Tetris Friends [FFA] Tournament

Started by KeroKai, October 02, 2010, 06:47:47 AM

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Quote from: ManOfMiracles
You have nothing to worry about. I beat him 10-0 so you know he's no challenge.

What's that?  I couldn't hear you over my own sobbing.



Quote from: DAS44
Care to clear up any confusion on CDT...? O_o CDT= xhours behind/ahead of est?

My bad. I'm using Central Standard Time for you guys.

Quote from: telesto
CDT is CST on daylight saving's time.  It should be 1 hour behind you... so tomorrow at 9pm for you.  (I think...)

PS: ZeroT is in my group now...  I'm going to take what time remains before the game to cry silently in my room.

lol Aww....  

Yeah. It's looking to be a tough room group 2. Had to re-arrange things due to time and all that and... well just shoved ZeroT there because he was the first one that came to mind. >.>'

But it's alright, just do survival of not getting last and we'll switch around to a new group game.

When the match occurs tonight. Does anyone mind print-screening the end scores and putting it here.
Right tonights game...

I'm sure most people already know here but if you see the person. Let them know that they have a game on tonight with the others please! Thanks ^^'

First match tonight. =D
Hopefully not too laggy with people going in and out ^^'

Jujube - Telesto - Redrum - DAS44 - Noogy - ZeroT 8pm CST Saturday 9th - You guys decide between yourselves on who'll make the room in the non-ranked area.

Just a quick reminder of the rules this match.

Play till 35 games (Max)
Players automatically go through to the next round if they win 7 games.
You can continue playing after winning 7 games or lose on purpose to give others a chance to get points.

Last player gets eliminated.



Quote from: coolmaninsano
Ryan: You're same time as me, PST/Shoutbox time.

KeroKai: Sorry to be "complaining," but can my time be moved one hour earlier? Thank you ^^

i cant do it at 6pm....the later the better


Quote from: blazen_azn
i cant do it at 6pm....the later the better

7pm alright with you?

Just that I need to try acccommodate other people with timezones in EST as well as PST. I've swapped you with Edward who probably would prefer an earlier time given his age. You're in the monday game now.


blazens also in my group?!!!!
im officially dead!


Quote from: KeroKai
7pm alright with you?

Just that I need to try acccommodate other people with timezones in EST as well as PST. I've swapped you with Edward who probably would prefer an earlier time given his age. You're in the monday game now.

yes 7 should be good

are you talking to edward about being in the monday game? or me


Quote from: blazen_azn
yes 7 should be good

are you talking to edward about being in the monday game? or me

Nah Edward is on Sunday now. He's taken your place.

All the changes to game schedules and stuff like that will be on the front page.


YES! Sonic isn't in the FFA tournament
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.



Quote from: jkwon23
When is this for me???


Unfortunately we're trying to recouncile the time difference between East Asia and America. ^^'

Maii dropped out. So you can take her on Monday?


Quote from: KeroKai

Unfortunately we're trying to recouncile the time difference between East Asia and America. ^^'

Maii dropped out. So you can take her on Monday?
ill take her spot....when is it on monday


[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/4299/ffagroup2.png\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/4299/ffagroup2.png\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Noogy and ZeroT won the first 2 practice games. ggs everybody!


Somehow I thought it was bottom 1 out when I was playing XD Oh well, good luck with the rest of the tournament guys!!


Quote from: KeroKai

Play till 35 games (Max)
Players automatically go through to the next round if they win 7 games.
You can continue playing after winning 7 games or lose on purpose to give others a chance to get points.

Last player gets eliminated.