It's only six months late....

Started by coolmaninsano, September 28, 2010, 07:41:35 PM

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Hello, I’m Aaron. I’m 13 14 and from the Los Angeles area. I've played Tetris for about eleven months two years now two years and three months.

I the first time I remember playing Tetris was on my aunt’s RAZR phone maybe five or six years ago. I started playing Tetris recently on a plane when my friend challenged me to the Tetris on the plane game system. Half-asleep me discovered the “Hold” function first then proceeded to kick a**. Once I was home, I started playing Battle 2P on Facebook and easily made Rank 20 +5 stars with the bombs on the garbage. Then January 4, 2010 the same friend introduced me to Tetris Friends. I think my original Sprint times were three to four minutes long, but since then I’ve cut it down to 47.91 36.55 35.26 33.18 seconds. I’ve also recently hit Rank 20 on Tetris Friends Arena, but like that matters .

Anyways, I’ve enjoyed my first six months here, and hope for many more.




This is how I know TF is fail.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]53.73 seconds. I've also recently hit Rank 20 [/quote]

I'm bagging on the horrible game mechanics and the extremely lenient ranking system.

Great job cutting down your times though. If you want to make greater strides - BB/Nullpo


What a cloudy day!
No ees not ._.


Quote from: Someone2knoe
Great job cutting down your times though. If you want to make greater strides - BB/Nullpo
I can't break 60 on I play my 40L on Nullpo.


Quote from: Someone2knoe
This is how I know TF is fail.
I'm bagging on the horrible game mechanics and the extremely lenient ranking system.

Great job cutting down your times though. If you want to make greater strides - BB/Nullpo
im pretty sure 53 seconds is his nullpo time
☠  crzy242


Quote from: crzy242
im pretty sure 53 seconds is his nullpo time

Yes it is, 53.73 on Nullpo, and 64.46 on TF. Don't know my Blockbox time (nor care.)


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]im pretty sure 53 seconds is his nullpo time[/quote]
That is even worse because he is over 1 minute and rank 20, shows how the rankings work on TF.

Of course I'm not saying 1 minute is bad but it is usually in the beginning phase of playing tetris. Definitely not the Grand Master phase lol.

As someone who has played a little over 1 year my advice is to play blockbox and nullpo way more than you play TF. I prefer blockbox~ I spent my first couple tetris months on blockles, then I switched over to blockbox and in 3 months I went from over 1 minute to around 32 seconds. Then I quit for a year and just started playing a couple weeks ago to be sub 30.


Quote from: Someone2knoe
Definitely not the Grand Master phase lol.
Lmfao So true.


Welcome to HD! Prepare to get Nullpo, BB, and TOJ shoved down your throat

Except that you've been around longer.... @_@
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


I remember when I was like omfg how can someone go 1 piece per second??? That's impossible!!!

And that's 1:30

Just because we're the elite doesn't mean tf ranking system is lenient or anything - of course we'd rather a harder ranking like bb's, but when playing skill is based on a multitude of other things as well as sprint, then you gotta allow people sub 1:10ish rank 20 for some time, and then going down, then back up, etc
               Tetris Belts!


I don't see the problem with having 53 seconds in  sprint and being rank 20. My record is 50 secs on TF and i still can beat almost everyone there.
And I've played tetris for almost as long as Mr Tran and I still cant get sub 30 and probably never will.


lmao hi aaron welcome to HD! i should do one too O_o
"Given the real thing and an indistinguishable fake, which is worth more"- Gaen Izuko (Nisemonogatari)
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."- Aristotle


Quote from: Spirale
I don't see the problem with having 53 seconds in  sprint and being rank 20. My record is 50 secs on TF and i still can beat almost everyone there.
And I've played tetris for almost as long as Mr Tran and I still cant get sub 30 and probably never will.
hes actually over 1 minute on TF
☠  crzy242


so was s0nic for a LONG time, but no-one questioned his 20 rank status

p.s. maybe I should make one of these someday
               Tetris Belts!