TTO Playoffs (PLAY ASAP!) + Prize photos

Started by Blink, September 24, 2010, 04:44:15 PM

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I think blink is the best commentator out of those I've listened to thus far. He can see what both players are up to. I noticed that a lot of commentators tend to fixate on one of the players or a setup while ignoring important details.


Quote from: Blink
Thanks John,

As for the gameplay tweaks, here is what I know so far.

Items being worked on:

1. Increase spectator slots. the team is investigating any adverse side effects on the service.
2. Combo garbage will send 1st line attack on Combo #2 instead of Combo #1
3. Garbage changes its hole per attack rather than per accepting of garbage into the field.

The remainder of the list is still being considered, but more than likely will not be included in the changes. The request for no solid garbage for public room will not be done.
TOA is also looking into the URL 'hack' for the DAS, just for the tournament only.


This sounds great to me. Now just the lag and I think this is more than decent enough for the tournament.


wait, how are they fixing the combo tables? is it going to be 0,0,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5 or 0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5?


Quote from: meow
wait, how are they fixing the combo tables? is it going to be 0,0,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5 or 0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5?

#2, and thanks about your commentary compliment although I think I'm horrible at it haha.  


Quote from: Blink
#2, and thanks about your commentary compliment although I think I'm horrible at it haha.
Oh link me to some vids Im curious to see how people do it.


I don't think it's too big of a deal to analyze both players. Sports commentators do it live and nothing stops the players from being informed. And also both contenders are capable of listening.


Quote from: ohitsstef
noob games? :/
i think if we have free commentators then it's up to them to commentate those games. if we commentate most of the games, it would surely bring more interest and motivate the newer players.

Im saying that not all of their games could be commentated, but most of them should



Okay, they are going to get back to me by October 26th.  There's a bunch of things they need to handle first (legal stuff, contest rules, incorporating the game changes, etc.) So it's still a ways away.  This might be good since everyone is busy with classes now anyways, we might see this happening closer to thanksgiving/winter break.

They think the sign up process we have setup right now will work fine, and I asked them again about the unbanning of Asian players just to double-check but I think it's out of their hands and more of TOJ's call.


Quote from: Someone2knoe

Suggested outline for Commentators:


-Thank the viewers for watching TTO.
-Introduce yourself.
-Introduce who the two players are (asking the players how pronouncing their username before you start is a good idea. Also know their gender so you don't say he/she incorrectly .)
-if you know the players talk about their habits, strengths, and subtly talk about their weaknesses.
-Before the game starts state something along the lines of "It will be an interesting match-up"

First round:

-State what each player is starting with. If the set-up is common, don't go into too much detail.

Commonly recognized set-ups:

2-Wide Combo
3-Wide Combo
4-Wide Combo*
T-Spin Double
T-Spin Triple*
Imperial Cross*
Perfect Clear*
Back to Back*

* For  more complicated set-ups, state the name of the set up (if you know it, if not just call it a set-up), explain the difficulty level, and explain the benefits to using it to start out.

** Do not refer to perfect clear as a bravo or all clear. The terminology Perfect Clear is consistent with Tetris Friends.

All rounds:

-State the score. If it is game point then say so. Also state when someone takes a lead.

-State what each player is starting with if they change set-ups.

-It is okay to repeat what a set-up a player is using on the 2nd round they use it, but avoid being redundant.

-Express an element of surprise if a player is dominating while commenting on the losing player with phrases like "[Player A] better pull himself together, [Player B] is totally dominating"

- Try to give equal attention to both players.

- Do not mention tetris clones.

- Do not talk about tetris, TTC, or TF negatively.

- Use pauses, they are effective.

- To describe what is happening frequently use words from the wiki. State the significance but do not give a definition for simple terms.

Suggested words to use:

~ Single, Double, Triple
~ Soft Drop
~ Twist
~ Kick
~ Misdrop
~ Overhang
~ Skim / Skimming
~  Stack (verb)
~ Stack (noun)
~ Tetromino
~ Top out
~ Downstack
~ Garbage
~ Finesse

I suggest reading the wiki, especially if you don't recognize some of these terms.

- If you run out of things to say you can recall previous matches of the contenders and state how that went and how it ties into the current match.

Match end

-Summarize what happened very briefly

-Compliment the loser's effort

-Congratulate the winner

-Conclude by saying who you are again and thanking the viewer for watching.



What do you guys think of this format? Of course I don't think it should be followed strictly, but I think its a good outline.
QFT, good work s2k. Exactly what a commentator needs. Blink did a pretty good job on my HDO2 match with SS.
☠ massi4h


Quote from: massi4h
QFT, good work s2k. Exactly what a commentator needs. Blink did a pretty good job on my HDO2 match with SS.

Blink is one of the best at being able to see the entire field for both people at once. I find it hard to concentrate on both players playing, especially when they play super fast. Trying to say things while concentrating on both overloads my brain and I tend to stop looking at both boards and focusing on one


Yeah I really liked blinks commentary. He can analyze what is going on pretty quickly which is helpful when you are constantly switching between players. He keeps the momentum going. You can tell he has a lot of insight as to what is going on, which I think is because hes a good player.


Some bad news and some good news?

bad news first - they aren't able to unblock asian players for this tournament.  I think Japanese players can still play via proxy like some have managed to do.

good news - everything else going as planned


Quote from: Blink
Some bad news and some good news?

bad news first - they aren't able to unblock asian players for this tournament.  I think Japanese players can still play via proxy like some have managed to do.

good news - everything else going as planned

Even if they did play with proxies, it might still be illegal to reward prizes to japanese players. There are a bunch of weird laws for giving prizes


The update (good news and some really bad news)

Good news:

+ The requested tweaks mentioned before (more spec slots, combo garbage on 2, garbage hole change on attack rather than accept) have already been tested and are working on their side as planned, which means they're probably close to releasing an update.

+ They are still providing prizes for the tournament

+ Final terms and conditions, and other tournament junk will be sent to us in a week or two.  There is a high chance we can start the real tournament registration on sometime around Nov. 5th.  Registration would probably be left open for 2 weeks before tournament starts.

Bad news:

Although they are going to provide some prizes, they want this event to be clearly hosted by Hard Drop community.  It will not be an official Tetris tournament as we all hoped for, we can't use the word official or their logo when advertising the tournament. I guess they don't want to take any heat incase something bad happens?  Or they want the first official tournament to be something bigger?  I really don't know but I can sort of understand with this being the very first time that they are willing to work together with a fan community to do something.  With no past experience or history of this type of thing, I guess they don't want to risk it.  Maybe this tournament will be sort of a beta test for them, if all goes well hopefully they'll reconsider about allowing an official tournament in the future.

Anyways, they want an estimate of how many entrants we think we'll get, so they know what prizes to provide.  What do you guys think?  I'm thinking ~150-200 players?  Does that sound reasonable?  More?  Less?


we could probably get 200 players with effective advertising.


There would probably be a lot more entrants if it were called "official".