the US at this stage. It should be fine doing the tournament.

Again these tournaments are likely to be set up on the weekend now. Let me know if it's not possible for you. Friday/Saturday/Sunday

*looks again at the groups*


You said I got put in a "good" group...  
So are when are you posting the new groups, though? Unless your not done making them?


Quote from: ManOfMiracles
You said I got put in a "good" group...  
So are when are you posting the new groups, though? Unless your not done making them?

Nah they're pretty much all set since I'm just predicting in advance who will get knocked out in Group 4 Round 1 tournaments. After that finishes I'll put up the teams straight away. Just check whether you can do Sunday 8:30 PST.

Anyhow~ As for my group....        

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Ryan - Goofer - Paul - Jkwon - SirTetris - KeroKai - Friday 15th 4:20 PST[/quote]

SirTetris suggested streaming the match on harddrop. But I've absolutely no idea on how to go about it. Anyone else in the know how?


o shoot the game was on friday nooooooooo!!! so i cant attend this ffa


"Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda


Hey KeroKai... Um... when was Round 2 on Sunday again?  I've already forgotten...


Telesto. You're with Larry - Aaron - MoM - ZeroT.

Sunday 8:30 PST

If you see the others earlier. Let them know it's on tomorrow night.


where are the round 2 groups? i only see one of them


Quote from: Noogy
where are the round 2 groups? i only see one of them

Unfortunately the Group 4 Round 1 was a complete mess in comparison to the first three groups. So I'm just doing the one group for the time being and then giving myself some time to collect my thoughts together so I can figure what's the best way to proceed.

But. Your group has been assigned. It's just figuring out what to do with the players from Group 4 now.

Ryan, SirTetris, Paul, Jkwon, Paul.
Considering the disaster that was the tournament match. Where it was meant to be 35 games and all that. Can you guys let me know if you still actually wanted to continue since some of you weren't sure about whether the future games would be any better.

Like I said in the game room. The first three groups went by fine (Granted a little messier within the last 2 groups) but it still worked perfectly fine after a while.) so it'd be nice to know that people are sort of commited to trying to make this tournament work as well as me.

Paul. I'm not sure whether you heard me in the chatroom. But I pretty much said that the future games will be scheduled at times outside of our awake hours. Given that you are studying hard at Oxford, would playing matches at like 1-3am be ideal for you. (If there are players that are within the PST timezone)

I let you leave earlier when you won the matches, but talking with Saru. This was probably a big mistake on my behalf as people leaving just ruins the entire tournament gameplay; when one person leaves. The others will want to follow suit.


Quote from: KeroKaiPaul. I'm not sure whether you heard me in the chatroom.
it just so happens i recorded the chat, so he can listen again.


Quote from: KeroKai
Telesto. You're with Larry - Aaron - MoM - ZeroT.

Sunday 8:30 PST

If you see the others earlier. Let them know it's on tomorrow night.

Wait... what happened to my group being a little easier than the others?  Larry, MoM and ZeroT are all monsters XD  How bad are the other groups?


Quote from: telesto
Larry, MoM and ZeroT are all monsters XD
So uhmm. Where's aaron?