TTO Playoffs (PLAY ASAP!) + Prize photos

Started by Blink, September 24, 2010, 04:44:15 PM

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let's pull out and host it on nullpo after they finish the changes


Quote from: meow
let's pull out and host it on nullpo after they finish the changes

Doing something like that is very dishonest/shady and spits in their face when they are only trying to provide prizes and implement feature suggestions to help the tournament succeed.  We can always host a nullpo tournament whenever we'd like without pulling out of this one.  My hands are full enough as it is, but if others want to then go for it.

Quote from: Caithness
There would probably be a lot more entrants if it were called "official".

Yeah..... maybe even like 400-500.  I would give up all the prizes they provide for an official tournament if possible.  An official tournament with no prizes > non-official tournament with a bunch of prizes in my eyes.  It isn't about the prizes, it's about the important step forward for competitive Tetris.  I really feel like this is a test for them, to see how this tournament goes before they put their name on something.  Let's make it a good one.


I think he was joking about pulling out lol.

I hope this whole thing leads to nice changes and tournaments.

I have a lot of doubts, but if things turn out well then hey thumbs up.


It's understandable I suppose. I don't feel like they are going to set things up "right" enough for an official tournament anyways. The "Tetris Revolution" hype was pretty short-lived... but I think we should still push for bigger things... Anyways, regardless it seems like us members of HD will probably be the ones who will have to set up events and stuff and try to push Tetris into mass popularity and awareness. All we're getting out of this is a few TF tweaks and some prizes... which is somewhat meager.


Quote from: Someone2knoe
I think he was joking about pulling out lol.

If they are smart, they should make the first tourney multi-platform competition, with more preparations and marketing.  To my understanding, Arena is still under BETA, so it kinda look bad on them to do an official tournament on a BETA.  The official tourney should be held concurrent with the launch of Arena/Live at the very least.


So heboMAI PMed me today to make a guide for Japanese players to play on TF through a proxy,  he wants to participate in this tournament with some other Japanese players.  

Since this is more of a Hard Drop event now, rather than a TTC collab thing, and since Japanese players bring the most excitement, I will look the other way hehe.  

I'll probably work on the guide tomorrow.


tell him to ask 仙人掌 on TOJ, hes been using a proxy to access TF (raptor246)
☠  crzy242


Quote from: Blink

Anyways, they want an estimate of how many entrants we think we'll get, so they know what prizes to provide.  What do you guys think?  I'm thinking ~150-200 players?  Does that sound reasonable?  More?  Less?

Didn't HDO2 on TF already have about 100 - 150 entrants?

I don't know how many members HD had at that time,
but depending on how many people will spread the word on TF, maybe more like 200-300?

This is just entrants, right? Not how many people will actually play their games?


hopefully a larger percentage of the entrants play this time. It looks bad if half of them drop. We need to keep reminding them and hype it up.


Hopefully if we can have a presence on the main site we will both get more players and more activity. If they aren't making it official, does that mean they are unwilling to promote it on TF?


I wasn't around for the time of the URL hacks, but is a faster soft-drop possible through them- to allow for less underpowered T spins?


All in all this tournament might have many problems and make a bad first impression.
Assuming that we are able to get people to play their matches all across the world and time zones and make the matches easily understandable with minimum confusion, there is still the problem with lag for a lot of people on TF. I can load an HD 1080p video on YouTube in a matter of seconds but I still get lag spikes from Tetris Friends. Players from Japan will even have it worse through proxies.

Other than that I'm positive that we as the HD community will be able to help out with commentaries (when needed) and help with information to lead people to where to sign up.


Going to have to agree with Chopin here...and as Myndzi said if it's not official and they don't promote it on TF and it solely up to us to bring in the players then who knows how many actual contestants we can get really.  If TF says $1000 prize or $500 amazon card or whatever to winner on main page then obviously they'd have more entrants/interest.  I don't know why they don't use something similar to the ladder to run a tournament through and then the Top 8 after a week or month...if you could only play everyone once would make for something interesting and much more easier to organize.  I guess they just like to remain lazy and throw the idea of prizes at us instead.


Quote from: SiRTeTRiS
If TF says $1000 prize or $500 amazon card or whatever to winner on main page then obviously they'd have more entrants/interest.
i doubt they would ever put up something like that for an online tournament. it would be impossible to stop people from using multiple accounts if they knew what they were doing.


So I have an idea to gain more participants.  When tournament registration starts, let's change our status messages to the tourney signup page?  We want the largest turnout possible.