Tetris Friends [FFA] Tournament

Started by KeroKai, October 02, 2010, 06:47:47 AM

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Lol Why didn't anyone tell me I still had a chance of moving on?  
Oh well.


Quote from: ManOfMiracles
Lol Why didn't anyone tell me I still had a chance of moving on?  
Oh well.


25 point match basically works out like this.

7/7/7 - 4 point remaining = Impossible for the person to come back. It's just a matter of playing for pride and winning those 4 extra points.

7/7/4/4/3 - 25 points = Forcing a 2 person match (Best out of three)
7/7/5/5/1 - 25 points = Forcing a 2 person match
7/7/5/5/0 - 24 points = One more point to decide for the 5 point players.

7/6/5/2/0 - 20 points = 5 more points to decide. You could have easily come back assuming 5 wins. If not that, then at least trying to equal with third place to force a 1v1 match.


My match coming up any time soon? :/



Quote from: DAS44
My match coming up any time soon? :/

Matches will probably be organised this weekend. Anybody unable to do any certain dates? Let me know in advance.


I'm out - maybe out of term time when there is another ffa tourney I'll join in - but I don't want anything tetris hanging over my mind when I've got rather a few other things for that purpose...
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Paul676
I'm out - maybe out of term time when there is another ffa tourney I'll join in - but I don't want anything tetris hanging over my mind when I've got rather a few other things for that purpose...

Yeah that's fair enough. Perhaps we'll do one during the winter/easter holidays.

Anyhow for those who were interested in the groups. This was what it looked like.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
8, 9, 3, 19, 14,
ZeroT - Aaron - MoM - Larry - Telesto -  8:30pm PST Sunday 18th

13, 12, 16, 5, 4,
Goofer - Noogy - Sarutahiko - Johnny - KeroKai(Paul) -  3:00pm PST Saturday 23rd

18, 15, 1, 10, 17,
Blazen - Jkwon - Jujube - Sobored - Ryan - 7:15pm PST Sunday 24rd

20, 2, 7, 6, 11
SirTetris - Storm - Friendship - DAS44 - Jenn -  5:00pm PST Monday 25th[/quote]


Quote from: KeroKai
Yeah that's fair enough. Perhaps we'll do one during the winter/easter holidays.

Anyhow for those who were interested in the groups. This was what it looked like.

Looks great! See you saturday buddy!


Quote from: Paul676
I'm out - maybe out of term time when there is another ffa tourney I'll join in - but I don't want anything tetris hanging over my mind when I've got rather a few other things for that purpose...
i was listening to some tf chat backwards and it told me Paul was dead. i think the murderer hacked his account and "withdrew" from the tournament. now that i think about it, i'm sure this is true.


can we move the sunday match to 7? six oclock does not work for me


5pm on monday doesn't work at all for me. later in the day would be fantastic


[div align=\\\"center\\\"]www.hrlarry.com[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


Quote from: larrytetris
Cutthroat Group 3
i predict sobored , blaze, jujube, ryan then jkwon
☠  crzy242


Quote from: crzy242
i predict sobored , blaze, jujube, ryan then jkwon

I predict blaze, jujube, jkwon, ryan, sobored if sobored doesn't try (like last time).

Otherwise, blaze, sobored, jujube, jkwon, ryan? I don't know how good jujube is, but all five are better than me.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]www.hrlarry.com[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


Quote from: friendship
5pm on monday doesn't work at all for me. later in the day would be fantastic

Oh. I was working on the assumption that it'll be 8pm where you live. How much later are you thinking?
I've editted it to 6:00pm PST for the time being.

DAS44, Jennr, SirTetris, Storm. This fine with you?
Just conscious of organising times when people are working/going school the next day.

Quote from: blazen_azn
can we move the sunday match to 7? six oclock does not work for me

That should be fine. You'll definitely be able to make it at 7 right? Or should there be a few minutes delay like 7:15

Jkwon, Sobored, Ryan, Jujube. You fine with this?


The 6pm slot might be a bit of an issue. I'd have to leave at 630, or even a bit earlier. So... Sorry
