TTO Playoffs (PLAY ASAP!) + Prize photos

Started by Blink, September 24, 2010, 04:44:15 PM

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We'll figure out more details once they reply back with what they can/cannot do about the gameplay changes.  It sounds like the tournament can be 1 or 2 months away, but that's okay.  It's better to have a successful one rather than rush into it.  The last e-mail I received from them is 5 days ago, when they asked for the list of gameplay changes after we agreed to the legal stuff.



Suggested outline for Commentators:


-Thank the viewers for watching TTO.
-Introduce yourself.
-Introduce who the two players are (asking the players how pronouncing their username before you start is a good idea. Also know their gender so you don't say he/she incorrectly .)
-if you know the players talk about their habits, strengths, and subtly talk about their weaknesses.
-Before the game starts state something along the lines of "It will be an interesting match-up"

First round:

-State what each player is starting with. If the set-up is common, don't go into too much detail.

Commonly recognized set-ups:

2-Wide Combo
3-Wide Combo
4-Wide Combo*
T-Spin Double
T-Spin Triple*
Imperial Cross*
Perfect Clear*
Back to Back*

* For  more complicated set-ups, state the name of the set up (if you know it, if not just call it a set-up), explain the difficulty level, and explain the benefits to using it to start out.

** Do not refer to perfect clear as a bravo or all clear. The terminology Perfect Clear is consistent with Tetris Friends.

All rounds:

-State the score. If it is game point then say so. Also state when someone takes a lead.

-State what each player is starting with if they change set-ups.

-It is okay to repeat what a set-up a player is using on the 2nd round they use it, but avoid being redundant.

-Express an element of surprise if a player is dominating while commenting on the losing player with phrases like "[Player A] better pull himself together, [Player B] is totally dominating"

- Try to give equal attention to both players.

- Do not mention tetris clones.

- Do not talk about tetris, TTC, or TF negatively.

- Use pauses, they are effective.

- To describe what is happening frequently use words from the wiki. State the significance but do not give a definition for simple terms.

Suggested words to use:

~ Single, Double, Triple
~ Soft Drop
~ Twist
~ Kick
~ Misdrop
~ Overhang
~ Skim / Skimming
~  Stack (verb)
~ Stack (noun)
~ Tetromino
~ Top out
~ Downstack
~ Garbage
~ Finesse

I suggest reading the wiki, especially if you don't recognize some of these terms.

- If you run out of things to say you can recall previous matches of the contenders and state how that went and how it ties into the current match.

Match end

-Summarize what happened very briefly

-Compliment the loser's effort

-Congratulate the winner

-Conclude by saying who you are again and thanking the viewer for watching.



[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]

Hey thanks for watching Tetris Tournament online. I'm s2k and our competitors here are myndzi on the left and Someone2Knoe on the right. I've seen myndzi in a previous match in which he did very well. He put up with his last opponent who used a 4-wider, which is a very powerful combo set-up. So I'm excited to see how well he will do against Someone2knoe who has been plowing through previous opponents with his excellent t-spin skills. It will definitely be an interesting match-up.

[First Round]
To start off it looks like both players are going to set-up a t-spin double. It is already apparent that Someone2Knoe is much faster, but speed isn't everything.

Someone2knoe is the first to send garbage, but myndzi is holding up pretty well. (Someone2Knoe misdrops) Oh, and that is a really bad misdrop for Someone2Knoe lets see if he can recover from that. Looks like hes about to top out I don't think he has any chance of recovery. And he does 1- 0 myndzi.

[Other Rounds]
Someone2Knoe decided to change his strategy to combos, lets see how it holds up to myndzi who has decided to stay with a t-spin opener. Someone2Knoe may be a lot faster but his misdrops could be his downfall in this game. I'm surprised that myndzi has been pretty consistent so far in terms of keeping a neat stack.


[End of match]

myndzi wins 10 to 4. Someone2Knoe just couldn't put up with the misdrops while myndzi stayed consistent throughout the whole game. Congratulations myndzi, we'll see you in the next round. This is s2k, thanks for watching TTO.


What do you guys think of this format? Of course I don't think it should be followed strictly, but I think its a good outline.


I'm up to commentate some games with good spinners/out-of-the-ordinary players if necessary.


Got an e-mail this morning.
Hi John,

Our team is currently reviewing the banner and rules of the game. For part of this review, they are requesting to have the original source file of the banner, whether its in PSD or an Illustrator file. They would like to make changes on top of the banner. Please let me know asap.


As for commentating I think Kitaru has done an excellent job in the past, so he's for sure going to be one.  SS is good too but I don't know if he wants to anymore.  We might have to do commentator tryouts for the early matches and then let spectators decide.


kitaru and zircean would be a good combo for commentating



we should have commentator tryouts i'm pro at it.

also, for spectator mode, did u tell tf to:

* if 1v1, make screens bigger
* show what attacks they are doing, e.g. if they get an X combo it should flash up X combo

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


They cant commentate every game though. How about everyone gets to commentate. Not many care about the noob games. The final 16 should also be commentated by GOOD commentators. Also the final match should have two commentators. Makes it more interesting


I think that's why people are talking about try-outs: to find the best commentators for the high profile games. All the matches before that would make excellent practice and/or a good chance for the viewers to decide who they like as commentators.

I actually jokingly suggested to Blink that we have a "commentator idol" or something, since he said a number of people were stepping up to volunteer for commentary duty. It could actually be kind of fun!

S2K: good points all, I have something to add.

I've been thinking about live commentary while players are actually playing matches, and it seems to me that since we can't really affect whether the players listen or not, it may be a good idea to avoid direct play-by-play, or at least to delay it a little. I know the stream will already have a bit of a delay, and that alone will help, but I am thinking about it from the point of view that paying attention to the opponent's field is a skill as much as many of the other components of competitive Tetris; it seems a little cheating to have anyone watching your opponent's field for you and calling out what he's doing. I realize that both players can take advantage of this, but it'd be better if neither could.

Just a consideration.


yeah the players shouldnt be watching the spectator stream for obvious reasons.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: Maii04
They cant commentate every game though. How about everyone gets to commentate. Not many care about the noob games. The final 16 should also be commentated by GOOD commentators. Also the final match should have two commentators. Makes it more interesting

noob games? :/
i think if we have free commentators then it's up to them to commentate those games. if we commentate most of the games, it would surely bring more interest and motivate the newer players.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Thanks John,

As for the gameplay tweaks, here is what I know so far.

Items being worked on:

1. Increase spectator slots. the team is investigating any adverse side effects on the service.
2. Combo garbage will send 1st line attack on Combo #2 instead of Combo #1
3. Garbage changes its hole per attack rather than per accepting of garbage into the field.

The remainder of the list is still being considered, but more than likely will not be included in the changes. The request for no solid garbage for public room will not be done.
TOA is also looking into the URL 'hack' for the DAS, just for the tournament only.



That's wonderful news! Lowered combo power and less easy garbage!

g u r l g a m e r


☠ ZeroT


