Tetris Friends [FFA] Tournament

Started by KeroKai, October 02, 2010, 06:47:47 AM

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if we can start at 7pm on sunday and it doesn't run longer than an hour i should be ok.


Just an idea since you know all the times in advance...if anyone from other groups is around at those times they might as well try and be there in case a group needs a replacement or fill?  That way if we can get another group going sooner then so be it.  I don't know if anyone would be against someone else joining their group that's not in it if someone isn't around or misses the time?


Quote from: KeroKai
Oh. I was working on the assumption that it'll be 8pm where you live. How much later are you thinking?
I've editted it to 6:00pm PST for the time being.

DAS44, Jennr, SirTetris, Storm. This fine with you?
Just conscious of organising times when people are working/going school the next day.
That should be fine. You'll definitely be able to make it at 7 right? Or should there be a few minutes delay like 7:15

Jkwon, Sobored, Ryan, Jujube. You fine with this?

my bad....6 is fine then

time zone mix-up blegh



uhh whenever is fine with me. Is this 6 as in 18:00 shoutbox time?? (


Man, poor KeroKai... the scheduling on this is a nightmare XD



Quote from: xxsoboredxx
uhh whenever is fine with me. Is this 6 as in 18:00 shoutbox time?? (

Hm. Yeah I think it might be shoutbox time. But someone else correct me on this.
I'm not 100% certain that shoutbox time = PST time. There might be an hour difference in various places? (Let me know)

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]

Cheers Aaron for the correction. I'll make the edit. As you can see, I'm doing an excellent copy paste job to save time.  

Quote from: blazen_azn
my bad....6 is fine then

time zone mix-up blegh

Alright. There should be no changes to group 3.
Jkwon, Sobored, Ryan, Jujube. It's back to 6pm PST(Shoutbox?) time then.

Quote from: jujube
if we can start at 7pm on sunday and it doesn't run longer than an hour i should be ok.

Back to 6pm. The entire thing shouldn't last too much longer than an hour if we take each match to be an average of 2 minutes. There's 25 games in total.

Quote from: SiRTeTRiS
Just an idea since you know all the times in advance...if anyone from other groups is around at those times they might as well try and be there in case a group needs a replacement or fill?  That way if we can get another group going sooner then so be it.  I don't know if anyone would be against someone else joining their group that's not in it if someone isn't around or misses the time?

Yeah. It's something I did with the first few rounds since I could just allocate people to the other remaining groups. But the only groups remaining now are really only groups 3 and 4 in terms of timezone (US/Canada orientated). So while it might be a good idea initially to get the match started. There's the slight possibility it'll end up creating more confusion if the player that is late arrives early-games. It should be fine though. The whole purpose of this is to get a time that works for everyone (Obviously it doesn't deal with emergancies) so if people just show up a little earlier, create a non-ranked room. It 'should' go smoothly.

People. Just want to say. New rule in terms of waiting.

The game will have a waiting period of 5-10 minutes at the start of the match. If you are later than that, then we'll most likely begin the game without you. You can join in later. It just means that it's just that little more difficult to try and get through the round (We'll use a minocider as an empty slot placement). Like I said before though, it's probably a good idea to arrive just a little earlier in order to find each other and then start officially on the time suggested.

This is so that other people (observers) know when the match is going on and stuff as well.


Well I can't do it at 6 pst then :/. Weekdays have some annoying constraints for me. I'd have to leave after about 20 minutes.



Quote from: DAS44
Well I can't do it at 6 pst then :/. Weekdays have some annoying constraints for me. I'd have to leave after about 20 minutes.

Don't worry. I'm contacting friendship to ask whether he actually wanted it that late given that he's also part of the EST timezone.

Are you and the others capable of doing later in the evening?
Otherwise I'll try to reschedule you into another group or put friendship in a different group instead.




Quote from: DAS44
I can't play past 630 pst.

Right. Depending on whether friendship gets back to me sooner or later.
An alternative option will be to switch places with me and have your game on Saturday at 3pm PST.

I'll keep that idea on standby for the time being.


Just a reminder that the game's on tomorrow.

Goofer, Saru, Noogy, Johnny, DAS44 (Or me). You're all up. - 3:00pm PST Saturday 23rd


Quote from: KeroKai
Hm. Yeah I think it might be shoutbox time. But someone else correct me on this.
I'm not 100% certain that shoutbox time = PST time. There might be an hour difference in various places? (Let me know)

PST is currently shoutbox time. But (to anyone who knows this) does it change for Daylight Saving Time? Might be an hour off starting November 7...


Goofer: 7
Johnny: 7
Jkwon: 6
Sarutahiko: 1
4 matches were left.